Baby Bear Educare - Pre-K Printable Fun

Building Blocks


Date: _______________________ Time: ______________________________

Names of people attending Interview: ________________________________

Name of child ________________________________Birth date____________

Name of child ________________________________Birth date____________

Name of child ________________________________Birth date____________

Ask Parent’s during interview:

How do you discipline your children? ________________________________


What are your expectations of the program? / What do you want your childcare provider to do with/for your child? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

On the phone you stated that you needed care on __________________(days) from ________ to _________ (times).

Are these dates and times still accurate? _________________________________________________________________________________________

Does your child have any allergies to foods, medicines or just allergies in general? __________________________________________________ If yes, is (s)he being seen by a medical professional? _______________.

Briefly go over your ___rates ____expectations of parents ___payment policy, ____hours of business, ____vacation and sick day policies, explain your ____daily schedule, show samples of your ____ lesson plans or learning activities, _____show parents around the areas used by the children, If you have a ____menu, share with parents. Provide references. (I have a few in a folder that I ask them to read. I use this time to interact with the child to get a better feel for whether the child and I will be a good match. I also provide the parents with a telephone and email listing of all the parents ,present and past, that have agreed to act as references for me. I encourage the parents to take the list home and contact a few on the list.) If you are ______certified, have special trainings, etc you may want to bring this to the parent’s attention.

After Interview Reflection:

How did parent show interest in the child’s behavior during the interview (Parent/Child Interaction)? ______________________________________________________________


Did parent show a willingness to be flexible and adapt to my rules? ______________________________________________________________


Signs that the child may be difficult to care for: (Did child listen, was child destructive or disrespectful, etc)________________________________________________________


Did the parent treat me with respect and have a positive attitude? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Will the days and hours needed fit within my program or requirements? _____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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