
Greek Theater:Roman Theater: Medieval Theater: Pageant WagonsLater Medieval Stage: Elizabethan Theater: Fun Facts about Theater History:Greek Theater:Thespis: The first ActorAeschylus: The Father of Greek Tragedy; believed to have added the second actor: Famous play: AgamemnonSophocles: believed to have added the third actor; made the chorus smaller, Famous plays: Oedipus and AntigoneEuripides: Greek Playwright who wrote plays with realistic female characters. Famous play: MedeaDeus Ex Machina: “God of the machine”. If a Greek playwright didn’t know how to end a play they would have the “Gods” descend from above and solve the problems. In performance this called for a series of pulleys to bring in an actor from above. All of the roles were played by men.Roman Theater:Many entertainments took place in a Roman Theater. There were traditional tragedies like in Greek Theater; Comedies; Circus acts, Staged Battles, Gladiator fights, Animal acts, and various entertainments. In traditional theater, Romans liked comedy over tragedy. Seneca was one of the well-known playwrights. Medieval Theater:Medieval theatre began on the church steps to assist in teaching the illiterate (uneducated, people who couldn’t read) about the Bible. When the religious leaders wanted to reach more people, they took the plays out into the town square in pageant wagons. These Pageants were two story stages on wheels, where dressing rooms and props were housed below the stage. After the Pageants became so popular that the church couldn’t staff the performances, Merchant Guilds (Those groups of people who had the same job—like bakers, butchers, weavers, etc.) took over the producing of plays for the people. This is when the plays began to change from simple religious stories to comedies encouraging vices. Mystery Plays: Those plays about the mystery of GodMiracle Plays: Those plays about the saints and miraclesMorality Plays: Those plays that used allegory (characters that were representing virtues or vices like Hope, Love, Charity, Sloth, Envy, etc.) to teach a lesson. Elizabethan Theater:Shakespeare was the major playwright of this time periodBen Johnson was another well-known playwright of this era. Was known second to Shakespeare.Christopher Marlow a playwright who rivaled Shakespeare in talent, but was killed in a barroom brawl which ended his career.Groundlings (Penny Stinkers): those people who paid a penny to stand in the pit area next to the stage in Elizabethan times. They would often eat snacks (oranges, nuts, etc.) and talk or throw things at the actors if they were unsatisfied with the play.Flags were flown to let people know a play was being performed. Black flag: tragedy; White flag: comedy; red flag: historyAll of the roles were played by men. (Including Juliet!)All performance were done in the day to utilize natural light.“Wooden O”Globe Theater was Shakespeare’s theater.Theatre were supported by someone who was very rich or powerful. At first Shakespeare’s company was known as the Lord Chamberlin’s Men because they were supported by the Lord Chamberlin. Later they were supported by the King and were known as the King’s Men. Richard Burbage was a famous actor of the time. Commedia dell Arte:The first theatre where women could perform.Improvisational theater began in Italy.Stock Characters used. Meaning the characters were always the same ones, but were used in different situations and plot lines.Lazzi or Lazzo: Comic business used in the situations. Some actors would become famous for a certain comic business. (Like; pie in the face, or poking eyes like the 3 stooges.) Used masks for many of the characters.No specific type of theater space since they toured what was available was used. Commedia dell Arte--Character Chart:Top: MagnificoTop Sides: First Actor/ActressCenter top: Witch (not pictured)Middle: Pantalone and the DoctorCenter Middle: ColumbineLower Sides: Brighella and HarlequinLower middle: The CaptainBottom: Zanni ................

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