AP Human Geography

Unit 3 TestPart 1 – Religion1. Which of the following sets of religions all have hearths in Southwest Asia (the Middle East)?a) Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamb) Islam, Judaism, Christianityc) Shintoism, Sikhism, Judaismd) Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduisme) Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism2. From the answers provided, what was the first monotheistic religion?a) Buddhismb) Christianityc) Judaismd) Islam.e) Hinduism3. Which of the following is not generally a characteristic of an ethnic religion?a) found in a particular cultureb) always polytheisticc) spatially concentratedd) does not seek outside convertse) born into the faith4. Buddhism thrives in all of the areas listed below excepta) Sri Lanka.b) Nepal and Tibet.c) Korea.d) Chinae) India.5. Roman Catholicism spread to Middle and South America as a result of colonialism by which countrya) England.b) Spain.c) Portugal.d) Italy.e) France6. The largest constituency of Christianity in the world isa) Protestant.b) Eastern Orthodox.c) Lutheran.d) Roman Catholicism.e) Mormon7. Which of the following U.S. regional association is incorrect?a) New England—Catholicb) South—Baptistc) Upper Midwest—Lutherand) Southwest—Mormone) Northwest – Mixed8. Based on its architecture in the image on the below, the worship site in this picture is probably used by people of which religious tradition?a) Christianityb) Judaismc) Islamd) Hinduisme) Buddhism9. Numerically speaking, which of the following religions has the smallest number of adherents?A) Judaism.B) Christianity.C) Islam.D) Hinduism. E) Buddhism.10. Which statement best describes the distribution of the Jewish population in the world?A) Nearly 90% of all Jews in the world live in Israel. B) Most Jews live in Russia and Eastern Europe.C) About half of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in urban areas of Europe and North America.D) About half of all Jews live in European cities, the rest live in Israel.E) Only one-quarter of all Jews live in Israel, the rest are concentrated in North America.11. Roman Catholics are clustered in the ________ United States.A) northeasternB) upper MidwesternC) southwesternD) A and BE) A and C12. Which of the following is a religious movement whose objectives are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy?a) Sharia religious lawb) Religious fundamentalismc) Interfaith boundaryd) Ethnic cleansinge) Orthodoxy13. A universalizing religiona) Is based on the physical characteristics of a particular location on Earthb) Appeals to people living in a wide variety of locationsc) Is rarely transmitted through missionariesd) Has celebrations based on seasonal changese) Is less likely to be used as a reason for violence than ethnic religions14. Which general conclusion about the expansion diffusion of the religion does the map most strongly support? (use image below)a) It requires mass migrations of people over long distances.b) It usually moves in an eastward direction.c) It is aided by the presence of a major trade route.d) It occurs more in Asia than on other continents.e) It experiences strong fundamentalism at its hearth.15. Which pair are both considered ethnic religions? A) Judaism and Christianity.B) Christianity and Islam. C) Islam and Hinduism.D) Hinduism and Judaism.E) Islam and Judaism.Part 2 – Language 16. A geographic boundary within which a?particular linguistic?feature occurs is called??a) an isogloss.?b) a sound shift.?c) an international border.?d) a cultural boundary.?e) dialect?17. The two theories of the Proto-Indo-European language dispersal are the spread of agriculture and?a) conquest theory.?b) massive migration.?c) extensive trade routes.?d) missionary activity.?e) world-systems theory?18. What language is displayed in the image?below??a) Arabic?b) Chinese?c) French?d) Hebrew?e) Spanish??19.English is to lingua franca as _____________ is to pidgin language.?a) French?b) Creole?c) Portuguese?d) Chinese?e) Louisiana?20.Countries in which more than one language are in use are called?a) multilingual.?b) monolingual.?c) unilingual.?d) non-lingual.?e) official languages?21. Which most accurately describes a relationship shown on the language tree below??a. Polish grew out of Balto-Slavic.?b. Celtic is based on Welsh.?c. Greek is a Romance Language.?d. French and Spanish are creole languages.?e. Hindi is an older language than Indo-Iranian?22. The differences in the way that English is spoken in Britain, the United States, Canada, and Australia are differences in?a. Language familiesb. Language subfamiliesc. Standard languagesd. Dialectse. Official languages23. If a Spanish speaker and a French speaker come together to conduct trade and revert to the authentic form of English they both learned in their schools, English is known to them as a(n):Creolized languageLanguage branchisogloss pidgin languagelingua franca24. The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the coastal southeastern United States, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African dialects. One can describe Gullah as a?Creolized languageLingua francaSino-Tibetan dialectLanguage familyLinguistic branch of the Niger-Congo family25. Which statement?about official?languages is?true??A)?Official languages?are?always spoken?by?the?majority?of?citizens of a?country.??B)?Official?languages?are the language?of the?largest cultural?group?of a?country.??C)?Each?country?can only?have?one?official language.?D)?Official?languages are?used?by the?government?for?use?in?its?daily?business.?E)?All?of the?above.?26. The French government has _________ to protect French language and culture.?a) banned foreign words in advertising and on radio and television?b) established the Académie?Fran?aise?to standardize the language?c) passed a law levying fines on those using foreign terms?d) made French the official languagee)?all of?the above?27. Latin?octo?(eight) became Italian?otto,??and?French?huit.??This is an example of ____________ over time.?a) deterioration?b) sound shift?c) dialect development?d) isogloss shift?e) language divergence?28. All of the?following?are?Latin-based Romance?languages except?a)?English.??b) Spanish.?c)?French.??d)?Italian.?e)?Portuguese.?29. The most widely used Indo-European language today is?a) English.?b) German.?c) Spanish.?d) Chinese.?e) French?Part 3 – Culture and Diffusion30. ?What was the policy by which the U.S. government tried to make Native Americans like Americans of European (white) descent??A) cultural appropriation?B) ethnic reformation?C)?neolocalism?D) assimilation?E) acculturation?31. Which pattern is more typical of folk cultures than other types of culture????A. Welcoming in new practices from other cultures?Promoting a high level of religious diversity?Taking steps to transform rural areas into urban areas?Emphasizing the value of tradition?Establishing flexible gender roles?32. An immigrant who selectively adopts certain customs of the dominant host society in order to advance socioeconomically, while still retaining much of his or her native customs, practices, and beliefs, best illustrates the concept of??A) Acculturation??B) Maladaptive behavior??C) Assimilation??D) Ethnocentrism??E) All of the above???33. Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture??A) Dove soap?B) Dove Candy Bar?C) Dove symbol?D. A wooden dove?E) Dove Stew?34. Popular culture??A) is transmitted from one location to another through small scale and local migration.?B) diffuses through relocation diffusion.?C) typically follows the process of hierarchical diffusion?beginning in urban areas?D) is usually transmitted orally across time and location.?E) Emphasizes the value of tradition.?35. Folk cultures are spread primarily by?A) contagious diffusion.?B) hierarchical diffusion.?C) relocation diffusion.?D) stimulus diffusion.?E) epidemic diffusion?36. What type of diffusion is demonstrated below –“The Federal government such as the President, Vice-President, Cabinet member are first to be informed of governmental matters before state government employees and then eventually the general public.”Stimulus Diffusion Expansion DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionRelocation DiffusionContagious Diffusion 37. What type of diffusion is demonstrated below –“A family immigrates from Cuba to the United States. Upon entering the United States, they open an authentic Cuban restaurant serving food from their native country.” Stimulus Diffusion Expansion DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionRelocation DiffusionContagious Diffusion 38. What type of diffusion is demonstrated below –“Mr. Wright finds a funny SpongeBob meme on Instagram and then texts it to Mr. Mcafee. Mr. Mcafee finds it equally funny and sends it to Mr. Jurgens. Mr. Jurgens then shows it to his 4th period class. The meme becomes viral from there.” Stimulus Diffusion Expansion DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionRelocation DiffusionContagious Diffusion 39. What type of diffusion is demonstrated below –“Taco Bell alters their menu so that items can be sold in India – such as changing all of their tacos options to either black bean or shrimp, eliminating beef.” Stimulus Diffusion Expansion DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionRelocation DiffusionContagious Diffusion 40. What type of diffusion is demonstrated below –“Popular music first reaching urban centers, city communities in New York, LA, Chicago before gaining popularity among the wider public.” Stimulus Diffusion Expansion DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionRelocation DiffusionContagious Diffusion 41. The view of things in which one's own group is the center of everything and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.A. Cultural RelativismB. EthnocentrismC. XenocentrismD. MulticulturalismE. Acculturation 42. The principle that an individual human's belief and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual culture.A. Cultural RelativismB. EthnocentrismC. XenocentrismD. MulticulturalismE. Acculturation ................

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