John Paul II Catholic High School

Florida State University Schools

Latin III


Instructor: Magistra Joanna Piris Phone: 850-245-3700

Classroom: 3-134

Description of Course: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Intermediate High Latin vocabulary and grammar, and to classical culture. The content will include, but not be limited to, the following:

• communication in Latin using reading, writing, and comprehension strategies, with emphasis on reading and comprehension strategies

• perspectives, practices, and products of classical culture

• application of knowledge of the Latin language and classical culture to further knowledge of other disciplines

• comparison and contrast of the Latin language and classical culture with the student’s own language and culture

• influence of the Latin language and classical culture in modern society

Class materials:

Cambridge Latin Course 5th Edition. Units 3-4

3 Subject Notebook or Loose-leaf paper for grammar and class notes

Folder for handouts

Writing Materials

Book cover (either store bought, or brown paper) – this will be a grade to ensure compliance!

Grading Breakdown by Categories:

Communication (reading, writing, listening etc.): 20%

Presentations/Culture: 20%

Homework/Participation: 20%

Assessments: 40%

Grading Scale: A 100-90; B 89-80; C 79-70; D 69-60; F 59-0.

Students can log in to FOCUS to stay up-to-date on their performance in my class.

Category Descriptions:

Communication: Graded assignments in this category will be connected to class activities that involve students encountering the Latin language in various learning formats, related to the reading, understanding, and interpretation of Latin. Careful and diligent work in class activities is paramount to achieving a satisfactory grade in this category.

*Grade category aligned with the Standards for Classical Language Learning, as approved by the FLDOE.

Presentations/Culture: Graded assignments in this category will demonstrate the students’ understanding of the Latin language and the perspectives of Roman culture (and in extension, of Greek culture) as revealed in the practices and products of the Romans (and Greeks). Sample grades in this category include oral and visual presentations, cultural assignments, and projects primarily relating to using Latin or to Greco-Roman culture.

Homework/Participation: Any graded work done outside of class will go into this category.The major goal of homework for this class is to prepare for an upcoming class or finish up what we started in class. The teacher will strive to keep homework assignments short and to a minimum, however, depending on class pace, exceptions might occur. Good participation in class is needed for successful completion of this course so there will be a weekly class participation grade.

Assessments: Tests, quizzes, and other assessments will go into this category. We will take approximately 3-4 tests each quarter. Tests are designed to assess your knowledge of Latin grammar, syntax, vocabulary, culture, and myth. Tests will also examine your ability to comprehend Latin texts and knowledge of culture. I will give you sufficient notice when tests are approaching, so that you will have enough time to prepare. Major Projects are also included in this grade book category.

*N.B: Since learning a language requires building upon previous lessons, all tests will be cumulative.

National Latin Exam: In early March, upper level Latin will be required to take the National Latin Exam. Level 1 and 2 students may volunteer to take it but it is not required for them. The exam is 40 multiple-choice questions covering grammar, vocabulary, culture, and myth, etc. and will be held at Florida High. The exam will count as a Test for the 4th quarter. Students who excel have the opportunity to win medals and certificates.

Regional Latin Forum/ 3rd Quarter Project

In the 3rd quarter you will be expected to either participate in the Regional Latin Forum or complete a multi-faceted research paper. The Regional Latin Forum is a gathering of Latin students from all over Leon County where students get the chance to meet in friendly competition. Events include Academics, Costumes, Art, Speeches, Olympics, and Certamen (Latin Quiz Bowl). The forum is a wonderful chance for you to flex your Latin muscles and meet fellow Latinists. This year forum will be held on Saturday February 8 at James S. Rickards High School. Students who decide not to attend forum will be required to complete a 3rd quarter project which culminates in a comprehensive research paper. This project will count for each student as a 3rd Quarter Test Grade of 100pts.

Classroom Expectation: FSUS students have a right to learn in a safe and respectful environment.  All students will be expected to adhere to attendance and behavior expectations in our FSUS Code of Conduct.  Please see our website for more information. 

In my class:

1. Come to class prepared with all of your necessary materials and due assignments.

2. Place cell phones in bags before class begins, as per Code of Student Conduct. You must not photograph, audio, or video record adults or students at any time without their express consent.

3. Enter the classroom on time and ready to learn. Please get to class a few minutes early so that you can organize your materials and be ready to start bell work, quizzes, etc. when class begins.

4. Pay attention during lessons, take careful notes, and participate in class discussions.

5. When you have a question or encounter difficulties, please ask me for clarification either during class or make an appointment with me to discuss problem areas.

6. Do your own work on assignments, quizzes, and tests. Copying the work of others is not only a breach of academic integrity, but also deprives you of the opportunity of learning the material for yourself. Students who are found guilty of cheating will receive a zero on the dishonest work and will be subject to the FSUS Discipline Process.

7. Show respect for the teacher as well as all of your fellow classmates by treating everyone as you wish to be treated and not disrupting the class. This includes the following points of classroom etiquette:

-Raise your hand to ask a question or

participate in discussion.

-Do not belittle or correct any of your


-No doing other homework during class.

-Stay in your seat unless given permission.

-No eating or drinking (except for water).

-Only use cell phones, MP3 players, and

any other electronic devices when teacher

gives verbal permission, otherwise turn

them off and store them in a bag before

entering the classroom.

8. Abide by all those additional rules and regulations as outlined in the FSUS Code of Student Conduct. Students guilty of disruptive behavior or disregarding school rules will be subject to proper disciplinary action in class and as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Policies for Missed and Late Work:

Late work:

It is important that you regularly attend class in order to perform well. If you do happen to miss class, you are responsible for finding out what you missed. When assigned work, you are responsible for noting when assignments are due, no matter the number of reminders given. Work turned in after the due date, unless submitted due to an excused absence, will receive a maximum score of 70% until the unit test. Late work will not be accepted after the Stage test. Late work should be turned into the “Late Work” tray. This policy also includes lost assignments (for which, an additional 10% will be taken off if the teacher has to print another copy).

Make up work for excused absences:

Students who are not in school miss important learning, including academic assignments and assessments. Our school make-up policy is designed to support students to make up the learning they missed, including all missed assignments and assessments, so that they do not fall behind academically.

As per the FSUS Student Code of Conduct, students are responsible for collecting missed assignments on the day they return to school. Students will have two (2) school days, not including the day of return, for each excused class day they are absent to make up missed learning and assignments. Previously assigned work is due the day of return. Work that is missing due to an unexcused absence is considered “late work.” 

Students that have received In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or placed on Administrative Leave will be expected to work on assignments during the time of his/her absence.  The student and family will work with FSUS Administration and faculty on a case-by-case basis to make sure that the student is receiving all classwork and assignments. Deadlines for completion will be given on a case by case basis.


Your success in this class is important to me. If there are circumstances that may affect your performance in this class, please let me know as soon as possible so that we may work together to develop strategies for adapting assignments to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course.  

**This syllabus will be followed as closely as possible. However, the teacher reserves the right to modify, supplement and make changes as course needs may arise.

I am so glad you are in my class this year!! (


IMPORTANT LATIN DATES – 2019-2020 FSUS Calendar – Mark your calendar now!

August 12 Students Report

September 2 Labor Day Holiday

18 Early Release Day 11:45 A.M. - Teacher Professional Development Day

October 11 End of First Nine Weeks

14 Teacher Planning/Professional Development Day (Students out)

November 6 Early Release Day 11:45 A.M. - Teacher Planning Day

11 Veterans’ Day Holiday (Students and all Employees out)

23 FJCL Fall Forum

25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday (Students and Teachers out)

December 18, 19, 20 Middle/ High School Semester, Final & District Exam Days (Early Release)

20 End of Second Nine Weeks

23-31 Winter Holidays (Teachers and Students out)


January 1-3 Winter Holidays (Teachers and Students out)

6 Teachers return - Teacher Planning Day

7 Students Return

20 Martin Luther King Holiday (All Employees and Students out)

February 5 Early Release Day 11:45 A.M. - Teacher Professional Development Day

8 (Sat.) Regional Latin Forum*

17 President’s Day (Teachers and Students out)

March 9-13 National Latin Exam (exam window subject to change)

13 End of Third Nine Weeks

16-20 Spring Break (Students and Teachers Out)

23 Teacher Professional Development Day (Students Out)

24 Students Return

April 2-4 71st FJCL State Latin Forum**

9 Early Release Day 11:45 A.M. - Teacher Professional Development Day

10 Spring Holiday (Students and Teachers out)

May 22 Teacher Planning Day - Optional work day for Teachers

25 Memorial Day Holiday (All Employees Out)

27, 28, 29 Middle/High School Final and District Exam Days (Early Release)

29 End of Fourth Nine Weeks

June 1, 2 Teacher Post Planning

July 24-29 ~ National Junior Classical League Convention

at University of Richmond, VA

* ALL Latin students are required to participate in the Regional Latin Forum, or complete an extensive, alternative 3rd quarter project.

** State Latin Forum is an exciting but EARNED activity; only the best will go as part of the FSUS team– be sure it’s you!!

The signatures below validate that you have read and understand the

Latin Course Objectives and Requirements, as well as the Important Latin Dates on the 2019-2020 school calendar.

__________________________ x__________________________ _________

Student Name (Please print) Student Signature Date

Student Contact Information

Email address: ____________________________________________

__________________________ x__________________________ _________

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent Contact Information

Most convenient phone number: ______________________________

Email address: ____________________________________________

The signatures below validate that you accept responsibility for any damages to books or materials supplied by the school for this course.

__________________________ __________________________ _________

Student Name (Please print) Student Signature Date

__________________________ __________________________ _________

Parent/Guardian Name (Please print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

This is a homework assignment. Complete this page and return it (not the whole syllabus) with the plagiarism policy form to Mrs. Piris by the due date: Monday, August 19th, 2019.

 Florida State University Schools Plagiarism Policy

To be read, discussed, signed by parent and student, and returned to your Latin teacher.

Florida State University Schools regards the issue of plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism is, after all, a form of cheating, and cheating is considered a form of dishonesty which will not be tolerated.

Plagiarism may be defined as:

The use of another's words or ideas as one's own, whether found in printed material or in electronic media. This includes copying another’s homework, classwork, or other assignment.

Appropriate use of sources include:

• Direct quote-use of the author's words verbatim with quotation marks and correct documentation.

• Paraphrase-use of the author's ideas in one's own words by changing sentence structure and using correct documentation.

• Summary-use of the author's general ideas and correct documentation.

• Multiple submission:  Submitting the same academic work (including oral presentations: such as PowerPoints, Prezi and other forms of visual media) for credit more than once is only acceptable with instructor permission.

It is the teacher's responsibility to provide instruction concerning documentation procedures (i.e. references, bibliographies, APA/MLA formats, etc). Ultimately, however, academic honesty is the student's responsibility. If plagiarism is not discovered during the writing process, but appears in the final product, the same penalties will apply.

Parent(s) of students found being dishonest will be notified immediately. The student's teacher shall meet with the administration to determine disciplinary action. Counseling and a parent conference may be warranted.  In addition, if the final copy of the assignment contains a pattern of plagiarism, it will be subject to a zero. I understand that if the final copy of the assignment receives a zero for plagiarism, it must be rewritten correctly.

Student name (Printed)___________________________  

Student Signature _______________________________        Date:__________________

Parent Signature ________________________________        Date: __________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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