413 PCS Detailed Lecture Outline

Textbook: Glickman’s Clinical Periodontology

11th Edition

By: Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza

1ST LECTURE (1st Week):

Introduction to the course, aims, objectives and the requirements of the course. Distribution of exams and marks, finally, introduce the different periodontal forms. Distribute the student’s logbook required for their daily evaluation.

2ND LECTURE (2nd Week):

Classifications of Diseases and Conditions Affecting the Periodontium (chapter 4) Gingival diseases, periodontitis, necrotizing periodontal disease, abscess of the periodontium, periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions, developmental or acquired deformities and conditions.

3RD LECTURE (3rd Week)

How to develop and improve Communication skills (Additional reading)

Introduction, Definition, types of communication, effective listening, Sources of Difficulty by the Listener, the basic listening modes, language skills, Assertiveness Communication Skills, how to train your self on effective communication, skills needed to develop effective communication, communication skills among health care providers.

4TH LECTURE (4th Week):

The Surgical Phase of Periodontal Therapy (chapter 52, p. 511)

Objectives of the surgical phase, pocket elimination versus pocket maintenance, re-evaluation after phase I therapy, indications for periodontal surgery, critical zones in pocket surgery, methods of pocket therapy.

5TH LECTURE (5th Week):

Surgical Anatomy of Periodontium and Related Structures (chapter 53, p. 516)

Maxilla, Mandible, exostoses, muscles, anatomic spaces

6TH LECTURE (6th Week):

General Principles of Periodontal Surgery (chapter 54, p. 525)

Outpatient surgery and Hospital periodontal surgery.

7TH LECTURE (7th Week):

Classifications of Periodontal Surgery (Additional reading)

The different periodontal surgical techniques

8TH LECTURE (9th Week):

Instrumentations for Periodontal Surgery (chapter 54, p. 531)

Classification of periodontal surgical instruments, Excisional and incisional instruments, surgical curettes and sickles, periosteal elevators, surgical chisels, tissue forceps, scissors and nippers, needle holders.

9TH LECTURE (10th Week):

Treatment of Gingival enlargement (chapter 58, p. 556)

Chronic inflammatory enlargement, periodontal and gingival abscesses, drug associated gingival enlargement, leukemic gingival enlargement, gingival enlargement in pregnancy, gingival enlargement in puberty, recurrence of gingival enlargement.

10TH LECTURE (11th Week):

Periodontal Flap Surgical Procedures (chapter 57, p. 550)

Classification of flaps, design of the flap, incisions, elevation of the flap, healing after flap surgery.

11TH LECTURE (12th Week):

Preparation of the Periodontium for Restorative Dentistry (chapter 65, p. 608)

Rational for therapy, sequence of treatment, and preprosthetic surgery

12TH LECTURE (13th Week):

Sutures and Suture Technique (chapter 57 and additional reading)

Anatomy of the needle, types of the threads, the most commonly used suturing techniques in periodontal surgery

13TH LECTURE (14th Week):

Osseous Defects (Classifications and Diagnosis) (chapter 14, p. 140)

Bone destruction caused by extension of gingival inflammation, bone destruction caused by trauma from occlusion, bone destruction caused by systemic disorders, factors determining bone morphology in periodontal disease, bone destruction patterns in periodontal disease.

14TH LECTURE (15th week) th Week):

Regenerative Osseous Surgery I (Bone Grafting) (chapter 61, p. 577)

Evaluation of new attachment and bone regeneration, regenerative surgical techniques (more focus on bone graft materials and procedures), factors influencing a successful outcome.

MIDTERM TEST I (20 marks)

15Th LECTURE (20th Week):

Regenerative Osseous Surgery II: Guided Tissue Regeneration (chapter 63, p. 595 + additional reading)

Terminology, objectives, Regenerative surgical techniques (more focus on guided tissue regeneration).

16TH LECTURE (21st Week):

Preparation of an exceptional slide Presentation (Additional reading)

Scientific selection of back ground, how to choose color scheme, format selection, fonts selection, how to present, the position, voice, body language and posture

17TH LECTURE (22nd Week):

Evidence Based Decision Making and Problem Based learning (online, p. 768.e5)

Introduction to evidence based decision making, how to assess evedence, introduction to problem based learning and highlit the diffrence between EBDM and PBL.

18th LECTURE (23rd Week):

Furcation: The Problem and Its Management (chapter 62, p. 825)

Etiologic factors of furcation problems, diagnosis and classification of furcation defects, classification of furcation involvement, local anatomic factors in treatment of furcation, the anatomy of the bony lesions, other dental findings, treatment of furcation defects, surgical therapy for furcation involvement, hemisection, the root resection/hemisection procedure, regeneration, extraction, prognosis for root resection/hemisection.

19TH LECTURE (24th Week):

Periodontal Plastic and Esthetic Surgery –Root Coverage of Denuded Roots (chapter 63, online)

Etiology of marginal tissue recession, Classification of recession, different Root coverage treatment options, detailed surgical procedures

20TH LECTURE (25th Week):

Procedure to Increase the Width of Keratinized Gingiva (chapter 63, p. 595)

Problems associated with attached gingiva, shallow vestibule, aberrant frenum, techniques to increase the width of attached gingiva, frenectomy and frenotomy, criteria for technique selection.

21st LECTURE (26th Week)

Systemic and Local Anti-microbial Agents in Periodontal Therapy (chapter 47, p. 482)

Systemic administration of antibiotics, serial and combination antibiotic therapy, host modulation, local delivery of antibiotics, local delivery of an antiseptic agent.

22nd LECTURE (27th Week):

Oral Malodor (chapter 29, p. 331+additional reading)

This includes: definition of halitosis, causes, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and management of soft and hard tissue lesions that affect oral malodor.

23rd LECTURE (30th Week):

Periodontal - Endodontic Continuum (chapter 51, p. 507)

Etiological factors of pulpal disease, classification of pulpal disease, effects of pulpal disease on the periodontium, effect of periodontitis of the dental pulp, differentiation of periodontal and pulpal lesions, differentiation of periodontal and pulpal lesions, differentiation between pulpal and periodontal abscesses, therapeutic management of pulpal and periodontal disease, endodontic lesion primary, independent periodontal and endodontic lesions, combined lesions (perio-endo), prognosis of combined lesions, potential complications to endodontic therapy, restorative implications of endodontic therapy.

24TH Lecture (31st Week):

Periodontal Response to External Forces (chapter 15, p. 151)

Adaptive capacity of the periodontium to occlusal forces, trauma from occlusion, tissue response to increased occlusal forces, effects of insufficient occlusal force, reversibility of traumatic lesions, effects of excessive occlusal forces on dental pulp, influence of trauma from occlusion on progression of marginal periodontitis, pathologic tooth migration.

25TH LECTURE (32nd Week):

Splints In periodontal therapy (Additional reading)

Definition, types, classification, school of thoughts, indication and contraindication.

26TH LECTURE (33rd Week):

Peri-Implant Structures (chapter 68, p. 626)

Definition of implant, endosseous implant, hard tissue interface, soft tissue interface, comparison of teeth and implants histologically.

27TH LECTURE (34th Week):

Implant site preparation (chapter 71, p.663)

General principle of implant surgery, implant site preparation, postoperative care, second stage exposure surgery.

28TH LECTURE (35th Week):

Diagnosis and Treatment of Peri-implant Complications (chapter 77, p. 731)

Definition of implant survival and implant success, types of implant complications.

29TH LECTURE (28th Week):

Maintenance of Dental Implants (chapter 78, p. 753 + additional reading)

Recall intervals, special instruments, and type of brush and prophy paste used.

Final Examination (20 marks)


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