
Rubric for Timeline for Causes of American Revolutionary WarFor this unit of US History, you will complete a timeline project. The purpose of this project is to place events that led up to the American Revolution, minor and major, on a timeline. Create a timeline called the “Road to Revolution timeline” on a poster. PowerPoints will NOT be accepted. The following events must be included on the timeline.Minor Events: Forms of Self Governance (at least two examples), Salutary Neglect begins, Salutary Neglect ends. Major events: French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party. Please also provide a detailed description of the event/time period. The description doesn’t have to be on the actual timeline, it can be in an appendix (chart), or a separate location on the poster. The location and format of the description is not important, just make sure that it is included and accurate.0-99-1818-2424-30Required events and descriptions: Every event has a description. (the description does not have to be on the timeline it can be located elsewhere on the poster) (30)Does not have at least 15 % of the timeline complete. 1-3 events and descriptions. Does not have at least 30% of the timeline complete. 3-5 events and the descriptions. Has at least 60% of the timeline complete. 6-9 events and descriptions. Has 100% of the timeline complete. 10 events and descriptions. Accuracy: All dates are accurate. All descriptions are accurate. (30 points)60% or less of the dates/descriptions are accurate. 30% or less of the dates and descriptions are not accurate. 15% or less of the dates and descriptions are not accurate100 % of the dates and descriptions are accurate. Creativity: Be creative! Whatever that means to you. (10 points) Little to no effort being placed on creativity to include color, pictures, ornaments, and presentation. A small amount of effort is placed on including creative ideas into the presentation. Including but not exclusive to color, pictures, ornaments, and presentation. A moderate amount of effort is placed on including creative ideas into the presentation. Including but not exclusive to color, pictures, ornaments, and presentation. Includes creative ideas into the presentation including but not exclusive to color, pictures, ornaments, and presentation. Organization: (30) Your presentation is easy to read and follow. Information is sporadic or clustered. Not easy to read. Most information is clustered, not easy to read, and sporadic. Most information is easy to read, organized in a logical manner, and flows (easy to follow). All is easy to read, organized in a logical manner, and flows (easy to follow). ................

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