
Florida State University Schools

Sideline & Competitive

Cheerleading Tryouts


Tryout Dates:

July 27th – 31st, 2020

To register for tryouts, please complete the online 2020-2021 Tryout Registration form by Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 at 11:59 P.M.

The link to the form is: .

Tryout Packet Checklist

Please have all forms completed and in the following order:

⇨ Application for Cheerleading Tryouts

⇨ Understanding of Tryout Process & Requirements

⇨ Financial Responsibility Form

⇨ Medical Release Form

⇨ Understanding of Constitution and Contract

⇨ EL3 Forms

⇨ EL2 Physical

⇨ Copy of most recent grades in FOCUS (Include the report that shows every nine-week term as well as fall semester grades)

Dear Parents,

Your son/daughter is interested in becoming a member of the FSUS sideline and/or competitive cheerleading squad for the 2020-2021 school year. Tryouts for cheerleading are open to all rising 6th through 12th grade students. If selected to be a cheerleader, there are personal and financial responsibilities and obligations which you and your son/daughter must assume to qualify for and to remain an active member of the team.

Enclosed in this packet are the requirements for the 2020-2021 season and tryout application. Additionally, cheer applicants must provide a print out of their most recent FOCUS grades, completed EL3 forms, and EL2 Physical. This packet must be completed in full in order to be considered for a cheerleading position.

All sideline cheerleaders will be required to serve both football and basketball seasons unless they play another fall or spring sport at FSUS. All competitive cheerleaders will be required to attend all practices and events during the spring competitive seasons (May & October through February) and cannot play another spring sport. All Varsity & Competitive cheerleaders are required to attend gym practices off campus each week. MS and JV will attend one tumbling class off campus each week.

Being a member of the cheerleading team has many rewards and is a valuable experience they will remember for a lifetime. Cheerleading is a great sport that provides a physical challenge, a gateway to building interpersonal relationships, and an opportunity to be a part of a group in order to express pride and accomplishments. We are very excited for the upcoming cheer season and all the great things in store to help build the cheerleading program at FSUS.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Thank you for your support!

Chelsea Costin, Varsity Head Coach



Allison Prater, JV Head Coach



Ilana Stein, MS Head Coach



Kelly Parker, Assistant Coach



Cheerleading Tryout Information

Parent Interest Meetings: Monday, July 20th at 6:15pm (via Zoom).

Tryout Registration: Please register for tryouts online at . You will need to provide your name, email, grade, and your stunt position. Registration forms are due by Wednesday, July 22nd at 11:59pm.

Paperwork due on tryout date: Please bring your packet on the day that you have been assigned to tryout. You will not be allowed to participate in tryouts without your packet.

Tryout Dates: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be assigning girls their tryout time and date this year. Following registration, you will be emailed your assigned tryout slot by Friday, July 25th.

Tryouts will be held at Florida High from Monday, July 27th, 2020 through Friday, July 30th, 2020. You will be assigned a time to arrive at campus for your tryout.

Dress Requirements for Tryouts: FSUS T-shirt, black or grey shorts; cheer shoes or tennis shoes; NO jewelry; hair in neat ponytail and out of face

Tryout Requirements & Reminders

• All students must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA to be eligible to tryout.

• Try outs are closed. No parents, family, or friends are permitted to observe tryouts.

• Grade level does not determine what team you will be placed on.

• Tumbling is not a requirement to make a team.

• Being a cheerleader the previous year in no way guarantees placement on the squad for the following year.

• Cheerleading is a sport; final decisions of teams will be made by the coaches.

Teams will be posted online on August 3rd, 2020 by 5:00pm.

Selection Process for Tryouts

We will select our teams in a process like most other sports at FSUS. Our coaching staff will use all evaluations to place athletes in a way that will allow us to make the strongest teams possible. The final decision will always belong to the head coach.

Athletes will be evaluated on the following:

Motions/Technique: sharp motions, execution, proper placement, voice, and crowd appeal

Jumps: flexibility, pointed toes, landing, technique, body placement

Dance: timing, rhythm, synchronization to the music, sharp motions, and crowd appeal

Tumbling (optional): standing or running tumbling (back handspring, tuck, layout, etc.)

Cheer/Chant: strong motions, sharp motions, voice, and eye catching

Overall Impression & Presentation: memory, good use of skills, spirit, and sharp motions, attendance, tardiness, attitude, spirit, appearance, facials, voice infliction, interaction with others.

The decisions of the coaches are final. Decisions will be supported by administration.


Name: ______________________________________________________________

Grade: ____________________ DOB/Age: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________ City: __________________________________

Cheerleaders will be excused for football OR basketball season only if they play another sport at FSUS and it is indicated on this form. No allowances will be made if the cheerleader changes her or his mind after making the team. Changes could result in an automatic termination from the team.

Are you planning on playing another sport next school year? If so, please list the sport:

Are you currently a member of any club, organization, or team which requires practice time? If yes, please list:

Cheerleading experience? Yes No

If yes, how many years and what team(s)? ___________________________

What is your strongest stunting position? (Circle One)

Main Base Side Base Back Spot Flyer Unsure

List your most advanced skills in your position: (Example: flyer – heel stretch full down, main base- lib, back spot - extension)

Understanding of the Florida State University Schools Cheerleading Tryout Process and Requirements

I hereby agree to the FSUS cheerleading tryouts selection process and requirements. I understand that evaluations will be all days and I know that the coaches will be choosing all teams. I also understand that the coaches’ decisions will be made based on the criteria of character, talent, attitude, ability, and an overall need for positions that will make the strongest teams possible. I understand that discipline, GPA, and teacher recommendations are key aspects that one must not have problem areas to be eligible to tryout. Further, the coaches’ decisions are final.

_________________________________________ ______________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date


All activity fees have to be paid by the first 30 days of school before any athlete can continue to participate in a sport. You may contact bookkeeping if you have any questions.

The cheerleading program will commit to fundraising. If your son/daughter does not participate in the fundraiser or does not complete the fundraiser you will be financially responsible for whatever amount the fundraiser was designated.

No cheerleader is restricted to fundraising the designated amount. A cheerleader is encouraged to fundraise more than the amount designated, however it is not required. The more money raised the less out-of-pocket money you are required to give.

All funds raised stay in the cheerleading budget and cannot be shared or transferred to another sports budget.

Parents must adhere to payment deadlines and/or fundraiser deadlines. Late payments can result in late fees. When payments are late we are assessed late fees and additional fees for express shipping. Those fees must be passed down to prevent a delinquent status in our account.

Bounced checks will have an additional $25 fee attached to the original amount of the check.

Any unpaid balances if necessary will be filed as a school fee and your son/daughter will not be able to start school the following year or receive their diploma until it is paid. Also any unpaid balances could result in your son/daughter not having proper cheerleading materials that could restrict them from cheering.

If a cheerleader is dismissed from the squad, quits, or is restricted from cheering, no refunds will be given unless there are extenuating circumstances.

By signing below, I/WE agree to the terms and conditions as well as the consequences.

______________________________ ________________________________ ___________

Parent/Guardian Signature Print Date

______________________________ ________________________________ ___________

Student Signature Print Date


I give permission for treatment of illness and injury that may be sustained while performing said duties during cheerleading activities.

_____________________________ _____________________________

Name of Doctor Signature of Parent/Guardian

_____________________________ _____________________________

Emergency Contact Phone Number

_____________________________ _____________________________

Insurance Co. & Policy Number Date

Florida State University Schools Cheerleader Contract

1. Cheerleaders are representatives of FSUS and must conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect the dignity, pride, and high standards of our school AT ALL TIMES.

2. A cheerleader will be removed from the team if unable to control his/her behavior in an orderly manner.

3. Cheerleaders must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.

4. Cheerleaders must be present and officially signed in for 4 academic periods on the day of a game in order to participate in the event.

5. Cheerleaders are required to attend all camps, practices, games, and events designated by the coach. (See constitution for consequences).

6. A cheerleader, not parent, must contact the coach if they will be absent or late to practice.

7. A cheerleader must not miss practice, game or event due to a doctor’s appointment.

8. A cheerleader must provide medical documentation for absences because of sickness.

9. Cheerleading takes priority over all activities. All-star cheerleading teams are permitted given that it does not interfere with high school duties such as practices, games, and competitions.

10. When traveling by bus, cheerleaders must travel to and from the event on the bus.

11. No jewelry will be worn at any cheerleading event, including belly button rings.

12. No fingernails extending past the fingertips, acrylic nails, or colored fingernail polish.

13. No use of cell phones allowed at practice, games or events.

14. No chewing gum in uniform or at practice or events.

15. No public display of affection at school or event, in or out of uniform.

16. No inappropriate or vulgar postings on ANY social media sites. Cursing, inappropriate dancing, revealing photos, gossiping, etc. will NOT be tolerated.

Automatic Dismissal:

1. If a cheerleader gets into a physical fight, they will be dismissed immediately.

2. If a cheerleader receives out of school suspension for any reason, they will be dismissed immediately.

3. If a cheerleader is caught stealing, they will be dismissed immediately.

4. Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or any other intoxicant while representing FSUS, in or out of uniform, will result in dismissal.

5. If a cheerleader or parent causes dissension among the cheer squad, he or she will be dismissed immediately. We will not be disrespectful to any squad member for any reason.

Understanding of the FSUS Cheerleading Constitution & Contract


I, ________________________________________________, have read and fully understand all rules and regulations (Constitution & Contract) which govern the FSUS Cheerleaders. As a representative of my school, I understand and agree to abide by them if selected as a cheerleader for the 2019-2020 school year.

If I am elected as a cheerleader at FSUS, I shall fulfill all the requirements to the best of my ability as set forth in the cheerleader constitution and contract. I have read these policies and understand that if I fail to maintain these rules, I will be removed from the team.

Athlete Signature: ___________________________________________________


I, thee under signed, have read and fully understand the rules and regulations which will govern my son/daughter if he/she is chosen to represent FSUS as a cheerleader. I further understand that this is a sport activity and that attendance at all practices, games, special functions, and summer camp is a requirement of the elected cheerleader. I will support my child, the team, and the coaches to the best of my ability.

I hereby give my consent to my son/daughter to try out for cheerleading at FSUS and recognize his/her responsibilities and requirements as leader of his/her school.

Parent Signature: _________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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