Moderator: Christal Simms

October 19, 2017

2:00 pm CT

Coordinator: Welcome and thank you for standing by. At this time, all participants will be in a listen-only mode for the duration of today’s conference. This call is being recorded. If you have any objections, you may disconnect at this time. May I introduce your speaker for today, Claire Buckner. Please go ahead.

Claire Buckner: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Claire and I’m here today from Federal Student Aid to present to you on how to create an FSA ID.

I’m here with my colleague, (Ashley Harris).

(Ashley Harris): Hey, Claire.

Claire Buckner: Hey, (Ashley). And just so we can go through this demo, before we get started with the Webinar, I want to talk about a few housekeeping items.

If you look at the top left of the screen, you will see - it says “Files.” Right there you can click and download this presentation I’m about to do today.

Of course, the biggest thing in the presentation is the live demo. So although you won’t be able to, like, download that portion, we will be posting this actual recorded Webinar on the site and I’ll let you know how to do that at the end.

Also, as you can see there the Q&A box. During the presentation, you can write your questions in the Q&A box. And not only (Ashley) but I have other colleagues on the line that’ll also answer your questions in real-time. So during the presentation and during the live demo, if you have questions or I’m also a pretty fast talker, so if there’s things you want me to repeat or reiterate, you can go ahead and write that in the Q&A box.

If you have any other questions during the duration, just make sure, just write us a note.

So today we’ll, of course, do an overview of the FSA ID, answer some of those what is it, how do you use it, all of those types of basic questions.

Also, since the creation of the FSA ID there are some frequently asked questions that are commonly asked. We’ll address those before we hop right into the demo.

And then I’ll leave you with some FSA ID resources as well.

(Ashley), ready to get started?

(Ashley Harris): Definitely.

Claire Buckner: All right. First and foremost, let me tell you what an FSA ID is and why you need one.

An FSA ID is a username and password that you use to access our Federal Student Aid Web sites. Most of you know that that 2018-19 FAFSA opened on October 1 and you can use that FSA ID to log in and also add your electronic signature on the FAFSA.

In addition to using your FSA ID on the FAFSA, you can also use it a couple other sites as well, including or nslds. to check out your student loan information, , as well as to sign the agreement for the TEACH Grant as well.

But most importantly today, I’m sure a lot of you are excited about completing that FAFSA that just came out, so we’ll talk about that.

One thing I do want to note about the creation of the FSA ID, specifically for those of who are interested in completing the FAFSA, once you create your FSA ID, you can immediately go in and use it to complete - to start your FAFSA. However, until your match is made, your Social Security Administration match, because creating your FSA ID, you put in your name, your date of birth and your Social Security number in order to make sure we can know who you are.

So it takes one to three days to match that information. So although you can, before that match is done, you can go in and start and complete, sign and submit a FAFSA, if you want to go in and make any corrections or do a renewal, you’ll have to wait until after those one to three days to make sure the match happens.

Once we go into the demo, this will make a little bit more sense. But I just wanted to point that out.

And as for the other sites, you have to wait for your one to three days Social Security match in order to log in to these other sites with your FSA ID.

So who needs an FSA ID? Of course, anyone who wants to access any of those sites will need one. But specifically, students who want to sign - electronically sign their FAFSA at and if a student is a dependent student, meaning that they - the FAFSA requires them to include parental information, one parent also needs an FSA ID.

So if you’re a student and you’re listening on and you’re not sure if you need parent information, you’re not sure if you’re an independent or dependent student, you can head over to to get that information.

But if you are a dependent student, any parent information, make sure that that parent gets an FSA ID.

An important note about that as well is parents and students cannot use the same e-mail address in creating an FSA ID. So some families, they may have a shared family e-mail address; that’s definitely family goals. However, don’t you both use that shared e-mail address or don’t - if, you know, mom is creating an FSA ID use her e-mail address and then, you know, the son uses the same one with the mom’s e-mail. Everyone, use your own e-mail address when creating that FSA ID.

So I want to get into a couple of the frequently asked questions. I was just talking about using an e-mail and associating an e-mail with an FSA ID. So my first question that I often hear is, do I need an e-mail address to create an FSA ID?


(Ashley Harris): So you definitely don’t need an e-mail address. It’s not technically a requirement but we highly, highly recommend it. I know for me I created my own FSA ID Webinar a couple of years ago, didn’t use an e-mail address and once I forgot my password, it became really, really difficult to get that back and get into my account again.

Claire Buckner: Exactly. Thanks for sharing, (Ashley).

Although an e-mail is not required, it is great to associate an e-mail with an FSA ID when you forget your username and password. I know most of you have e-mail addresses or have other sites that you use a login or a username and password. And I don’t know about you guys but I’m always using the Forget Password feature and it’s just a lot easier to unlock it with an e-mail.

In addition, one of the new features we created at the FSA ID site is the ability to unlock or retrieve an e-mail or password with a mobile phone number. So it’ll text you to tell you how to unlock your account or to get that username and password in addition to e-mail as well.

So another frequently asked question is, do you need a Social Security number to create an FSA ID?

Yes, you do need a Social Security number. In addition to that, you need to make sure that your Social Security number, your name and your date of birth all match with the Social Security Administration and the information you used to create your FSA ID must match the information you put on the FAFSA. There have been a lot of problems with students and parents getting error messages or issues in order to create this FSA ID in the FAFSA because maybe they, you know, didn’t write their SSN correctly or, for example, let’s say their name is Christopher but when they created their FSA ID, they said their name was Chris and then when they’re on the FAFSA, they put their name was Chrissie. So you just got to make sure you’re consistent with what’s on that Social Security card and what matched with the Social Security Administration.

And so what if you don’t have an FSA ID or what if you don’t have a Social Security number to create an FSA ID, can you still complete the FAFSA?

The answer is yes. When you’re completing the FAFSA, there’ll be a page where it asks you if you want to sign with your FSA ID or if you want to sign with imprinted signature page. So that is an option. If you have more questions about how to complete the FAFSA without an FSA ID, visit our Web site, .

So now that we’ve gone through the frequently asked questions and we gave you a brief overview about what the FSA ID actually is, let’s jump right into the live demo.

I’m going to go ahead and share my screen with you all, so we can go through this together.

Now right now we’re on a test site that looks exactly like the FSA ID Web site. Now in order for you to create your FSA ID, you can go through various mediums. You can go to and you’ll see that there’s a lot of phrases that’ll say “Hey, create your FSA ID now. Do you want to create your FSA ID? Click here.” You go to , type in “FSA ID” and there’ll also be a link to helping you create your FSA ID. So don’t worry. We will make sure in all of our Federal Student Aid Web sites that we link you to getting to this page to create your FSA ID.

As you can see here, there’s a lot of great information about the FSA ID. One of the things I want to point you to is this link right here that says “Need help creating an FSA ID.” If you click that, that takes you directly to a YouTube video that gives you step by step guide on how to create this FSA ID.

So let’s scroll down and get started.

I’m going to point this out as well, too. There are two tabs here, the Create an FSA ID tab. Of course, what we’re going to do now because we’re going to create one. But there’s also a Manage My FSA ID tab. You can always go to this later and update any information you want and we’ll - I’ll show you that after we actually create one.

So let’s get started.

So as I mentioned, the e-mail address is optional but we highly recommend it, so I’ll use it here today.

Also, if you look at the edge of each place where I’m going to type in information, there are these little question marks. If you click them, they give you lots of great information. If you get confused about what to write or you’re not sure, you can click there at the disparate little question marks.

So today we’re going to make an FSA ID for Jennifer Lopez. So let’s say her e-mail address is fsaidforjenny@gmail -- oops, here we go -- dot-com. As you noticed, I have the e-mail already up here, a tab ready to go because when I create that FSA ID, they’re going to prompt me to verify my e-mail address and I just have it right here ready to go when the time comes. So that’s a tip I want to give all for you when you’re going to create the FSA ID. The e-mail address you want to associate it with just already have a tab up and ready to go.

All right. So now username. The other great thing about creating an e-mail and verifying it is even though I’m going to create a username, going forward I can use my e-mail as my username which makes life a lot easier and I’m all about making life easy. And then password.

As you can see here at the bottom is the criteria to create a password. I’m going to show the text and I will make my password “fsaid123.” As we can see here, the criteria is met. I’m going to write this password again, “123.”

All right. Now we’re at the next page, the Personal Identification Information page. Wow, try to say that five times fast.

So now we’re going to go ahead and put in her information. My name is Jennifer Lopez. And as you can see here, it asks for date of birth and Social Security number. And as you know, of course, all the information I’m putting here is fake.

And of course, you can show text just to make sure you’re putting in the right information. As I mentioned earlier, you want to make sure that all this information is correct and it all matches. So just take a quick look and then we can click “Continue.”

All right. So now they’re asking for profile information. If we scroll down here, the next thing it asks for is a mailing address. Now, this is optional information to put. And because it’s optional and nothing is going to be coming in the mail, I’m just going to decide to skip this part.

The next thing it asks is, would you like to register your mobile phone number to reset your password and retrieve your username? Yes, definitely. If I forget my password, I always have my cell phone right next to me. Using my mobile number will be great. We won’t contact you or use your number for any other purpose but to give you a code to unlock your FSA ID or to retrieve your forgotten username or password. So yes, I definitely want to register my mobile phone number.

As you know, this is a demo. So this is not my real number. So do not try to call me. Or Jennifer Lopez because obviously this is her FSA ID we’re making.

All right. It’s asking for an alternate phone number, no need for that. I’m going to go ahead and skip it. But of course, it’s here. If you want to put it in, you can go ahead.

And language preference. All of our Federal Student Aid Web sites are available in English and Espanyol. So because my Espanyol is only Spanglish level, I’m going to stick to English and click “Continue.” But if it’s a Jennifer Lopez, she can do anyone she wants because she speaks both languages because she’s awesome.

All right. Now we’re at the Challenge Questions page. So the reason why I keep saying, you know, “Register your mobile phone number,” “Register your e-mail” is because if you do not register either one, the way that you would have to retrieve a forgotten username or password, unlock a locked account is by answering three out of the four of these challenge questions.

Even though that’s super fun and you should know the answer to be able to unlock your ID if that was the case, the problem is sometimes your answers over time may change and it takes a lot longer to answer three questions than to just unlock with an e-mail or phone number.

Also additionally, when you unlock your account with challenge questions, there’s a 30-minute lock or waiting period before you can actually access the account. That doesn’t exist when you unlock with e-mail or with your phone. So keep that in mind as well. But of course, we still need to log a few challenge questions. So let’s go ahead and go.

As you can see here, Question 1 and Question 2 have a dropdown of various questions you can click and answer. However, Question 3 and 4 you create your own question. What I’d like to suggest is that people, if you can’t think of one that works for you, just pick one out of the list that you didn’t use. And also as you can see down here, Question 5 is optional.

And as I kind of mentioned to you all before, when things are optional, I tended not to do them. So I’m going to skip that. But if you are a super role follower and love to follow every single step, that’s great. You can go ahead and answer Challenge Question 5 as well, the optional question.

So let’s start with Question 1. What city were you born in? And Jennifer Lopez was born in the Bronx. And she wouldn’t forget that. So that’s the big thing about the challenge questions, too. You want to make sure you get the answers that, one, you won’t forget, and then two, that don’t change. So even like a couple of months later when you’re trying to access it, you’ll remember.

All right. Let’s see. Who is your favorite singer or band in high school? And I’ll say her favorite singer was Selena.

All right. Now it’s time to create our own question. We can pick from the top or we can just say something that she’ll never forget. So her favorite place and we’ll say that J. Lo’s favorite place is Puerto Rico. And Question 4, let’s see, her favorite thing to do. It’s J. Lo, so it’s dance. All right.

And just to let you know, the answers to these challenge questions are not case sensitive. So you don’t have to worry about that.

So let’s continue. All right. So now we’re reviewing our information. As you can see here, we’re going to take a quick look to make sure everything is right. We see our username is there, the e-mail is there, our name, date of birth. Okay, we didn’t put the mailing address but here’s a great thing about that. If we decided we want to go back and put more information, we can do that, too. I’ll show you how to do that after we click this.

We have all our challenge question answers here. And now we have the terms and conditions that, of course, you are all going to read thoroughly. But because this is a demo, I won’t bore you with reading this. But you should. And then you certify that you agree and that everything you put is accurate and correct. And we click “Continue.” Awesome.

So now it’s giving us the chance to verify our mobile phone number. In your case, what would happen now is the number that you put in you would get a text message. The text message would include a code that you would put in right here where it says “Secure Code.” So of course, I used a fake number and you - even if I used my real number, you, unfortunately, can’t see me to see the text message coming in and putting in. So I’m just going to skip this registration process. But what I am going to do is verify my e-mail address because just like with getting the text message of the secure code, I’ll also get an e-mail with the secure code.

So now I’m going to click my e-mail and look right here. I have an e-mail from FSA ID and it’s telling me my information. It’s saying “Hey, you created your FSA ID.” Awesome. Let’s give it a couple of minutes to see if we get that secure code in.

So as you can note here, it’s says it may take a few minutes for the e-mail to arrive. So let’s click it again and here we go. Patience is a virtue, right?

Now here’s the secure code. I’m just going to copy and paste it right here.

All right. Now that it’s pasted in, I’m going to click submit. And yes, it says my FSA ID has been successfully created. I’m so excited.

So now what I can do is immediately I can go to and submit a brand new FAFSA. But if I want to visit any of the other sites, I’m going to highlight this here, it’ll take one to three days to make sure I get that Social Security Administration matched. Once I get that matched, then I’ll be able to go and use all the other sites. And in addition to that, of course, I’ll be able to log in to the FAFSA and make any corrections or changes or anything like that.

So that wasn’t so bad, was it? Awesome.

Now that we’ve created the FSA ID, one of the things that, of course, I’ve talked about numerous times in the past few minutes is the idea of retrieving a forgotten username or password. Not that we don’t have faith in you guys that you won’t remember but just in case, let me show you all how to retrieve that.

So when I first started, I showed you that you create - the tab Create an FSA ID here but there’s also a tab to manage your FSA ID. Here’s where you can retrieve a forgotten username or password. And also you can edit your FSA ID profile information.

So how about we go and check out the profile information before we go to the process of retrieving a forgotten username or password.

All right. So there’s a disclaimer that I hope you all read thoroughly when you log in and aren’t doing a demo.

So now we’re here. We’re here at the Account Information page. So you can see everything that I added. What’s great about this is you can do a couple of things here. You can update your account information and you can update your contact information.

So let’s say you’re making this in a rush and like, for example, me, I didn’t verify my mobile phone number. Here’s my opportunity. I can go ahead and register it right now. Let’s say I want to update or change any of my challenge questions or change my password, I can do all that as well.

Let’s say I thought that my FSA ID was compromised and that somebody got my password, I can go in and disable it here as well. So there’s a lot of things you can do.

I know some of you who may be high school senior. Let’s say that you created your FSA ID with the e-mail you got from your high school or it’s an e-mail that’s something like “little baby,” you know, “2000” and you get to college and you’re like “Hey, maybe I should make an e-mail a little more professional that’s first name dot last name.” Once you make that change, of course, you can go in any time and update that because remember, the FAFSA is not just for a high school senior. It’s not just something you do your senior year like go to prom. It is something you’ll do every year that you’re in school.

All right. So now I’m going to - you know how to create an FSA ID and you know how to manage your FSA ID account information. Let’s go to the process of retrieving a forgotten username and password.

So I’m going to go ahead and click right here and say “I forgot my password.” The only way to get - retrieve your password, you actually have to reset it. So let’s say “All right, great, I forgot.” So because I didn’t register my mobile phone number, I’m going to go through using my username or e-mail address. So I’m going to go ahead and type that in here. And then verify my birth month and day. Got it. And click “Continue.”

So now 1 have two options. I can e-mail the secure code or I can answer challenge questions. So let’s do the secure code first, so you can see how easy that is.

So just like when we were verifying your e-mail and you use that secure code. It’s going to be a similar process. So I already have my e-mail up here. Let’s give it a second to come through because as I know it does say it takes a few minutes for this to come.

I’m trying to be patient but I don’t know about you guys. Patience is definitely not my virtue. But we’ll give it a minute. And then once that secure code comes in, we’ll just paste it right in and you’ll be able to reset your password.

(Ashley), what has been the easiest way for you to reset your username and password if you’ve forgotten?

(Ashley Harris): Well, there’s a few different ways. Usually I do it through that mobile feature that we just implemented.

Claire Buckner: Yes.

(Ashley Harris): I haven’t needed to use it recently but I do everything on my phone. So it’s quick and easy, at least for me.

Claire Buckner: Exactly. Same here. Well, great. Now we’ve gotten our forgotten password e-mail. As you can see, the subject says “Important: You forgot your password. Action required.” And right here it gives you that secure code. I’m going to copy it and paste it right here where it’s requested and click “Submit.”

And now it’s prompting me to create a new password. So we can go ahead and do that now, “fsaid321,” “fsaid321.” Let’s make sure that’s correct. Awesome. Continue.

And there we go, simple as that. My password is reset and I can log in.

But now let’s say I didn’t feel like connecting or verifying my e-mail and I didn’t associate a phone number. Like (Ashley) mentioned, she likes using the SMS text messaging feature. I use the e-mail feature. But let’s say I didn’t register a phone number or an e-mail and I’m going to have to use the challenge questions. We’ll show you how that works as well.

So I’m just typing in the same information.

Clicking “Continue.”

So now I’m clicking the option to reset my password via Answer My Challenge Question.

So here we go. The first one it asks we said what city are you born in. And I was born in the Bronx. Who is your favorite singer/band in high school? The Queen of Tejano Music, Selena. And my favorite place is Puerto Rico. Submit.

So now it’s - obviously I answered all the questions correctly. So now it’s prompting me to create a new password.

Now because I recently just changed my password, I can’t use the same thing. So now we’ll just say it’s “1234,” “fsaid1234,” “fsaid1234.”

Criteria is met. Everything matches. We’re good to go. Clicking “Continue.”

Now here we go. It says “You have reset your password successfully.” However, here’s the caveat. It says I may log in with my new password after 30 minutes. Remember, if I would have unlocked it - when I unlock it using the e-mail secure code, it didn’t tell me that. I could have logged in right away. When (Ashley) mentioned she likes using the SMS way to unlock hers, it wouldn’t - there is no 30-minute way. It’s only with the challenge question. And that’s just extra security measures to make sure that nobody is able to access your important, important, precious information.

So we - now that we know how to make it, we know how to unlock it in case you forget your username or password, let’s head back into the presentation.

And I see you all have been asking great questions. Keep them coming.

In addition to the questions you are asking and the frequently asked questions that I addressed earlier in the presentation, I do want to mention more some of those account issues just to reiterate the things that we’ve already talked about.

Now as you can see, I’ve already showed you, you can use your mobile phone or your e-mail address to retrieve your username or password. You can also do this if your FSA ID gets locked. If you put in the incorrect password after three times, then you’ll be taken to a screen that says “To Unlock Your FSA ID.” Then you’ll unlock your FSA ID using the same method we just used when you try to - when you forget a username or try to reset a password.

Also, I even mentioned the ability to disable an FSA ID. In the era of identity theft and cybersecurity, if your FSA ID is lost or stolen, not only should you deactivate your account but you should also contact us at Federal Student Aid at 1-800-4FEDAID if you’re worried if it’s been misused.

As you know, the FSA ID is really sensitive because it protects a lot of information about - personal information and, of course, all of the money that is being managed with Federal Student Aid. So we want to make sure that it stays as protected as possible.

So let’s just pretend that not only do you forget your username and your password but you forget your cell phone number, you forget your e-mail and you don’t know the answer to any your challenge questions. If you get to that point where you literally don’t remember anything at all and your account is completely lost, you can’t get in, you’ll have to call us at 1-800-4FEDAID. Ask for an FSA ID specialist and they’ll go through the process of verification with you, so you can get back into your account.

The problem is this can take up to a week. So I will strongly recommend that you all save this information somewhere, so you don’t get to this point. And at least have an e-mail, phone number or remembering your username or something so you don’t have to get to this point. But if you do, we’re - obviously we’re here to help and make this process as easy as possible.

So as you create your FSA ID and try to access any of the sites, you may get an error message that looks like this, “Your identity is still being confirmed with the Social Security Administration.” Don’t worry and don’t stress about this. Remember it takes one to three days for your identity to be confirmed.

If there’s a problem, if it doesn’t get confirmed and it - you can go back into your FSA ID profile and see the status, to see if it’s matched, not match or still pending. If it’s still pending, that is fine. You just need to wait a little while. If it says “not match,” you may want to go back and check to make sure that you put in the correct information.

Also, for those of you who recently had a name change, maybe you just got happily married or happily divorced, keep in mind that when you go into the - in going to your profile and change your name, another one to three-day wait will have to occur because it’s a change with your personal identification information. So if you go in and make a change to your birthday, your name or your Social Security number, you’ll have to wait. But if you go in and change or update any other information rights e-mail or address or challenge question answers, there is no wait period.

All right. Here’s another example of an error message that goes back to what I was talking about, about making sure everything matches. You may get a error message that mentions that the information that you provided doesn’t match the information you have on file. That’s when you want to make sure that the information you put on the FAFSA, the information that you use to create your FSA ID matches the information with the Social Security Administration.

All right. Now that I’ve given you all this information, let’s see how much you actually remembered. I’m going to ask you all a few questions now.

The first question I have for you all is after creating an FSA ID, you cannot change your contact information, e-mail address, challenge questions, anything. So once you create your FSA ID, you’re set in stone. Is that true or false?

And all right. I see an overwhelming majority answered this question correctly. I’m so proud of you guys. You’re so smart. The answer is false. Correct. I already showed you how to log back in to manage your FSA ID account information. So of course, any time you can go back in and change any of your FSA ID information.

All right. Here is the next question. You must verify your e-mail before you can use your FSA ID. True or false?

You must verify your e-mail before you can use your FSA ID.

All right. I see a lot of you guys are answering this question. And the majority of you answered it correctly. The answer to this is actually false. Because an e-mail address is not required to create an FSA ID, you are not required to verify it before you can use it. However, once you do verify your e-mail address, you can now use your e-mail address as your username and you can also use it to retrieve a forgotten username or password. So although it’s not required to verify an e-mail address, it’s definitely highly recommended. But no, you do not need to verify an e-mail address before you can actually go in and use that FSA ID.

All right. And the last question I have for you all, you must wait one to three days for your Social Security match before you can submit an original FAFSA.

You must wait one to three days for your Social Security match before you can submit an original FAFSA, is this true or false? And this one is looking neck and neck.

All right. Now remember I said that you do have to wait one or three days to do a lot of things with our site to access our student loan sites and different things.

However, you do not have to wait for the match in order to submit a new FAFSA. You have to wait for that match in order to make any corrections or to do removals or there’s different things like that. But to submit on new FAFSA to go in, you can go ahead and do it. We just created J. Lo’s FSA ID. We can go right in right now to and follow her FAFSA. However, if we submitted it and then realized “Oh I forgot to add this school” or “I put the wrong,” you know, “date for this or time for this or amounts for this.” We could not go back in and make any corrections until that match was done. So keep that in mind.

And lastly I want to leave you all with some FSA resources, now specifically some FSA ID resources. There’s a link here that goes to the Frequently Asked Questions page from the page we were just at when we created FSA ID. And just to remind you all, remember, you can download this presentation at the left-hand side.

But yes, if you click this link here, it takes you right to the page of a lot of great frequently asked questions and a lot of the information that we covered here today.

You can also go to and search for the FSA ID information. You can call our hotline any time at 1-800-4FEDAID to ask some questions about the FSA ID if you’re having any issues. And we also have that YouTube video that talks about creating FSA ID step by step and you can click that link and watch it there.

And you can also connect with us and a lot of our other platforms as well. On social media, we’re on Facebook. We’re on Twitter. And we have lots of videos on YouTube. We actually have people who respond, if you tweet us and if you write article post on Facebook. is our main hub of information. You can find information not just about the FSA ID, of course, but about all of our programs and anything you can think of related to financial aid and specifically, of course, Federal Student Aid. And you can call us, e-mail us, chat with us with our Federal Student Aid Information Center.

All right. And we have a little bit of time left. So if there are any other questions, go ahead and write them in the Q&A box now. And of course, after this Webinar is over, you can connect with us on any of the medium that’s listed here.

So I give you guys a couple of seconds to see if there are any last-minute questions there and I want to make sure, one, I want to thank you guys so much for taking time out of your busy afternoon to listen to me and learn more about creating this FSA ID.

Hopefully any worries you had creating it or going through the process are now completely gone and you know exactly what to do not only can you create an FSA ID for yourself but you can go out and help a friend create an FSA ID.

In addition to this Webinar that you all just attended, we have a couple of other Webinars coming up as well. You can click the link at the top that says “Register” or you can click the hyperlink at the bottom and that’ll take you to the page to register for other upcoming Webinars as well.

We have a Webinar next week about - talking about eligibility for Federal Student Aid. We also have a Webinar in November that talks about what happens after the FAFSA, what are the next steps when you click “Submit” and all your schools gets it, what’s the timeline, what happens next. I want to know. Can’t wait for that Webinar.

Also we’ll have a live Q&A session. And you know what’s so funny? I’m saying November, (Ashley), like that’s so far away. It’s actually like two weeks away. That’s scary. So on November 16th, which is only about four weeks away, I guess, we’ll have that get your questions answered Webinar where our whole team will be there, ready to answer your most frequently asked questions.

And I see that you guys have a couple of questions coming in. And I can reiterate a few of those while more questions come in and of course while you’re looking at all the amazing Webinars you can sign up for next.

And one of the questions I see here is so if you don’t have a Social Security number, you can still submit a FAFSA, what’s the process. So yes, having - especially most likely this is for parents. If they don’t have a Social Security number, they don’t need - and they can’t create an FSA ID, what they’ll do is in the actual FAFSA in place of the Social Security number, they’ll put all zeros. And once they get to the end of the FAFSA, they will select the option to sign in print signatures. They’ll get to that page, print it, sign it and mail it into the address listed. There’s more information about this on - at as well. So you can always check that out.

(Ashley), were there any other good questions you think I should reiterate or answer here?

(Ashley Harris): There was a couple that came in on documented students with undocumented parents. I know you just touched on that a little bit.

I also just sent out a link to a really helpful worksheet called “Am I dependent or independent?”


(Ashley Harris): We don’t really based dependency off of, you know, if your parents are undocumented or not. The link, if you open that up to the worksheet, it has helpful list of the questions that we do ask and the answer that we do look for to help you determine a student’s dependency status.

Claire Buckner: Awesome. Thanks for sharing that, (Ashley).

Well, I think that’s all the questions we have for today. Thank you all so much for joining us. Good luck in this financial aid process. To all my senior, go class of 2018. And have a great day.



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