The Simple Pendulum

The Simple Pendulum


To investigate the properties of a simple pendulum.


The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for the bob of a pendulum to make one complete swing. This is the time required for the pendulum to return to the place from which it starts. In this exercise we will attempt to determine the factors that affect the period. This will be done by keeping fixed all factors except one variable and doing controlled experiments on that factor. The three factors that will be investigated are the effect of mass, length, and displacement on the period.


Mass set, string, pendulum clamp, timing device, a metric ruler, and a protractor.


PART I: The Effect of Changing the Displacement

1. Tie a 50 - 100 gram mass to the end of a string about 80 centimeters long and attach it to the pendulum clamp.

2. Record the mass and the measured length (from the pivot to the center of the bob) in DATA TABLE I.

3. Displace the bob from the center line about 5 degrees and proceed to time 50 complete swings (back and forth).

4. Record the FREQUENCY in swings per second by dividing 50 by this time.

5. Calculate the reciprocal of the frequency and record this PERIOD in seconds per swing.

6. Repeat steps 3 through 6 but displace the bob 10 and 15 degrees.

7. For additional consideration, repeat steps 3 through 6 but displace the bob 60 and 90 degrees.

8. Graph the results of the period vs. displacement. Scale the y-axis from 0 – 2 s.

9. Comment on the results. What does the graph tell you? Is there a trend?

PART II: The Effect of Changing the Mass

1. Measure the mass of each of the bobs (cork, wood, aluminum, steel and lead).

2. Start with the cork bob on the end of the pendulum.

3. Make sure that the length of the pendulum is the same as before.

4. Displace the pendulum 10 degrees and repeat the timing procedure to determine the frequency and period.

5. Record all data in DATA TABLE II.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 4 with the wood, aluminum steel and lead bobs.

7. Graph the results of the period vs. mass. Scale the y-axis from 0 – 2 s

8. Comment on the results. What does the graph tell you? Is there a trend?

PART III: The Effect of Changing the Length

1. Reduce the length of the pendulum to about 60 centimeters, attach a 50 - 100 gram weight as the bob, and displace the pendulum about 10 degrees.

2. Determine the period of the pendulum and record your data in DATA TABLE III. Note that you can use the PART I data for 80 centimeters here also.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for 40 and 20 centimeters.

4. Graph the results of the period vs. length. Scale the y-axis from 0 – 2 s

5. Comment on the results. What does the graph tell you? Is there a trend?


|Mass of Pendulum |Length of Pendulum |Displacement of Pendulum|Time |Frequency of Pendulum |Period of Pendulum |

|(grams) |(centimeters) |(degrees) |(seconds) |(swings/second) |(seconds/swing) |

| | |5 | | | |

| | |10 | | | |

| | |15 | | | |

| | |60 | | | |

| | |90 | | | |

Analysis Question: How does changing the displacement of a pendulum affect the frequency and period?


|Mass of Pendulum |Length of Pendulum |Displacement of Pendulum|Time |Frequency of Pendulum |Period of Pendulum |

|(grams) |(centimeters) |(degrees) |(seconds) |(swings/second) |(seconds/swing) |

| |80 |10 | | | |

| |80 |10 | | | |

| |80 |10 | | | |

| |80 |10 | | | |

| |80 |10 | | | |

Analysis Question: How does changing the mass of a pendulum affect the frequency and period?


|Mass of Pendulum |Length of Pendulum |Displacement of |Time |Frequency of Pendulum |Period of Pendulum | |

|(grams) |(centimeters) |Pendulum |(seconds) |(swings/second) |(seconds/swing) |g = 4(2L* |

| | |(degrees) | | | |T2 |

| |80 |10 | | | | |

| |60 |10 | | | | |

| |40 |10 | | | | |

| |20 |10 | | | | |

Analysis Question: How does changing the length of a pendulum affect the frequency and period?


Assuming that the theoretical formula ( [pic]) for the period of a simple pendulum is correct, calculate the experimental acceleration due to gravity, g, in table III and find the average value. Then find the relative % error using 9.81 m/s2 as the accepted value. Show your work for these calculations in the space below. What does this value tell you about the accuracy of your data and the formula for the period?

* Show work for these calculations in the space above or on a separate sheet of paper.


CONCLUSION: Make sure you include a statement summarizing each factor on the effect of the period and frequency of the pendulum. Your conclusion should also include a statement regarding your data and how it relates to the equation for the period of a pendulum.


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