1 - Weebly

Chapter 4


o have fun is good because through having fun you can enjoy life and make friends. People who do not try to have fun become sad. They do not feel the happiness God has sent in this world.

But having fun at the wrong times is bad. So you should not be having fun when someone has died or when a bad thing has happened. You should also not have fun when you are supposed to do work.

When you are having fun you should remember not to do things which displease God. You should always take care of not spoiling things and not annoying your parents.

In this chapter you will learn about the golden rule of having fun and about good and bad things that happen when people are having fun!


P6 Year 6

Term 2 Book 2

Name of Pupil __________________



Most of the leisure industry is about giving people the chance to socialize in a positive way. Sadly, some economical benefits that come from pushing alcohol, drugs and even juvenile crimes have been exploited. Children are often psychological prepared through films, magazines and the mass media to fall head first in to these type so things. Parents need support to prepare children to maneuver themselves away from these.

This book helps in this process. Teachers who deliver this must give children chance to reflect on what they experience. Social groups within the classroom must be encouraged so that friendships are formed to work outside the classroom. Madrasah is advised also to arrange social functions – trips, quizs, plays etc – so that children learn positive social interactions.

Abid Bata





The Golden Rule of having fun is:

Have fun without hurting anybody

Having fun means playing, joking, going out and even reading a funny book. Islam says that to have fun is good provided we do not do bad things when having fun.


To enjoy life you should make a habit of playing sports because it keeps you fit and keeps your mind cheerful.

Sports like football, netball and badminton are just few examples of good sports you can play, but there are many more. You may also want to try leisure sports like horse riding, bowling and golf. There are also many mind sports like quiz games and draughts that you may want to take up. Just remember that if you want to have a happy time than sports is excellent.

To play sports regularly you may have to belong to a club. You may have to save some money to join a club. But it would be worth it because in a club you can have adults who will help you.


“Sports is not about wining but about taking part.”

Sports becomes fun when people play and enjoy themselves. They are not worried about just winning. To enjoy sports or games you should following the Sporting Rules.

1. Try your best but do not die to win

2. Give others a chance to play too

3. Do not get carried away

4. Do not abuse others or damage things

5. Keep things tidy. Do not leave your things for

your mother to pick up after you.

6. Dress smartly and decently.

7. Do not get carried away with sports fashions.

8. Never fight

9. Have a good time with everybody

Those people who get carried away about winning tend to get sad when they lose. So they start arguing and fighting. They even get jealous and angry. They make enemies and even cry at home to their parents for losing.

But when they win they get proud and they abuse the losers. This is a bad ‘sports attitude.’ Sports is about trying your best. It is not about making enemies of other people.

If you are playing against another team shake hands with each other when the game finishes. Keep everybody your friend. Hazrat Ali said that one of the best qualities that the Prophet liked was friendliness. So if you want to follow the Prophet Muhammad then be friendly with everybody.



1. What is the golden rule of sports?

2. What kind of things mustmust we never do when having fun?

3. Write down some of the rules of a good sports attitude.

B. Discuss with friends the things that make people fight when they are having fun. Then write a list of things you must never do when having fun.

C. Get in to a friends circle and play something like knots and crosses or hangman. See who is hurting others and who is just having fun.

CD. Do a chart of games you like to play when you grow up eg Kite flying or mountain biking.Write down an incident which got out of hand when people were playing sports or playing in the park. Also write down what you would say in order to stop people fighting. Make a logo saying that Sports Means No Fighting, No Shouting, No Insulting, No Calling Names etc


E. Draw some sports clothes and footwear which are fashionable. Then write down the words: Do not get carried away with fashion when it is the playing that is more important.


At home put all your sports things in their proper place and make a list of things you have got. Remember in Islam you have to take responsibilities!

Make a timetable of when you play sports with your friends and with members of your family. Get your mum or dad to come and play with you at least once a week.

Too much exercise is bad for you if you are under 14. So do not do exercises like weight lifting, stomach crunching etc. If you do then your muscles will tear and your bones will not grow. Toy must do activities a lot but not damage your body. So list activities you can do in one column and activities you must not do in another.




Many sports are much more fun when you play together in a family. Give everybody a chance and see how dad’s tummy wobbles when he jumps! Try playing some of the sports with your teachers. See if you can play better than them and see if you can teach them how to play properly.

Families which are in to sports are often happy families. When families play together they learn about team work, about helping each other, about not getting angry at each other and about looking after each other. The Prophet Muhammad liked to play with his grandchildren. He would like to race with them and ride horses with them. He was a fun person to be with and children always came to him with big smiles on their faces.

Always remember the Sports Rules! So if you play with little children you should let them win sometimes. This will make them happy. If you see someone in the family who is very good at sports then you should encourage them and help them practice harder so that they can win medals in competitions. But they should try hard and win without getting proud or superior minded.


Some people are unfortunate because they have a disability or an illness which stops them from taking part in sports. In today’s world there are many sports people can enjoy despite having problems. So if you have a problem do not lose heart but find out how you can participate in all kind of sports.


The Prophet Muhammad said to his Companions that they should learn things like horse riding and swimming. He also like watching races and he enjoyed walking and traveling. Many times he would walk to the mountains with his Companions and they were often seen laughing and looking happy. This is because Islam is the religion which brought happiness in the lives of people.


Some people think that only those who score goals are heroes. They forget that everybody who tries hard is a hero. The best heroes are those who will be good to others when they win and even when they lose.

So if you want to have a hero then have some one who is good. Don’t have proud heroes who only care about themselves and only about winning.


People who get carried away start fighting, blaming others or mocking others. Some people get carried away by overdoing it. So too much running or exercising is bad for you. It is important to understand that if you overdo a sports activity that is bad for you then you can injure yourself for life.

One example of getting carried away is to play in the hot sun. It can dehydrate you and even kill you. Some people who have asthma also need to be careful because they can get an attack. Others get carried away and injure themselves by falling and breaking their bones. People have even died because they get carried away while playing, swimming or by riding. So always be careful by not overdoing it and by doing things properly.

There are also people who get carried away by buying expensive items for sports. They buy things that they do not really need. They have no sense of balance! This is an important point to think about if you do not want to get carried away.


1. Which of theat kinsed of things does playing sports giveteach you when you play with your family?

Fun Helping each other Fighting

Controlling Anger Bullying Forgiveness

2. What should you allow your little brothers and sisters to do?

3.What kind of things can harm you if you overdo themit?

4. A boy always cries when his parents do not buy for him the latest fashions in sports. But do you think having the latest fashions in clothes make you better in sports?

5. Make a leaflet with the title BALANCE AND SPORTS

Then write down why food, exercises and rest are all to be kept in balance if you want to be a professional in sports.

Writing task

1. Write down the names of heroes you think have good sporting attitudes.

2. Write down why such people are your sports heroesWhat kind of games are too expensive which you do not have to buy and play? List such games. What would you do with the money you can save on such games?




Remember the Golden Rule: “Have fun without hurting others!’’ But some people have fun by making fun of others. They call others silly names and say bad things about others. This kind of fun is called Fun at Somebody Else’s Expense. Islam says that this kind of fun is HARAM.

Islam says that those who make fun of others never make good friends. Today they say bad things about others and tomorrow they will say bad things about you. So you should be careful of them.

You should also never mock people because of the way they look. You should not say: ‘O look at that fat boy!’ You should never mock people because of their colour or religion or job. You have to remember that God has made us all and if we mock others than God is very displeased with us.

Look around you and think that everybody God has made is special in some way. You are not higher or lower than others. Everybody is important. So do not mock others even if they are your enemies.

Do you know that the people who ‘mock’ are people like the Pharaoh and Yazid. These evil people mocked everybody and laughed at them. Yazid even laughed at Imam Hussain while be pocked his stick in his mouth. So never ever mock others because it is a great sin.


It is good to share things but never damage or lose things. If by accident you do damage or lose things then replace it if it belongs to someone else. Some people will damage things or lose things and never tell anybody. They will then blame it on others. Such people are cowards because they cannot admit their mistakes.

Sometimes it is good to belong to a club where you can play all sorts of games with your friends. Sharing with others will help you become friends with others. But always follow the rules and never cheat. People who cheat will never be fun to play with and they will never be good friends to be with.


Some people are so immature that they cannot play with others without hurting others. So they start fighting and bullying others. They are not fun to be with.

Often bullies think that they are clever and tough. But they are just immature and spoilt kids like gorillas. They also try to be cunning when they bully others. They bully others in private but then they pretend to be good. These kind of people are the worst in the world. Stay away from such people because they will make you do things which are harram to do. They will also make you in to a bully like them!

Some people bully others because they are just jealous. So if they smoke cigarettes then they pretend that smoking makes them clever and trendy. But they are wrong because doing bad things only makes them bad and mad.

Bullies also try to make you do things by calling your names, by spoiling your names or by fighting with you. But Islam says that you should not allow the bullies to make you do bad. If all the good people stood up to bullies then the bullies will just get frightened. Remember Imam Hussain stood up against the bully called Yazid. Imam Hussain was not afraid and today everybody loves Imam Hussain and hates Yazid.


A. True or false!

1. Some A bulliesy makes you do things which are harram? ___________!

2. A bully tries to look good to others? ___________!

3. A bully is never a good friend? ______________!

4. Yazid was a bully? ______________

5. !

B. List down some of the bad things bullies make other people do


Islam teaches that people who mock others will have all their mockery written on their tongues by two angels who sit on their shoulders and listen to everything. Draw a man with a large tongue and write on it: 'Mockers beware by angels!'

D. Try to write or read a story of a bully who bullies his friends by mocking them.Write an incident when you were confronted by a bully. Write down how you felt and what you could have done in order to get the bully to stop.




These are many types of parties people go to for fun. For example birthday parties and wedding parties. There people eat good food, talk about good and happy things and enjoy each others company. They even do plays and tell jokes.

But not all parties are good because in some parties there is alcohol and drugs. Parties where there is alcohol and drugs are HARRAM. So never go to such parties even if they are in school.

Sometimes men and women get so carried away in parties and they start looking at each other and touching each others. They do all sorts of haram things. Islam says that you should not go to such parties where men and women have no shame to touch each other.


Before Prophet Muhammad came the people had parties where they would drink alcohol until they fell to the ground. They thought that this was all good fun! Many people who did not want to go to such parties were afraid that the people would make fun of them. So they went and did what others were doing.

Even today people still do this type of things. They drink, make noises and then vomit or urinate in their trousers. And then they laugh and say that it is all fun! If you tell them that it is bad to go to such parties then they make fun of you. But Islam says that good Muslims should be strong in their decision and avoid such parties.


Islam wants to protect us! It stops us from going to parties where people get carried away. Here is a letter of a young boy who was being forced by his friends to go to a disco party but he did not want to go:

''Dear Friends,

I thank you for inviting me to the party but because I feel strongly about discos I will not be able to come to the party. Here are some reasons why I do not go to discos:

1. Often people get carried away in disco parties. I do not want to be put in such a situation.

2. Disco parties are the first step to parties where alcohol and drug are present. I do not want to take such a step at my young age.

I agree disco parties can be fun but it does create it's own problems and I am sure you will understand my reasons and will excuse me from the party. I am sure you would not want me to pretend that everything is okay with discosto be happy if I came. Please do excuse me!



If you want to plan a good party there are many good and enjoyable things you can do. You can plan activities which everyone can enjoy like a fashion show, games, play acting, telling jokes, eating tasty food, holding a quiz competition, singing types of songs permissible by Islam, talking to new friends, holding a small debate, watching a video, playing musical chair or musical aerobics where you use hallal music etc. You can have party poppers, funny hats, cakes and many other fun things. It is sometimes fun to have a fancy dress party where everyone dresses in a historical character. Try to wear the turban of Tipu Sultan and give his speech!!

To enjoy yourself and make friends is important. Always go to a party with a smile on your face. Do not be miserable and do not start arguments with others. Try to keep it happy for everybody.

If in a party you are eating food then think of others and do not over eat and finish everything at once. Help to also clear up things at the end. And remember the golden rule of having fun: Do not spoil it for others!



1.Playing musical chair is okay. List down other things which are okay in a party!

2. What kind of harram things do people do in bad parties.

3.Plan out a party with your friends. Make invitation cards Make a, plan of where the party will be, what work each friend has to do to prepare for the party, what the food will be, how much it will cost, where will the money come from and what kind of activities you will have in the party.list of things you will do and the food you will eat. Plan how much you want. Say you were planning a birthday party for 25 friendsThen make an invitation card!!

4. Once you have done the above then ask your teacher to permit the class to hold a class party in which you will have fun activities. To prepare for the party let different groups in the class do the following:

1. Plays

2. Tell Jokes

3. Have a Qasida

4. Play some games

5. Have food

6. Do a treasure hunt

7. End

Lesson 5


Lesson 1: One of the most important lessons we learn about those who bully us is that bullies make us do bad things which we do not want to do. They bully by calling names or by swearing or by fighting. They make us do bad things to ourselves and to others. If you fall in the trap of bullies you will not have a happy life.

Therefore you should never obey a bully, even if they have gangs. Stay away from them and be with your good friends. If you are afraid then tell an adult the difficulty you are having. A good adult will listen to you and help you.

Lesson 2: When having fun you should also never do bad things to others. Remember all people are important and each one has a heart. So do not hurt others and do not allow others to hurt you.

The Prophet Muhammad said a very important thing which is: “Do not oppress and do not be oppressed.” This means many things like do not bully and do not be bullied, do not hurt and do not be hurt etc. It is good to remember what the Prophet said because he came from God to guide us.

Lesson 3: People who have fun often forget their many responsibilities to their family and friends. They are so busy having fun that they get carried away. They do not tidy their rooms, they do not pray, they do not do their homework and they even forget to clean themselves. They are actually hurting themselves and others by getting carried away.


A. Get with friends and make a chart of things you should do to stand up against bullies who try to get you to smoke.

B. Write down what the Prophet Muhammad said about being oppressed.

C. Go through the chapter and write down 5 more lessons you have learnt.

D. Do you remember the Golden Rule of having fun? Write it down.

E. If you had little brothers and sisters who were beginning to spend a lot of money on useless games and fashion the what would you tell them to convince them that it is wrong to waste money on useless items.



Have fun without hurting others and do

not get carried away



Some people know how to bully by

calling you names


Some people act like clowns in real life. Do you think that is a good thing?





1. Have fun and be Happy

2. Play Ttogether

3. Hurting Others is Not Fun

4. Good and Bad Parties


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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