
PANHANDLE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MONTHLY MEETING MINUTESDecember 5, 2020 President Michael Powers, KG5SNX opened the December meeting and welcomed the 33 members and guests attending either on location or over the North Repeater. After the group recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting continued with reading and approval of the November 2020 meeting minutes. Acting Treasurer John K5IT reported an income of $25.00 (memberships) and no expenses for the month of November 2020. Bank balances at the end of November were $1966.63 in checking and $5987.84 in CD’s for a total of $7993.71. So far in December, there is income of $100.00 (memberships) and expenses of $81.02 (additional Route 66 QSL cards and van gas). Bank balance at the beginning of December is $1985.61 in checking, $3963.24 and $2063.84 in CD’s for a total balance of $8012.69. A final December report will be given in January. Both November and December reports were approved by the membership. Contest Chairman Brad N5LUL informed the group that the ARRL 160m Contest was already underway, and to look for the upcoming ARRL 10m contest. Brad encouraged our local 10m enthusiasts to participate in a nation-wide event that is fun and easy and went over the exchange and how to score the event. The SKCC Weekend Sprint and SKCC Two Hour Sprint are also coming up.Repeater Chairman Dan McCabe, WA8YYE, informed the group that there were no changes in status since last month to the club repeaters and that all three were in good operating condition and functioning normally with no issues. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and is looking forward to a more normal 2021. Van Committee Chairman Mark Koster, KG5NWE, reported that the van participated in the November 14th Palo Duro Canyon Mountain Bike Marathon and the repeater and the generator worked flawlessly. There will not be a repeater test this month.Membership Committee Chairman Melinda Koster, KG5NWD reported no changes but that there will be a presentation in January concerning an updated way the club will be managing membership records. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Old Business: Dan KF5JED reported that the bike race went very well with no issues and thanked everyone who helped out. He also shared that they are looking to do more events in the future so there will be more opportunities for members to get involved. New Business:We need a nomination to replace Board Member John Ashurst, K5FS, who passed away in June.We need a nomination to replace our Vice President elect, who recently declined the office.We presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Neal Lowe, W5PVI -- plaque to be presented as soon as possible. Thank you, Neal, for all you have done and continue to do for our club!Congratulations to Dan McCabe, WA8YYE on being voted Ham of the Year 2020 – your plaque will also be presented in the near future.John K5IT updated the membership about ongoing IRS filing problems and the progress on this task since his previous report of November 2019. The club officers contacted a local CPA, Selena Fogg, to help reconcile with the IRS and the State of Texas. Mrs. Fogg will file all necessary forms and financial reports and serve as Registered Agent going forward. A breakdown of the $1115.00 total costs/fees includes: the IRS Form 1024 filing and the financial reports required ($600.00), the State of Texas Franchise filing ($50.00), Change of Registered Agent fee ($15.00) and Mrs. Fogg’s fee for this initial service ($450.00) which includes all document preparation, an informal audit of the past three years of financial records and an examination of the club’s bylaws to make sure they conform to the latest state and federal requirements. John also discussed that, going forward, and in order to prevent this from happening again, the current officers recommend that the club contract with Mrs. Fogg to continue with all necessary filings as they are required and every other year perform an informal examination of financial records, for a fee of $150.00 per year. This item can be decided upon in 2021 as everything is covered this year and an expenditure for this is not yet required. After a very detailed discussion and exploration of other operation options, the membership expressed that the club should continue as a non-profit. The membership approved an expenditure of $840.00 in addition to the $250.00 previously approved in November 2019 for a total of $1115.00. After the conclusion of PARC business, the meeting was adjourned and our check-ins were recognized. There was no program this month. Testing followed the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Melinda Koster, KG5NWD, SecretaryAttendance December 5, 2020Net Check-In:KC5VGWWK5XKG5ZESKI5BDGWA8YYEWA5XWR9BKF5RCWW5PVIKG5NWEKG5QNJWA5FWEKG5PDFK5XMW5RAWW5CEHKI5KGBSigned in at location:KG5SNXN5ZLUKI5KTGAG5QUARIANA HOSNERKI5KGEKG5NWDN5ZRWKI5HTGKF5JEDKI5KGCKE0ILEKD5DYPK5ITDAN – TESTINGGARY – TESTING ................

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