

Yours in education,

Mrs. Brannan


Book of the Month

We will have a book of the month each month September through May

Principal’s Message

Attention Stockton!!!!!

We have officially entered the LAST MONTH OF SCHOOL!!! I cannot believe we are here already. With that being said, all excitement aside, let’s finish this year with a bang! We have several testing dates left and need students to remain focused and motivated. Teachers have worked extremely hard to equip our students with the knowledge they need to soar through the end of year testing. Please check out the helpful testing tips below and read through the entire newsletter to stay up to date on events around campus!

Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)

All 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will participate in taking the Florida Standards Assessment this month.  Our students and teachers have been working hard all year and now it is time toorking hard all year and now it is time to show what they have learned.  There are a few things we would like to remind students and families of as we begin testing.

•        Please make sure that your child is in attendance each day of testing. Students will do better in an environment that they are familiar with.

•        Make sure students are at school by 8:25am each of the testing days in order to ensure they will be here in time for the start of testing.  If they are tardy, they will wait in the office and have to participate in a make-up session.

•        Make sure students go to bed on time and get a good night’s rest.  Breakfast is also important, but is offered at school.  If your child does not eat breakfast at school, please make sure they do eat a healthy breakfast at home.

•        Encourage your child to do their best!  Writing them a special note is a great way for them to carry the encouragement with them.



The PTA is gearing up for a busy month of May! Mark your calendar for the following special events:

Teacher Appreciation Week is scheduled for

May 6-10, 2019. We will be celebrating our faculty and staff all week. Be on the lookout for information regarding ways you can participate.

On May 17, 2019 all students will head outside for our annual Play Day! This year we will also celebrate the completion of Running Club with an

End-of-the-Year Dash type event. Additionally, our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will enjoy a BBQ to celebrate the completion of FSA testing!

The student Talent Show will be held on

May 30, 2019. Students will enjoy a show during the school day and parents are invited to the encore performance at 6:00 p.m. the same evening.


Many thanks to the following Friends of Stockton sponsors for renewing their business partnership with Stockton Elementary:

Dr. Vaughn Holland of Ortega Orthodontics

Ortega Forest Association

Mike Smith with MassMutual


RayWare Hardware

We are accepting new business partners for the 2019-2020 school year. Please email friendsofstockton@ for more information.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, May 28th at 6pm at Lillian’s. We will be voting in new officers.

Hope to see you there!


We are SO excited to announce that 13 of the 18 All-In-One Carts that were ordered with funds raised during the High Five Campaign have arrived at Stockton!! Teachers and students are beyond excited to start using them in classrooms! Thank you so much for your support!


Please see the table below for the upcoming testing dates. Please note that all i-Ready (K-5th), Achieve 3000 (3rd-5th) and MAP diagnostics will be done between 4/23-5/10.


|3rd Grade |4/3 & |5/7 & |N/A |N/A |

| |4/4 |5/8 | | |

|4th Grade |5/1 & |5/7 & |N/A |4/2 |

| |5/2 |5/8 | | |

|5th Grade |5/1 & |5/7 & |5/9 & 5/10 |4/2 |

| |5/2 |5/8 | | |


Our Anchored 4 Life crew would like to thank everybody for supporting our recent “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to donate over $4,300 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Congratulations to Mrs. Moore’s class for winning the pasta lunch from olive Garden!

Thank you all for supporting this worthy cause!


*There will be Chorus rehearsals on 5/9, 5/14 & 5/21.

*School House Rock, Jr. performances on 5/23 from

1:30-2:45pm…one show for KG-2 & one show for 3rd-5th.


On March 28th, four students represented Stockton at DCPS’s Celebration of the Arts at Fort Caroline Middle. Noah Snyder (1st), Addy England (2nd), Celine Dorelien (3rd), and Kiralyn Lewis (5th) will have their artwork featured on the event’s website for one full year.

Six of Stockton’s artists had artwork displayed in DCPS’s Annual Elementary Art Show. Artworks from Antonio Silva (1st), Eden Brandl (3rd), Caroline Campbell (3rd), Troy Shields (3rd), and Rayne Davis (4th) were on display at the Murray Hill Library. Indiana Pulumbarit (5th) also had artwork selected for the Best of Elementary Art Show in the Main Library downtown.

Congratulations to all of our amazing artists!

We have 67% of students signed up for Artsonia! Make sure you’re checking out all the amazing work your student(s) are creating!


Please make sure to note the following Early Dismissal dates for the year, as they may NOT follow an every 2-week pattern.

May 22

A huge thank you to all for donating much needed blankets and towels to the Jacksonville Humane Society. The drive will continue through May 30th. The donation bin is located in the café.

~ Mrs. Robson and Mrs. Cogswell


1 4th & 5th ELA FSA

2 4th & 5th ELA FSA

2 1st Grade field trip to Courthouse

6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

6 Flag Raising – Student of the Month and New Patrols announced

7 3rd-5th Math FSA

8 3rd-5th Math FSA

9 5th Gr Science FSA

10 3rd Grade field trip to IMAX

10 Teacher Luncheon sponsored by PTA

10 5th Grade Science FSA

13 Flag Raising – 1st solo Flag Raising for new patrols

13 Patrol Field Trip to Universal

15 4th Gr Field Trip to St. Augustine

15 5th Gr Field Trip to Zoo

17 Play Day

20 Flag Raising – Student of the Month announced

20 Anchored 4 Life training for new group

21 SAC Meeting 7:30am – LAST ONE

21 KG Awards 9am

21 Principal/Art Teacher/P.E. Coach for the day

21 5th Gr G.A.T.E. Living Museum

22 1st Gr Awards 8:45am

22 2nd Gr Awards 10am


23 3rd Gr Awards 8:45am

23 4th Gr Awards 10am

24 5th Gr Promotional Ceremony @ OUMC 9am

27 Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL

28 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal 9am

28 Moving On Up 2pm (students visit next grade level classrooms)

28 FOS Meeting 6pm @ Lillian’s – LAST ONE

29 5th Gr Field Trip to SeaWorld

29 PTA Spirit Night @ Tijuana Flats 5-8pm

30 Students take everything home!

30 Talent Show 9am – FOR STUDENTS ONLY

30 Class Parties

30 5th Grade Clap Out 2:30pm

30 Talent Show 6pm – FOR FAMILIES

31 Last day of school - 12 NOON DISMISSAL





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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