
Title: Greek Vases | |

|School: Lantern Road E.S. Corporation: Hamilton Southeastern Schools |

|Grade Level(s): 1st Class Periods: Approximately 4-6 |

|Objectives/Essential Question(s): |

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|Art History-Students will study facts about Ancient Greece when read Felix Travels Back in Time by their teacher. Students should complete “Bringing |

|Things Into Focus” and look at the examples of Greek Vases in their supply baskets. If artists finish early, they may color “Greek Amphora” (found on|

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|Art Production- Students will create an athletic event (ancient or modern) on their “vase paper” by drawing in pencil. Students will utilize |

|wax/water resist by coloring in all detail (silhouette-style) with black crayon and painting with a wash of terracotta watercolor. Vases are cut out |

|of the paper to achieve a “3-D look” on a 2-D surface. |

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|Art Critique-Using the Greek Alphabet, students will write one-word compliments (i.e.-good, great, nice, fun, color, shape) in Greek. One Greek word |

|compliment will be written in each “Art Partners” sketchbook/journal. |

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|Art Aesthetics-Students shall answer an aesthetics question (“Greeks proudly displayed their vases. Vases are functional. Is a vase a work of art or|

|just something an Ancient Greeks used?”) in a discussion group. |

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|Indiana Visual Art Standards |Indiana Standards from Other Disciplines |

|1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.3, 1.3.3, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, |Reading 1.1.1 |

|1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3, and 1.13.1 |Hand Writing 1.6.1 |

| |Speaking/Listening 1.7.1, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3 |

| |Geometry 1.4.4 |

| |Science (Common Themes) 1.6.2 |

| |History 1.1.2 |

| |Individuals/Society and Culture 1.5.5 |

|Vocabulary |Materials/Equipment/Technology |

|Vase, resist, wash, athlete, black figure, red ground, terracotta, line, |Felix Travels Back in Time, examples, worksheets, “vase” papers, pencils, |

|shape, geometric, organic (free-form), Greece, and form. |erasers, black crayons, terracotta watercolor wash, paintbrushes, |

| |newspaper, scissors, Greek Alphabet Worksheets, sketchbook/journals |

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|Activities |Assessments |

|Day 1-Students will hear the chapter of Felix Travels Back in Time |HSE Art Grading Rubric |

|regarding Felix’ visit to Ancient Greece. Additionally, students will | |

|complete “Bringing Things into Focus” worksheet, view visual examples of | |

|Greek Vases in their supply baskets, and complete the “Greek Amphora” | |

|worksheet, if time allows. | |

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|Day 2 and 3-Students shall view the visual examples again and have Sports | |

|Illustrated Magazines for perusal too. Students will receive their “vase | |

|paper” and begin drawing their chosen athletic event (ancient or modern). | |

|When finished drawing, artists will color everything in with black crayon. | |

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|Day 4 and 5- Students should complete coloring and come to the painting | |

|stations when called to “wash” their vases with terracotta watercolor. | |

|“Washed” vases will be stored in the drying rack while artists work on | |

|their “One Word Greek Compliments” in their “Art Partners” | |

|sketchbook/journal. When vases are dry, students may cut them out. | |

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|Resources |

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|Felix Travels Back in Time |

|The Felix Activity Book |

|Another Trip Around the World |

| (Great, some FREE worksheets) |

| (Felix web site with fun things to do/print) |

| (On-line “Rubric-creator”) |

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