
[pic] Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Daly Michelotti Date: April 29, 2015

Grade and Topic: Grade 3, Social Studies-The United States Length of Lesson: 1 hour

Mentor Teacher: Amy Adcock School: University of Memphis


● The unit objective is for the student to find information about the United States and important events that also happened in the U.S.


● Students will learn fun facts about the United States.

● Students will learn how to integrate technology in lessons.

● Students will learn how to view websites for information and fill in a handout according to the websites viewed.

● The goal of this lesson is for the students to learn important dates and events that have taken place in the United States.


● 3.14 Interpret different texts and primary sources to describe the major components of culture including language, clothing, food, art, beliefs, customs, and music. (C, H)

● 3.17 Compare and contrast a primary source and secondary source of the same event or topic. (C, H)

ISTE Standard(s)

• 3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

B. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media


● Pencil

● Handout worksheet

● Computer

● The students will be using the computer and search on websites for the answers on the handout that is given to them. Using the Internet will help the students how to web surf, and also show the students more options to find information.


● Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the United States and the important events that take place in the States.

● Academic Language is not addressed in IT 3600.

● This lesson will help the students with the previous lesson because they have already been learning about the Americas. The students will already ne familiar with the topic, which will make it easier for the students.

● I can build off this lesson by creating more subtitles about the United States, and having the students look up more and different information on the United States.

● Just in case the computers are not working, I am going to have a back up plan so I know that I have something else in mind for the students to do.


● Introduction: I will first discuss and ask the class what all they know about the United States. Next, I will explain the activity that they will be completing in class that day.

● Procedures:

● (5 Minutes) Explain to the class what they will be doing in class and what they will be learning about that day.

● The students will look on the different website links given and complete the graphic organizer I pass out to the students. On the graphic organizer, there are different subtitles, and the students are to write down two facts for each subtitle on the handout.

● (50 minutes) The students will complete the class activity.

● (5 minutes) I will discuss the activity with the class and begin closure.

● The students will learn needs or backgrounds will have more time to finish this activity and will also receive more help on the activity as well.

● Closure: For closure, I will ask all the students to exit out of everything on their computers and get their attention. I then will discuss with the class what all they learning in class today and go over the answers to the handout as well. By doing this, it will help the students to see all the different answers the students could come up with.

● Students know how to look up information on websites.

● Students know how to take information from a website and fill it in on a handout.


● The students will have a take away handout that they completed in class showing them the different facts and important events that took place in the United States.


● The students will receive extra time to complete the activities and will also receive more help from the teacher as well.

● More time will be given to achieve the same goal.




Fun Facts About The United States:

Major Mountain Ranges:

Major Rivers:


USA Activities:

Important Events:


Fun Facts About The United States:

• The tallest mountain the US is Mt McKinley, located in the state of Alaska it reaches 20,320 ft (6,194 m) above sea level.

• The highest point of the Appalachians is 6,684 feet at Mount Mitchell in North Carolina.

• On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued, establishing the United States of America.

• The first man to walk on the moon was American Neil Armstrong (July 21, 1969).

Major Mountain Ranges:

Major Rivers:


• Most of the world's tornadoes occur in the Midwest region of the US known as Tornado Alley.

• The United States shares land borders with Canada

• The US is the 4th largest country in the world by land area and 3rd by population.

• On February 25, 2013, the estimated population of the US was 315,568,000.

• Baseball is often referred to as the American National pastime.  

• Many Americans also play or enjoy watching football, soccer, hockey and basketball.    

USA Activities:

Important Events:


• The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers combine to form the longest river system in the US and the fourth longest in the world.

• The U.S. of America has over 250,000 rivers, with a total of about 3,500,000 miles of rivers. 


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