
Request for Information:Strengthening Nutrition Outcomes In Sub-Saharan AfricaUSAID Advancing Nutrition – New Partnerships Initiative (NPI)Response Deadline: Monday 12 October 2020USAID Advancing Nutrition invites responses to this Request for Information (RFI) from eligible organizations (see criteria below) that are currently working in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, and Uganda and interested in partnering with USAID Advancing Nutrition through the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI) to achieve critical multi-sectoral nutrition outcomes. This announcement is a Request for Information (RFI), not a Request for Applications (RFA) or a Request for Proposal (RFP). Information that organizations submit in the RFI about their background, nutrition-related priorities, and programming will help shape a Request for Applications (RFA) for grants through the NPI that will be circulated in one or more of the six countries in late 2020. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are NOT considered offers and CANNOT be accepted by the U.S. Government to form a binding contract. Therefore, USAID Advancing Nutrition or USAID is not seeking technical or cost proposals at this time. Please do not submit a full proposal as these will not be reviewed and will be discarded. This is not a commitment by USAID Advancing Nutrition or USAID to issue a solicitation, contract, grant, or cooperative agreement or otherwise compensate an organization or individual for any information submitted as a result of this RFI. The issuance of this RFI in no way obligates USAID Advancing Nutrition or USAID to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the requested information. Please do not submit proposals or statements of qualifications in response to this request. USAID Advancing Nutrition or USAID will not provide answers to any questions or comments submitted in response to this request.The NPI grant will include funding accompanied by technical assistance from USAID Advancing Nutrition. Recipient organizations will use the grants to address critical nutrition gaps by strengthening health and nutrition service delivery and promoting optimal nutrition among pregnant and lactating women and children under five years of age. This work includes strengthening maternal, infant, and young child nutrition; bolstering health systems to support nutrition services and supplies; advocacy for stronger government commitments and programs to improve nutrition; and identifying new entry points for nutrition programming.USAID Advancing Nutrition seeks to provide grants to organizations that meet all of the following criteria:?Have creative ideas for how to strengthen health and nutrition service delivery and promote optimal nutrition among pregnant and lactating women and children under five years of age;Are a local entity or a locally established partner in the country where the work is taking place (see NPI key definitions for more information); and?Have never received direct or indirect USAID funding, or have received direct or indirect funding of less than $25 million USD, cumulatively, in USAID funding over the past five years.Awards will be granted in early 2021 and executed within a 1-2 year time period. U.S. organizations may receive up to $100,000, and non-U.S. organizations may receive up to $300,000. Additional information about NPI and past recipients of NPI funding can be found at npi. Submission ProcessPlease complete the online RFI form, which can be accessed at the following links: English, French, Portuguese. The form can be submitted either in English, French, or Portuguese. Organizations working in more than one eligible country should submit separate forms. The RFI form is also available as a downloadable form (Word document) at . The form can be submitted either in English, French, or Portuguese. If you choose to use the downloadable form, please submit the RFI form by email to grants@. The RFI submission deadline is Monday 12 October 2020 at 17:00 Eastern Daylight Time. For any questions or assistance, please contact us by email at grants@. Following submission, USAID Advancing Nutrition will review the responses and develop a request for applications for grants through USAID Advancing Nutrition under the NPI.?RFI Form*Note: eligible country refers to the country where the organization carries out its work, which must be Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, or Uganda for the purposes of this RFI.ELIGIBILITY SCREENING QUESTIONSHas your organization received USAID funding, as a prime or sub-partner, in the past 5 years? FORMDROPDOWN If yes, have you received $25 million or more, cumulatively in the past 5 years? FORMDROPDOWN If you answered yes to 1a, your organization is not eligible for this opportunity. In which of the following eligible countries is your organization currently registered? FORMDROPDOWN If you are not registered in any of the eligible countries, your organization is not eligible for this opportunity. GENERAL ORGANIZATION INFORMATIONName of organization: FORMTEXT ?????Primary office location in eligible country: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone number in eligible country: FORMTEXT ?????Name(s), title(s), and email address(es) of authorized representative(s): Name: FORMTEXT ????? Title: FORMTEXT ????? Email: FORMTEXT ?????Name: FORMTEXT ????? Title: FORMTEXT ?????Email: FORMTEXT ?????Name: FORMTEXT ????? Title: FORMTEXT ????? Email: FORMTEXT ?????What was your organization’s annual operating budget for 2019 and 2018 in USD? 2019: $ FORMTEXT ?????2018: $ FORMTEXT ????? Please briefly describe your organization’s management structure in eligible country. Please include management and technical program staffing structure (approximately 300 words). FORMTEXT ?????Please select organizational policies your organization has in place. FORMCHECKBOX Human resources FORMCHECKBOX Code of Conduct FORMCHECKBOX Finance/Financial management FORMCHECKBOX Procurement FORMCHECKBOX TravelNUTRITION PRIORITIES Based on your experience, please list or describe what you believe are the top priorities (issues that need to be addressed) to strengthen health and nutrition service delivery and promote optimal nutrition among pregnant and lactating women and children under five years of age where you work in the eligible country. (Approximately 300 words.) FORMTEXT ?????If your organization received support and funding from USAID through USAID Advancing Nutrition, what kind of nutrition programming approaches would you take to address these nutrition priorities (described in question 10) and improve human nutritional status and health where you work? (Approximately 300 words.) FORMTEXT ?????PROGRAMMING INFORMATIONCurrent performance: Please describe your organization’s current nutrition and nutrition-related programs/activities (up to five) in the eligible country. For each project or program, please indicate the following. If you do not currently have any nutrition or nutrition-related programs/activities, please write “none.” Name of current project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of current project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of current project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of current project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of current project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Past performance: Please describe up to five nutrition and nutrition-related projects or programs that you have implemented in the eligible country within the past 5 years by completing the information below for each project. If you do not have previous nutrition or nutrition-related programs/activities, please write “none.” Name of past project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of past project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of past project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of past project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????Name of past project: FORMTEXT ?????Brief description (1-2 sentences): FORMTEXT ?????Period of performance: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate number and type of target population: FORMTEXT ?????Geographic areas: FORMTEXT ?????Total amount of funding (in USD): FORMTEXT ?????Donor/funding source(s): FORMTEXT ?????In the past five years, has your organization worked in any of the following technical areas? If yes, please check all that apply. Nutrition-Specific InterventionsPromotion of infant and young child feeing (IYCF) practices FORMCHECKBOX Micronutrient supplementation and/or fortification FORMCHECKBOX Management or treatment of severe and/or moderate acute malnutrition FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Nutrition-Sensitive Intervention areasEarly childhood development (ECD) FORMCHECKBOX Food security / agriculture FORMCHECKBOX Nutrition-sensitive agriculture FORMCHECKBOX Women’s empowerment FORMCHECKBOX Economic development / Livelihoods FORMCHECKBOX Social protection FORMCHECKBOX Water, sanitation, and hygiene FORMCHECKBOX Biofortification FORMCHECKBOX Health: Maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) FORMCHECKBOX Health: Integrated management of childhood illness FORMCHECKBOX Health: Malaria FORMCHECKBOX Health: Immunization FORMCHECKBOX Health: HIV and AIDS FORMCHECKBOX Health: Non-communicable diseases FORMCHECKBOX Health: School health FORMCHECKBOX Health: Adolescent health FORMCHECKBOX Health: Family planning / sexual and reproductive health FORMCHECKBOX Health: Mental health FORMCHECKBOX Health: Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Health: Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Health: Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Health: Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Health: Other FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Technical ApproachesCommunity mobilization / sensitization FORMCHECKBOX Organizational capacity strengthening FORMCHECKBOX Capacity strengthening (e.g., training, mentoring, supportive supervision) FORMCHECKBOX Quality improvement FORMCHECKBOX Financing FORMCHECKBOX Logistics and supply chain FORMCHECKBOX Social and behavior change (Interventions that seek to change behaviors by addressing factors such as access, quality, attitudes, and social norms) FORMCHECKBOX Social and behavior change communication (media, peer groups, home visits) FORMCHECKBOX Policy development and support FORMCHECKBOX Disease surveillance and tracking FORMCHECKBOX Advocacy FORMCHECKBOX Research FORMCHECKBOX Monitoring and evaluation FORMCHECKBOX Digital health FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Does your organization collaborate or link with the government at the national, district/other subnational, and/or local (if appropriate) levels while implementing nutrition-related programs? If so, describe how your organization collaborates and who your key government partners are. (Approximately 300 words.) FORMTEXT ?????OTHERPlease provide any other information about the organization that you feel is relevant to your submission. (Approximately 300 words.) FORMTEXT ?????Thank you for taking the time to complete this RFI.This Request for Information does not represent a commitment by USAID Advancing Nutrition or the U.S. Government to provide a subaward or technical assistance to any organization submitting an RFI. Organizations are solely responsible for the costs associated with submitting responses to the RFI. Such costs will not be paid for or reimbursed by USAID Advancing Nutrition or the U.S. Government. The RFI submission deadline is Monday 12 October 2020 at 17:00 Eastern Daylight Time. For any questions or assistance, please contact us by email at grants@. Following submission, USAID Advancing Nutrition will review the responses and develop a request for applications for grants through USAID Advancing Nutrition under the NPI.? ................

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