
Mrs. Jan Funderburg Seventh Grade Language Arts

2018-2019 Week 7 9/24-9/28

|Skill/Topic: analyze informational text; draw conclusion and cite evidence to support; writing process |

|LAFS: : 7RI.1.1; 7RI.3.9; 7.L 2.3; L 1.1; L 3.4; L 3.5; 7.W 1.1; 7.2.4; 7.W.2.5; 7.W.3.5; 7.SL.1.1; |

|Key Learning Objectives |

|Make inferences & synthesize information from multiple sources |

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|Cite evidence to support inferences |

|Trace and evaluate an argument |

|Organize information for an argumentative essay; edit & revise essay |

|Develop and strengthen writing |

|Use knowledge of root words for vocabulary acquisition |

|Materials: bellringer handout, – reading, planning, drafting; |

|Explain argumentative writing assignment/packet (Rescue Services – PA workbook) |

|Root word practice activities and assessment : SSR journals, Fantasy Books |

|9/24 Monday: |

|Planner Time/Bellringer |

|Review partner writings for Friday- Highlight and share their planning process |

|Review the FSA Argumentative Rubric. |

|Review Academic Language Used on PM |

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|HW: - Sign up and complete diagnostic Due on Oct 5 |


|Continue to read Fantasy Novel and bring to class daily. |

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|9/25 Tuesday: |

|Bellringer |

|Introduce text set for "Do people have the right to rescue services when they put themselves at risk?" |

|Begin planning/highlight evidence |

|HW: Root Word practice packet Due Thursday |

|- Sign up and complete diagnostic Due on Oct 5 |

|Read from Fantasy Novel and bring to class daily. |

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|9/26 Wednesday: |

|Bellringer |

|Begin writing argumentative essay |

|Conference with individual students as essays in progress |

|HW: Root Word practice packet Due Thursday |

|- Sign up and complete diagnostic Due on Oct 5 |

|Read from Fantasy Novel and bring to class daily. |

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|9/27 Thursday: |

|Bellringer for Thursday |

|Continue with Steps to Argumentative writing - Whole group |

|HW: Study for test |

|Read from Fantasy Novel and bring to class daily. |

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|9/28 Friday: Bellringer |

|Complete Root Word Assessment |

|SSR/Journal and binder check |

|Putt for Pass |

|Accommodations—ESE/ESOL/504: |

|Preferential Seating Daily agenda and assignments on board Oral and written directions |

|Weekly assignment sheets to ESE/504 Teacher Extended time on tests and class work if needed Shortened length of tests |

|Flexible format for responses Planner signed weekly/daily if required Frequent reminders to stay on task |

|Structured schedule for assignment completion Samples of expected work/rubrics for grading Distraction stimuli minimized |

|Outlines, notes, and note-taking guides provided Assignment broken down into small segments |

|Retakes of tests/quizzes to show mastery of skill |

|Important Dates: Fall holiday 9/19 |


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