

Senior Adult Ministry INFO


Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church H. B. Charles, Jr. Senior Pastor

1118 West Beaver Street ~Jacksonville, FL 32204~904-353-8829~

March 2012 VOL. # 4 ISSUE #3


Welcome and Prayer

Spiritually Speaking- Pastor Steven Mitchell

Men of Honor Ministry

SAMsters-Just for fun!

Education and Outreach

o Workshop

o Mission

▪ SMBC Outreach Center

▪ Orphan’ s Heart –trip

▪ Guatemala, C.A.

0. Blessing of Lunch-Lunch Served


o Make A Difference Day 2012

o Senior Saints’ Birthday Celebration (90+)

o SAM Trips

▪ Daytona Beach Retreat

▪ August Retreat




Easter Word Search © Dave Fisher

Acts 1:3

English Standard Version (ESV)

3 He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.

The Passion

During this season we here quite a few references to the word passion; the passion of Christ, passion plays, and even passion movies. The Passion is the Christian theological term used for the events and suffering – physical, spiritual, and mental – of Jesus in the hours before and including his trial and execution by crucifixion. The Crucifixion of Jesus is an event central to Christian beliefs.

The Passion of the Christ (sometimes referred to as The Passion is a 2004 American drama film directed by Mel Gibson and starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus Christ. It depicts the Passion of Jesus largely according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Passion of the Christ movie covers the final 12 hours of Jesus' life beginning with the Agony in the Garden and ending with a brief depiction of his resurrection. Flashbacks of Jesus as a child and as a young man with his mother, giving the Sermon on the Mount, teaching the Twelve Apostles, and at the Last Supper are also included. The film The Passion of the Christ received support and endorsement from most known evangelical leaders and representatives of USA's conservative church organizations: Billy Graham, James Dobson, Mission America Coalition, Salvation Army, Promise Keepers, National Association of Evangelicals, Campus Crusade for Christ, Focus on the Family, Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Rick Warren, Southern Baptist Convention, Jerry Falwell, Max Lucado, Young Life, Tim LaHaye, Chuck Colson, Lee Strobel,Northern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The victory of Christ is celebrated in Romans 5, often called the “much more” chapter of the New Testament, where Paul contrasts the devastation caused by sin with the restoring power of God’s grace. In every case, grace overpowers the consequences of sin. In a grand conclusion, Paul says: “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (5:20-21). Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion caused many of His followers to despair. The disciples themselves had lost hope. But their despondency evaporated on that first Easter morning when they found that the stone sealing the tomb had been moved aside (John 20:1). Jesus had risen. Thank GOD, the reality and the good news for us is that Jesus AROSE and is ALIVE!

Your Sister in Christ,

Berni Kelley

(Some portions reprinted from: ; )

We need your input!

If anyone of our Senior members is sick, shut-in, hospitalized, or transitioned to be with GOD! Please contact Ruth Golden, Trudy Taylor, and/or Doris White. As members of this ministry we need to love and care for one another.


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News and Notes:

• Make a Difference Day-March 31, 2012

o Please donate toiletries to SMBC Mission Center Contact Linda Smith

• Next meeting and Shiloh Bible Institute Seminar-April 28, 2012

• SAM Retreat-Daytona Beach_______________














S.A.M. Contacts

Brodes C. Perry

Pastor of Christian Education

904.899.1888 - Office

bperry@ - Email

➢ Dr. Bernadette Kelley, coordinator

223-5064 home

bkelley100@ email

➢ Dr. Del Bennett-Spencer, co-coord.


➢ Ruth Golden, Communications Leader


➢ Mrs. Sherrie Jackson, Education Leader


➢ Trudy Taylor, Share/Care Leader

➢ 757-5025

➢ Doris White, Sunshine Fund Leader

➢ Louise Washington, Luncheon Coord.

➢ Algia Frazier, Travel Coord.

➢ Bonnie Sutton, Media Coord.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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