
Current Date: 12/28/2015 8:55 AMUnits system: EnglishSteel connectionsResultsConnection name:Fixed uniaxial major axis BPConnection ID:1Family: Column - Base (CB)Type: Base plateDesign code: AISC 360-10 LRFD, ACI 318-08DEMANDSDescriptionPuMu22Mu33Vu2Vu3Load type[Kip][Kip*ft][Kip*ft][Kip][Kip]DL-200.000.0050.000.000.00DesignDesign for major axisBase plate (AISC 360-10 LRFD)GEOMETRIC CONSIDERATIONSDimensionsUnitValueMin. valueMax. valueSta.ReferencesBase plateLongitudinal dimension[in]19.0010.73--Nmin = dc + 2*w = 10.1[in] + 2*0.313[in] = 10.73[in]Transversal dimension[in]12.008.65--Bmin = bc + 2*w = 8.02[in] + 2*0.313[in] = 8.65[in]Distance from anchor to edge[in]2.000.25--Weld size[1/16in]53--table J2.4wmin = wmin = 0.0156table J2.4DESIGN CHECKVerificationUnitCapacityDemandCtrl EQRatioReferencesConcrete baseAxial bearing[Lb/ft2]636480.00184615.40DL0.29 DG1 3.1.1;A2 = ((B/N)*Ncs)*Ncs = ((12[in]/19[in])*96[in])*96[in] = 5820.63[in2]DG1 Sec 3.1.1A1 = B*N = 12[in]*19[in] = 228[in2]DG1 Sec 3.1.1fp, max = ?*min(0.85*f'c*(A2/A1)1/2, 1.7*f'c) = 0.65*min(0.85*4000[lb/in2]*(25.53)1/2, 1.7*4000[lb/in2]) = 4420[lb/in2]DG1 3.1.1Base plateFlexural yielding (bearing interface)[Kip*ft/ft]15.3114.18DL0.93 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13,DG1 Sec 3.1.2?Mn = ?*Fy*tp2/4 = 0.9*36000[lb/in2]*1.38[in]2/4 = 15.31[kip*ft/ft]DG1 Eq. 3.3.13m = m = 4.7[in]DG1 Sec 3.1.2n = n = 2.79[in]DG1 Sec 3.1.2Mpl = max(MpM, MpN) = max(14.18[kip*ft/ft], 5[kip*ft/ft]) = 14.18[kip*ft/ft]Flexural yielding (tension interface)[Kip*ft/ft]15.310.00DL0.00 DG1 Eq. 3.3.13?Mn = ?*Fy*tp2/4 = 0.9*36000[lb/in2]*1.38[in]2/4 = 15.31[kip*ft/ft]DG1 Eq. 3.3.13MpT = Mstrip/Beff = 0[kip*ft]/4.7[in] = 0[kip*ft/ft]ColumnWeld capacity[Kip/ft]125.290.00DL0.00 p. 8-9,Sec. J2.5,Sec. J2.4LoadAngleFactor = 1 + 0.5*(sin(?))1.5 = 1 + 0.5*(sin(1.57))1.5 = 1.5p. 8-9Fw = 0.6*FEXX*LoadAngleFactor = 0.6*70000[lb/in2]*1.5 = 63000[lb/in2]Sec. J2.5Aw = (2)1/2/2*D/16 [in]*L = (2)1/2/2*5/16 [in]*12[in] = 2.65[in2]Sec. J2.4?Rw = ?*Fw*Aw/L = 0.75*63000[lb/in2]*2.65[in2]/12[in] = 10.44[kip/in]Elastic method weld shear capacity[Kip/ft]83.530.00DL0.00 p. 8-9,Sec. J2.5,Sec. J2.4LoadAngleFactor = 1 + 0.5*(sin(?))1.5 = 1 + 0.5*(sin(0))1.5 = 1p. 8-9Fw = 0.6*FEXX*LoadAngleFactor = 0.6*70000[lb/in2]*1 = 42000[lb/in2]Sec. J2.5Aw = (2)1/2/2*D/16 [in]*L = (2)1/2/2*5/16 [in]*12[in] = 2.65[in2]Sec. J2.4?Rw = ?*Fw*Aw/L = 0.75*42000[lb/in2]*2.65[in2]/12[in] = 6.96[kip/in]fv = V/Lshear = 0[kip]/15.72[in] = 0[kip/in]Elastic method weld axial capacity[Kip/ft]125.2949.07DL0.39 p. 8-9,Sec. J2.5,Sec. J2.4LoadAngleFactor = 1 + 0.5*(sin(?))1.5 = 1 + 0.5*(sin(1.57))1.5 = 1.5p. 8-9Fw = 0.6*FEXX*LoadAngleFactor = 0.6*70000[lb/in2]*1.5 = 63000[lb/in2]Sec. J2.5Aw = (2)1/2/2*D/16 [in]*L = (2)1/2/2*5/16 [in]*12[in] = 2.65[in2]Sec. J2.4?Rw = ?*Fw*Aw/L = 0.75*63000[lb/in2]*2.65[in2]/12[in] = 10.44[kip/in]fa = P/L = 0[kip]/28.83[in] = 0[kip/in]fb = M*c/I = 50[kip*ft]*5.05[in]/740.99[in3] = 4.09[kip/in]f = fb + fa = 4.09[kip/in] + 0[kip/in] = 4.09[kip/in]Ratio0.93Major axisAnchorsGEOMETRIC CONSIDERATIONSDimensionsUnitValueMin. valueMax. valueSta.ReferencesAnchorsAnchor spacing[in]8.001.00--Sec. D.8.1smin = 4*da = 4*0.25[in] = 1[in]Sec. D.8.1Concrete cover[in]40.373.00--Sec. 7.7.1IsConcreteCastAgainstEarth???TrueCover = 3 [in]Sec. 7.7.1Effective length[in]12.16--23.84DESIGN CHECKVerificationUnitCapacityDemandCtrl EQRatioReferencesAnchor tension[Kip]1.380.00DL0.00 Eq. D-3Ase = π/4.0*(da - 0.9743 [in]/nt)2 = π/4.0*(0.25[in] - 0.9743 [in]/20)2 = 0.0318[in2]Sec. D.5.1.1,D.6.1.2futa = min(futa, 1.9*fya, 125 [ksi]) = min(58000[lb/in2], 1.9*36000[lb/in2], 125 [ksi]) = 58000[lb/in2]Sec. D.5.1.2?Nsa = ?*n*Ase,N*futa = 0.75*1*0.0318[in2]*58000[lb/in2] = 1.38[kip]Eq. D-3Breakout of anchor in tension[Kip]55.690.00DL0.00 Eq. D-4,Sec. D.3.3.3ca1Left<1.5*hef???44[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Left = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca1Right<1.5*hef???52[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Right = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Top<1.5*hef???55.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Top = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Bot<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Bot = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Falsehef = hef = 12[in]Sec. D.5.2.3ANc = (ca1Left + ca1Right)*(ca2Top + ca2Bot) = (18[in] + 18[in])*(18[in] + 18[in]) =1296[in2]Sec. RD.5.2.1ANco = 9*hef2 = 9*12[in]2 = 1296[in2]Eq. D-6ca,min<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???False?ed,N = 1Eq. D-10CrackedConcrete???False?c,N = 1.25Sec. D.5.2.6IsCastInPlaceAnchor???True?cp,N = 1Sec. D.5.2.7IsCastInPlaceAnchor???Truekc = 24Sec. D.5.2.2(IsCastInPlaceAnchor) and (IsHeadedBolt) and (hef>=11 [in]) and (hef<=25 [in])???(True) and (True) and (12[in]>=11 [in]) and (12[in]<=25 [in])???TrueNb = 16*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(hef/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 16*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(12[in]/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 63.65[kip]Eq. D-8Ncb = (ANc/ANco)*?ed,N*?c,N*?cp,N*Nb = (1296[in2]/1296[in2])*1*1.25*1*63.65[kip] = 79.56[kip]Eq. D-4HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Ncb = ?*Ncb = 0.7*79.56[kip] = 55.69[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Pullout of anchor in tension[Kip]3.660.00DL0.00 Sec. D.3.3.3Abrg = 0.866025*F2 - Ag = 0.866025*0.438[in]2 - 0.049[in2] = 0.117[in2]IsHeadedBolt???TrueNp = 8*Abrg*fc = 8*0.117[in2]*4000[lb/in2] = 3.74[kip]Eq. D-15CrackedConcrete???False?c,P = 1.4Sec. D.5.3.6Npn = ?c,P*Np = 1.4*3.74[kip] = 5.23[kip]Eq. D-14HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Npn = ?*Npn = 0.7*5.23[kip] = 3.66[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Anchor shear[Kip]0.720.00DL0.00 Eq. D-20Ase = π/4.0*(da - 0.9743 [in]/nt)2 = π/4.0*(0.25[in] - 0.9743 [in]/20)2 = 0.0318[in2]Sec. D.5.1.1,D.6.1.2futa = min(futa, 1.9*fya, 125 [ksi]) = min(58000[lb/in2], 1.9*36000[lb/in2], 125 [ksi]) = 58000[lb/in2]Sec. D.5.1.2HasGroutPad???False?Vsa = ?*0.6*n*Ase,V*futa = 0.65*0.6*1*0.0318[in2]*58000[lb/in2] = 0.72[kip]Eq. D-20Breakout of anchor in shear[Kip]40.140.00DL0.00 Sec. D.3.3.3ca2Left<1.5*ca1???44[in]<1.5*55.5[in]???Trueca2Left = ca2Left = 44[in]Sec. D.6.2.1ca2Right<1.5*ca1???52[in]<1.5*55.5[in]???Trueca2Right = ca2Right = 52[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*55.5[in]???Trueha = ha = 24[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Trueca1 = max(camax/1.5, ha/1.5) = max(52[in]/1.5, 24[in]/1.5) = 34.67[in]Sec. D.6.2.4ca2Left<1.5*ca1???44[in]<1.5*34.67[in]???Trueca2Left = ca2Left = 44[in]Sec. D.6.2.1ca2Right<1.5*ca1???52[in]<1.5*34.67[in]???Falseca2Right = 1.5*ca1 = 1.5*34.67[in] = 52[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*34.67[in]???Trueha = ha = 24[in]Sec. D.5.2.1LVc = ca2Left + ca2Right = 44[in] + 52[in] = 96[in]Sec. RD.6.2.1AVc = LVc*min(ha, 1.5*ca1) = 96[in]*min(24[in], 1.5*34.67[in]) = 2304[in2]Sec. RD.6.2.1AVco = 4.5*ca12 = 4.5*34.67[in]2 = 5408[in2]Eq. D-23ca2<1.5*ca1???44[in]<1.5*34.67[in]???True?ed,V = 0.7 + 0.3*(ca2/(1.5*ca1)) = 0.7 + 0.3*(44[in]/(1.5*34.67[in])) = 0.954Eq. D-28CrackedConcrete???False?c,V = 1.4Sec. D.6.2.7ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*34.67[in]???True?h,V = max(((1.5*ca1)/ha)1/2, 1) = max(((1.5*34.67[in])/24[in])1/2, 1) = 1.47Eq. D-29le = min(hef, 8*da) = min(12[in], 8*0.25[in]) = 2[in]Sec. D.6.2.2Vb = (7*(le/da)0.2*(da/(1 [in]))1/2)*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(ca1/(1 [in]))1.5 [lb] = (7*(2[in]/0.25[in])0.2*(0.25[in]/(1 [in]))1/2)*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(34.67[in]/(1 [in]))1.5 [lb] = 68.48[kip]Eq. D-24Vcb = (AVc/AVco)*?ed,V*?c,V*?h,V*Vb = (2304[in2]/5408[in2])*0.954*1.4*1.47*68.48[kip] = 57.35[kip]Eq. D-21HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Vcb = ?*Vcb = 0.7*57.35[kip] = 40.14[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Pryout of anchor in shear[Kip]111.380.00DL0.00 Eq. D-4,Sec. D.3.3.3hef<2.5 [in]???12[in]<2.5 [in]???Falsekcp = 2Sec. D.6.3.1ca1Left<1.5*hef???44[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Left = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca1Right<1.5*hef???52[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Right = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Top<1.5*hef???55.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Top = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Bot<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Bot = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Falsehef = hef = 12[in]Sec. D.5.2.3ANc = (ca1Left + ca1Right)*(ca2Top + ca2Bot) = (18[in] + 18[in])*(18[in] + 18[in]) =1296[in2]Sec. RD.5.2.1ANco = 9*hef2 = 9*12[in]2 = 1296[in2]Eq. D-6ca,min<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???False?ed,N = 1Eq. D-10CrackedConcrete???False?c,N = 1.25Sec. D.5.2.6IsCastInPlaceAnchor???True?cp,N = 1Sec. D.5.2.7IsCastInPlaceAnchor???Truekc = 24Sec. D.5.2.2(IsCastInPlaceAnchor) and (IsHeadedBolt) and (hef>=11 [in]) and (hef<=25 [in])???(True) and (True) and (12[in]>=11 [in]) and (12[in]<=25 [in])???TrueNb = 16*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(hef/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 16*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(12[in]/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 63.65[kip]Eq. D-8Ncb = (ANc/ANco)*?ed,N*?c,N*?cp,N*Nb = (1296[in2]/1296[in2])*1*1.25*1*63.65[kip] = 79.56[kip]Eq. D-4Vcp = kcp*Ncb = 2*79.56[kip] = 159.12[kip]Eq. D-30HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Vcp = ?*Vcp = 0.7*159.12[kip] = 111.38[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Ratio0.00Minor axisAnchorsGEOMETRIC CONSIDERATIONSDimensionsUnitValueMin. valueMax. valueSta.ReferencesAnchorsAnchor spacing[in]8.001.00--Sec. D.8.1smin = 4*da = 4*0.25[in] = 1[in]Sec. D.8.1Concrete cover[in]40.373.00--Sec. 7.7.1IsConcreteCastAgainstEarth???TrueCover = 3 [in]Sec. 7.7.1Effective length[in]12.16--23.84DESIGN CHECKVerificationUnitCapacityDemandCtrl EQRatioReferencesAnchor tension[Kip]1.380.00DL0.00 DG1 3.1.1A2 = ((B/N)*Ncs)*Ncs = ((12[in]/19[in])*96[in])*96[in] = 5820.63[in2]DG1 Sec 3.1.1A1 = B*N = 12[in]*19[in] = 228[in2]DG1 Sec 3.1.1fp, max = ?*min(0.85*f'c*(A2/A1)1/2, 1.7*f'c) = 0.65*min(0.85*4000[lb/in2]*(25.53)1/2, 1.7*4000[lb/in2]) = 4420[lb/in2]DG1 3.1.1Breakout of anchor in tension[Kip]55.690.00DL0.00 Eq. D-4,Sec. D.3.3.3ca1Left<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Left = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca1Right<1.5*hef???55.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Right = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Top<1.5*hef???44[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Top = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Bot<1.5*hef???52[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Bot = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Falsehef = hef = 12[in]Sec. D.5.2.3ANc = (ca1Left + ca1Right)*(ca2Top + ca2Bot) = (18[in] + 18[in])*(18[in] + 18[in]) =1296[in2]Sec. RD.5.2.1ANco = 9*hef2 = 9*12[in]2 = 1296[in2]Eq. D-6ca,min<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???False?ed,N = 1Eq. D-10CrackedConcrete???False?c,N = 1.25Sec. D.5.2.6IsCastInPlaceAnchor???True?cp,N = 1Sec. D.5.2.7IsCastInPlaceAnchor???Truekc = 24Sec. D.5.2.2(IsCastInPlaceAnchor) and (IsHeadedBolt) and (hef>=11 [in]) and (hef<=25 [in])???(True) and (True) and (12[in]>=11 [in]) and (12[in]<=25 [in])???TrueNb = 16*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(hef/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 16*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(12[in]/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 63.65[kip]Eq. D-8Ncb = (ANc/ANco)*?ed,N*?c,N*?cp,N*Nb = (1296[in2]/1296[in2])*1*1.25*1*63.65[kip] = 79.56[kip]Eq. D-4HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Ncb = ?*Ncb = 0.7*79.56[kip] = 55.69[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Pullout of anchor in tension[Kip]3.660.00DL0.00 Sec. D.3.3.3Abrg = 0.866025*F2 - Ag = 0.866025*0.438[in]2 - 0.049[in2] = 0.117[in2]IsHeadedBolt???TrueNp = 8*Abrg*fc = 8*0.117[in2]*4000[lb/in2] = 3.74[kip]Eq. D-15CrackedConcrete???False?c,P = 1.4Sec. D.5.3.6Npn = ?c,P*Np = 1.4*3.74[kip] = 5.23[kip]Eq. D-14HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Npn = ?*Npn = 0.7*5.23[kip] = 3.66[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Anchor shear[Kip]0.720.00DL0.00 Eq. D-20Ase = π/4.0*(da - 0.9743 [in]/nt)2 = π/4.0*(0.25[in] - 0.9743 [in]/20)2 = 0.0318[in2]Sec. D.5.1.1,D.6.1.2futa = min(futa, 1.9*fya, 125 [ksi]) = min(58000[lb/in2], 1.9*36000[lb/in2], 125 [ksi]) = 58000[lb/in2]Sec. D.5.1.2HasGroutPad???False?Vsa = ?*0.6*n*Ase,V*futa = 0.65*0.6*1*0.0318[in2]*58000[lb/in2] = 0.72[kip]Eq. D-20Breakout of anchor in shear[Kip]38.670.00DL0.00 Sec. D.3.3.3ca2Left<1.5*ca1???40.5[in]<1.5*44[in]???Trueca2Left = ca2Left = 40.5[in]Sec. D.6.2.1ca2Right<1.5*ca1???55.5[in]<1.5*44[in]???Trueca2Right = ca2Right = 55.5[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*44[in]???Trueha = ha = 24[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Trueca1 = max(camax/1.5, ha/1.5) = max(55.5[in]/1.5, 24[in]/1.5) = 37[in]Sec. D.6.2.4ca2Left<1.5*ca1???40.5[in]<1.5*37[in]???Trueca2Left = ca2Left = 40.5[in]Sec. D.6.2.1ca2Right<1.5*ca1???55.5[in]<1.5*37[in]???Falseca2Right = 1.5*ca1 = 1.5*37[in] = 55.5[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*37[in]???Trueha = ha = 24[in]Sec. D.5.2.1LVc = ca2Left + ca2Right = 40.5[in] + 55.5[in] = 96[in]Sec. RD.6.2.1AVc = LVc*min(ha, 1.5*ca1) = 96[in]*min(24[in], 1.5*37[in]) = 2304[in2]Sec. RD.6.2.1AVco = 4.5*ca12 = 4.5*37[in]2 = 6160.5[in2]Eq. D-23ca2<1.5*ca1???40.5[in]<1.5*37[in]???True?ed,V = 0.7 + 0.3*(ca2/(1.5*ca1)) = 0.7 + 0.3*(40.5[in]/(1.5*37[in])) = 0.919Eq. D-28CrackedConcrete???False?c,V = 1.4Sec. D.6.2.7ha<1.5*ca1???24[in]<1.5*37[in]???True?h,V = max(((1.5*ca1)/ha)1/2, 1) = max(((1.5*37[in])/24[in])1/2, 1) = 1.52Eq. D-29le = min(hef, 8*da) = min(12[in], 8*0.25[in]) = 2[in]Sec. D.6.2.2Vb = (7*(le/da)0.2*(da/(1 [in]))1/2)*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(ca1/(1 [in]))1.5 [lb] = (7*(2[in]/0.25[in])0.2*(0.25[in]/(1 [in]))1/2)*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(37[in]/(1 [in]))1.5 [lb] = 75.51[kip]Eq. D-24Vcb = (AVc/AVco)*?ed,V*?c,V*?h,V*Vb = (2304[in2]/6160.5[in2])*0.919*1.4*1.52*75.51[kip] = 55.25[kip]Eq. D-21HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Vcb = ?*Vcb = 0.7*55.25[kip] = 38.67[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Pryout of anchor in shear[Kip]111.380.00DL0.00 Eq. D-4,Sec. D.3.3.3hef<2.5 [in]???12[in]<2.5 [in]???Falsekcp = 2Sec. D.6.3.1ca1Left<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Left = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca1Right<1.5*hef???55.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca1Right = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Top<1.5*hef???44[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Top = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1ca2Bot<1.5*hef???52[in]<1.5*12[in]???Falseca2Bot = 1.5*hef = 1.5*12[in] = 18[in]Sec. D.5.2.1IsCloseToThreeEdges???Falsehef = hef = 12[in]Sec. D.5.2.3ANc = (ca1Left + ca1Right)*(ca2Top + ca2Bot) = (18[in] + 18[in])*(18[in] + 18[in]) =1296[in2]Sec. RD.5.2.1ANco = 9*hef2 = 9*12[in]2 = 1296[in2]Eq. D-6ca,min<1.5*hef???40.5[in]<1.5*12[in]???False?ed,N = 1Eq. D-10CrackedConcrete???False?c,N = 1.25Sec. D.5.2.6IsCastInPlaceAnchor???True?cp,N = 1Sec. D.5.2.7IsCastInPlaceAnchor???Truekc = 24Sec. D.5.2.2(IsCastInPlaceAnchor) and (IsHeadedBolt) and (hef>=11 [in]) and (hef<=25 [in])???(True) and (True) and (12[in]>=11 [in]) and (12[in]<=25 [in])???TrueNb = 16*?*(fc/(1 [psi]))1/2*(hef/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 16*1*(4000[lb/in2]/(1 [psi]))1/2*(12[in]/(1 [in]))(5/3) [lb] = 63.65[kip]Eq. D-8Ncb = (ANc/ANco)*?ed,N*?c,N*?cp,N*Nb = (1296[in2]/1296[in2])*1*1.25*1*63.65[kip] = 79.56[kip]Eq. D-4Vcp = kcp*Ncb = 2*79.56[kip] = 159.12[kip]Eq. D-30HighSeismicDesignCategory???False?Vcp = ?*Vcp = 0.7*159.12[kip] = 111.38[kip]Sec. D.3.3.3Ratio0.00Global critical strength ratio0.93Major axisMaximum compression and tension (DL)Maximum bearing pressure1282.05[psi]Minimum bearing pressure1282.05[psi]Maximum anchor tension0.00[Kip]Minimum anchor tension0.00[Kip]Neutral axis angle0.00Bearing length13.00[in]Anchors tensionsAnchorTransverseLongitudinalShearTension[in][in][Kip][Kip]1-4.00-7.500.000.002-4.007.500.000.0034.007.500.000.0044.00-7.500.000.00NOTATION A1:Base plate area A2:Maximum area of portion of the concrete supporting surface that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the load area Aw:Effective area of the weld A2/A1:Ratio between the concrete support area and the base plate area B:Base plate design width bc:Width of column section Beff:Controlling ffective width Bmin:Minimum base plate width perpendicular to moment direction c:Distance to weld group dc:Column depth D:Number of sixteenths of an inch in the weld size fa:Axial stress on welds fb:Bending stress on welds f'c:Specified compressive strength of concrete f:Combined stress on welds FEXX:Electrode classification number fp, max:Maximum uniformly bearing stress under base plate fv:Vertical shear force on weld Fw:Nominal strength of the weld metal per unit area Fy:Specified minimum yield stress I:Inertia of weld group L:Length of weld Lshear:Length of weld receiving shear LoadAngleFactor:Load angle factor M:Bending required m:Base plate bearing interface cantilever direction parallel to moment direction Mpl:Plate bending moment per unit width MpM:Plate bending moment per unit width at bearing interface for the cantilever m MpN:Plate bending moment per unit width at bearing interface for the cantilever n MpT:Plate bending moment per unit width at tension unstiffened strip interface Mstrip:Maximum bending moment at the strip N:Base plate design length n:Base plate bearing interface cantilever direction perpendicular to moment direction Ncs:Length of the concrete supporting surface or pier parallel to moment design direction Nmin:Minimum base plate length parallel to moment direction P:Required axial force ?:Design factors ?Mn:Design or allowable strength per unit length ?Rw:Fillet weld capacity per unit length tp:Plate thickness ?:Load angle V:Shear load wmin:Minimum weld size required w:Weld size Abrg:Net bearing area of the head of stud or anchor bolt Ag:Gross area of anchor ANc:Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor or group of anchors, for calculation of strength in tension ANco:Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor, for calculation of strength in tension if not limited by edge distance or spacing Ase:Effective cross-sectional area of anchor Ase,N:Effective cross-sectional area of anchor in tension Ase,V:Effective cross-sectional area of anchor in shear AVc:Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor or group of anchors , for calculation of strength in shear AVco:Projected concrete failure area of a single anchor, for calculation of strength in shear, if not limited by corner influences, spacing, or member thickness ca1:Distance from the anchor center to the concrete edge ca1Left:Distance from the anchor center to the left edge of the concrete base ca1Right:Distance from the anchor center to the right edge of the concrete base ca2:Distance from the anchor center to the concrete edge in perpendicular direction ca2Bot:Distance from the anchor center to the bottom edge of the concrete base ca2Left:Distance from the anchor center to the left edge of the concrete base ca2Right:Distance from the anchor center to the right edge of the concrete base ca2Top:Distance from the anchor center to the top edge of the concrete base camax:Maximum distance from center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete ca,min:Minimum distance from center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete Cover:Concrete cover CrackedConcrete:Cracked concrete at service loads da:Outside diameter of anchor or shaft diameter of headed stud, headed bolt, or hooked bolt F:Distance between head flat sides fc:Specified compressive strength of concrete futa:Specified tensile strength of anchor steel fya:Specified yield strength of anchor steel ha:Thickness of member in which an anchor is located, measured parallel to anchor axis hef:Effective embedment depth of anchor HasGroutPad:Has grout pad HighSeismicDesignCategory:High seismic design category (i.e. C, D, E or F) IsCastInPlaceAnchor:Is cast in place anchor IsCloseToThreeEdges:Anchor is close to three or more edges IsConcreteCastAgainstEarth:Is concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth IsHeadedBolt:Is anchor headed stud kc:Coefficient for concrete pry out basic strength kcp:Coefficient for pry out strength le:Load-bearing length of the anchor for shear LVc:Projected concrete failure length of a single anchor or group of anchors , for calculation of strength in shear ?:Lightweight concrete modification factor n:Number of anchors in the group Nb:Basic concrete breakout strength in tension of a single anchor in cracked concrete Ncb:Nominal concrete breakout strength in tension of a single anchor Np:Pullout strength in tension of a single anchor in cracked concrete Npn:Nominal pullout strength of a single anchor in tension nt:Number of threads per inch ?:Strength reduction factor ?Ncb:Concrete breakout strength in tension of a single anchor ?Npn:Pullout strength in tension of a single anchor ?Nsa:Strength of a single anchor or group of anchors in tension ?Vcb:Concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor ?Vcp:Concrete pryout strength of a single anchor ?Vsa:Strength in shear of a single anchor or group of anchors as governed by the steel strength ?c,N:Factor used to modify tensile strength of anchors based on presence or absence of cracks in concrete ?c,P:Factor used to modify pullout strength of anchors based on presence or absence of cracks in concrete ?cp,N:Factor used to modify tensile strength of postinstalled anchors intended for use in uncracked concrete without supplementary reinforcement ?c,V:Factor used to modify shear strength of anchors based on presence or absence of cracks in concrete and presence or absence of supplementary reinforcement ?ed,N:Factor used to modify tensile strength of anchors based on proximity to edges of concrete member ?ed,V:Factor used to modify shear strength of anchors based on proximity to edges of concrete member ?h,V:Factor used to modify shear strength of anchors located in concrete members with ha < 1.5ca1 smin:Center-to-center anchor minimum spacing SideFaceBlowoutApply:Side-face blowout apply Vb:Basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor in cracked concrete Vcb:Concrete nominal breakout strength in shear of a single anchor Vcp:Nominal pryout strength of a anchor in shear ................

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