
Webpage Foreign Language Learning SequenceThe Foreign Language Learning Sequence recommended when you are an adult beginning to learn a foreign language with Easiest Languages is as follows:First: READING. Because English and Easiest Foreign Languages share many words that look alike in print, the easiest ability for you to develop will be reading. Second: LISTENING. Listening to understand spoken foreign languages is more difficult than reading and will develop much more slowly. The sounds of foreign languages differ greatly from English. And foreigners seem to speak so fast. However, listening to instructional audio as a second step is a good way to begin learning to understand what all those foreign sounds mean.Third: SPEAKING. Speaking foreign languages is more difficult to learn than reading or listening. The pronunciation patterns are different than the ones you are used to in English. Even most of the foreign words spelled identically to English ones are pronounced differently. Fourth: WRITING. Writing, the most complex skill, would develop last, as it does in your native language.--------------------------------------------------------------Child’s Native Language Learning SequenceThis recommended Adult Foreign Language Learning Sequence with Easiest Languages differs from a child’s native language learning sequence.As a child, you learned your native language in a natural sequence. First listening (to parents' words) -- second speaking -- third reading (in grade school) -- fourth writing (in the middle grades).For a young child beginning to learn a foreign language, this may also be the best learning sequence.-------------------------------------------------------------But if you're not a kid any more, reading Easiest Foreign Languages comes first and easiest.So the learning sequence differs when you are an adult beginning to learn a foreign language.Any Easiest Foreign Language is the easiest start of the simplest learning sequence for adult beginners.Step 1. Reading foreign words similar to English in an Easiest language. This focuses on foreign words like ones you already know from English, enabling you to begin to read a foreign language.Step 2. Pronouncing the foreign words similar to English in an Easiest language. Pronounce single words, learning the foreign variation of words you already know how to pronounce in English.Step 3. Listening to audio of tourist phrases. Progress from familiar single words (in steps one and two above) to listening to spoken phrases in an Easiest Foreign Language. Then speaking the short phrases useful for travel.Step 4. Studying an Instructional Course. Progress from tourist phrases to complete sentences, and the foreign grammar required to form sentences on your own.------------------------------------------------------------"Learning French as an adult is not the same thing as learning it as a child. Children pick up language intuitively, without having to be taught grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. When learning their first language, they have nothing to compare it to, and they can often learn a second language the same way.Adults, on the other hand, tend to learn a language by comparing it to their native language - learning about similarities and differences."--From : French LanguageLearn FrenchTips for Adults Learning FrenchBy Laura K. Lawless, Guide------------------------------------------------------------- ................

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