AP Psychologytori.nolen@Mrs. Nolen Well then, you’re in the right spot. The content of this course is interesting, relevant and will make you think about who you are, and more importantly, who you want to be in the future.Welcome to AP Psychology. This class is designed to be the equivalent of a college class in intro psychology. You need to keep that mindset, intended to introduce students to the scientific method and the core ideas and theories of psychology. Additionally, this class is designed to prepare you for the AP Psychology exam that is administered in the spring. Psychology is the study of mental processes and behavior. It is a social science, yes, science. This class has a heavy reliance on the vocabulary of the discipline, so be prepared for that. There will be outside readings and this may well be the first time you read a textbook cover to cover. I think that you will find that you enjoy this class once you get past the initial shock at the scientific nature of psychological study. The course provides instruction in each of the following 14 content areas outlined in the AP Psychology Course Description: History and Approaches Research Methods Biological Bases of Behavior Sensation and Perception States of Consciousness Learning Cognition Motivation and Emotion Developmental Psychology Personality Testing and Individual Differences Abnormal Psychology Treatment of Psychological Disorders Social Psychology Grading:Standard 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% for the letter grade assignment. Your grade will include the following types of assignments: Classwork & HomeworkProjectsTests & QuizzesTests and Quizzes:You will be quizzed and/or tested frequently. Each test will be a timed multiple-choice portion and many will have an essay portion (FRQ), as well. This is designed to get you ready for the format of the AP test. Quizzes will be timed MC and come from the reading. Tests are a significant portion of your grade. The midterms and finals for each semester are cumulative. If you miss a test, you need to make it up in a timely manner or you will get a zero for that test. I would try to avoid missing test days if possible.Participation:Participation is a key to passing both this class and the AP test. You must have your materials when you walk, on time, into class every day. You are expected to participate in group and class discussion, answer questions and make presentations as required. You’ll have a better time if you are participating…plus, you’ll learn and remember more.As with all classes, attendance is extremely important. Please make every effort to be here. Homework:Homework will often be the work (research) that will make the class work possible. You will need to read the text on your own time and do appropriate studying at home. There will be homework and all of it is intended to make the concepts more readily understood, so that you can demonstrate understanding them in the assessment process. Some classes assign homework as busy work. I am sure you can think of an example. Some classes assign homework as practice, like in math. Another option is homework as a study tool, this is what this class does. All of the HW will emphasize conceptual development and will serve as mini study guides. Late Work Policy:Assignment due dates are given when the assignment is handed out. Students are expected to turn their work in on time. Failure to do so will result in a zero. If a student misses a due date, and submits the assignment late, they can receive up to 50% credit and no more. That’s not 50% of what the assignment itself was worth, but 50% of what they earned on the assignment. That is, I will grade it. That means that if you are going to turn something in late, you want to make sure you’ve done it correctly and well, so that it’s worth your effort. Assignments will not be allowed to turn in beyond the progress report or quarter grade. Academic IntegrityHonor Code:I will represent myself, my school and my community with honorI will abide by the rulesI will be compassionate toward othersI will think before I act or speakI will respect others as I would want to be respectedI will follow through with all of my responsibilities?“All Students of Hoover High School adhere to principles of Academic integrity and mutual respect while engaged in school work and related activities.”?You should:a) Understand or seek clarification about expectations for academic integrity in this course(Including cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration).b) Neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on examinations or other course work that isused by the teacher as a basis of grading.c) Take responsibility to monitor academic dishonesty in any form and report it to theteacher or administratorTeachers may require students to sign a statement at the end of all exams and assignments that state:“I have done my own work and have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.”?Cheating and Plagiarism: "Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of dishonest ordeceptive acts for the purpose of improving one's grade or obtaining course credit; such acts alsoinclude assisting another student to do so. The most common form of cheating occurs on tests.? However, it is the intent of this definition that the term 'cheating' not be limited to testing situations only, but that it includes any and all actions by a student that are intended to gain an unearned academic advantage by dishonest or deceptive means. Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating which consists of the misuse of published and/or unpublished works of others by representing the material as one's own work."Penalties for cheating and plagiarism range from receiving a score of a “0” or “F” on a particular assignment, an “F” for the course,?suspension and/or expulsion from the school. Student Expectations:You must have advanced level organizational and study skills for this class. Every student in this class should have the expectation of taking and passing the AP test in May. I will provide you with what you need to pass the test. You have the responsibility to commit the time and effort it will take to do well. Those who do not take the AP Exam will take a course final for the class.Students should maintain a “C” or better to remain in class. Please keep in mind that this is basically an undergraduate collegiate course in Psychology; you will have to work harder than in a regular course to maintain your desired grade. If your grade drops below a “C,” you might consider taking another class. Students will take a lot of notes. Don’t complain about it; it’s a college level class. You will be held accountable for about 500 vocabulary terms relevant to psychological study. Get ready for that. You will do your own workAP Review Sessions:Study Sessions will be offered periodically throughout the year for AP Psychology. Students are highly encouraged to attend but these sessions are not mandatory. Reviewing will include taking past tests, taking practice AP tests, as well as running through previously learned information. Focus on the term “previously learned.” Review time is NOT the time to START your studying. Sensitive Topics Disclosure:This is a survey course of a discipline that attempts to explain and understand human behavior. Human Behavior is varied, and many times…weird. We discuss, in class, lots of human behavior and some of it can be controversial. Some topics that can raise eyebrows includes: racism and stereotyping, sex behavior, religious and moral values and behavior, intelligence and the use of intelligence testing, bias in research, bias in general, abnormality and mental illness, drug addiction and eating disorders, just to name a very few. When we get to a sensitive topic, all efforts are made to ensure that the level of conversation stays academic…but it is a college level class being taken by kids who aren’t yet in college. You are welcome to contact me anytime if you or your student has a specific area of concern that you feel I should know about in advance…no one is ever asked or expected to disclose any personal information. Ever.Finally…AP Psychology will have a website where information will be posted. It is a tab that is located on our website. Go to the website and click the AP Psychology tab at the top to access the page. My e-mail address is at the top of this letter and you should feel free to use it if you need to-it’s the best way to reach me. In the winter I coach soccer, and that makes after school availability tight. I will be letting you know of office hours that I will have which will be times I am definitely going to be available in room 205 to provide you with an extra chance to ask questions and clarify concepts. That’s it. Let’s get to work.AP Psychology Mrs. Nolen tori.nolen@______________________________________________________________________________(Detach and return to Mrs. Nolen)Name: _________________________________________________________(Print Clearly!!!)Date: ___________________ Period: ___________I have read and understand the policies of this classroom and AP Psychology.I have read and understand the cheating policy used in this class. I understand that I am expected to prepare for and take the AP Psychology test in May. Student signature: ______________________________________Date: __________Parent/Guardian: _______________________________________Date: __________ ................

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