Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Directions- Place a check “ ” in the blank of the completed pages. Place an “ x” in the blank of the missing or incomplete pages. Place a circled “ ” next to the pages that are out of order in the notebook, but are completed.

S / T

Introduction to course & Unit 1: The Importance of Good Character

1. ___/___L.M.S.- Rules, expectations, service project, grading, discipline and attendance policy

2. ___/___H.O. - 7 character traits def. (Highlighted)/ Notes - short def. char. traits (7) & Char. Ed.

3. ___/___Notes- My Examples of the Seven Character Traits (Homework)

4. ___/___W.S. Fun Facts About Me/ Fun Facts About Others

5. ___/___W.S. Video “ In search of Character-Diligence” (1-4)

6. ___/___W.S. Values Ranking/Attitude Adjustment

7. ___/___Notes- My Job...Your Job… (Student and Teacher Responsibilities in the class)

8. ___/___Notes- Five Basic Needs/Rules & Beliefs at Home/Our Class Beliefs & Belief Statement

9. ___/___Notes – Frayer Model of Values and “How we get our values” - Unit 1 Lesson 4

10. ___/___Notes- DVD: “The Incredibles”- List of each character’s values & how they changed

11. ___/___Notes – Book of Virtues activity

12. ___/___W.S. Video “ In search of Character-Respect” (1-5)

13. ___/___Notes- Unit 1: Character- Essential Questions (EQ’s) with answers

Unit 7a: Caring For Our World/Service Learning

14. ___/___W.S. Taking the Caring Challenge (Homework- takes one week to complete)

15. ___/___W.S. Video : Today’s Heroes (Service Learning)/ Our Concerns

16. ___/___W.S. Service Learning Project with parent signature and first ½ completed

17. ___/___H.O. Service Project Opportunities with parent signature

18. ___/___W.S. Video “ In Search of Character-Caring”

19. ___/___ Notes- Unit 7(a)- Essential Questions (EQ’s) with answers

Unit 2: Role Models- Examples of Character and Leadership

20. ___/___W.S. “Role Models” Table of Contents/ Mattie Stepenick

21. ___/___W.S. “Role Models”: Woods/ Washington

22. ___/___W.S. “Role Models”: Eisenhower/ Watkins

23. ___/___W.S. Video “ In Search of Character- Courage”

24. ___/___W.S. “Role Models”: Ventura/ Ashe

25. ___/___W.S. “Role Models”: Tillman/ Reagan

26. ___/___W.S. “Role Models”: Ripkin,Jr./ Winfrey

27. ___/___Notes- “Role Models”: “What they all have in common”- EQ’s with answers

28. ___/___W.S. Video “ In Search of Character-Integrity”

29. ___/___Notes- Separate one page writing for #5 from ws above: “Eulogy” (Video on Integrity)

Total number of completed pages ( or ): __ ___ X 4 = ________

Student Name: ______________________________________

Date ____________ Class Period_______

Last updated 2/18/10

Table of Contents

Directions- Place a check “ ” in the blank of the completed pages. Place an “ x” in the blank of the missing or incomplete pages. Place a circled “ ” next to the pages that are out of order in the notebook, but are completed.

S / T

Unit 3: Financial Planning

30. ___/___W.S. Video “ In Search of Character- Courage”

31. ___/___ W.S. Survivor Island worksheet/ W.S. Survivor Island Supply Purchase

32. ___/___ Cornell Notes & Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 1

33. ___/___ Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 2

34. ___/___ H.O. Introduction to Spending Plans

35. ___/___ W.S. Spending Plan Pie Worksheet (all parts #1-9 completely finished)

36. ___/___ Spending Plan “Pie” (on unlined paper, labeled, and colored)

37. ___/___ Notes: Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 3

38. ___/___ Notes: Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 4

39. ___/___ Notes: Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 5

40. ___/___ W.S. Financial Planning workbook page 65

41. ___/___ W.S. Financial Planning workbook page 74

42. ___/___ Notes: Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 6

43. ___/___ Notes: Definitions-Financial Planning- Unit 7

44. ___/___ W.S. Financial Planning workbook page 107

45. ___/___ W.S. Career Choices-book notes & internet notes/ Career Goal Setting

46. ___/___ H.O. Car Insurance Coverages/ Health Insurance Tutorial

47. ___/___ Notes- Unit 3: Financial Management- Essential Questions (EQ’s) with answers

Unit 5: Preparing For Parenting

48. ___/___ W.S. Video: “In Search of Character- Responsibility”

49. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 1 (pages 1-4)

50. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 2 (pages 5-10)

51. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 3 (pages 11-13)

52. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 4 (pages 14-16)

53. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 5 (pages 17-22)

54. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 6 (pages 23-28)

55. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 7 (pages 29-32)

56. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Lesson 8 (pages 33-36)

57. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Notes- Frayer Models for: Victim Mentality, TRP, and OFLAG

58. ___/___ Workbook: Parenting- Notes- Frayer Models: Values Based Parenting, Structure, Consequences

59. ___/___ Notes- Unit 5: Preparing For Parenthood- Essential Questions (EQ’s) with answers

Unit 6: Class Action- Alcohol Case Studies

60. ___/___ Case Task Assignment Sheet/ Prep Sheet

61. ___/___ Case Task Assignment Sheet/ Prep Sheet

62. ___/___ Strategy worksheet/ Individual Task Sheet

63. ___/___ Strategy worksheet/ Individual Task Sheet

64. ___/___ Strategy worksheet/ Individual Task Sheet

65. ___/___ EQ's: What is negligence? What are the facts that will prove responsibility in you case?

66. ___/___ “Sam Spady” DVD questions

Unit 7b: Heartsaver CPR in Schools

67. ___/___ Notes- Video & Book (pgs 1-15): “Heartsaver CPR- Adult Rescue”

68. ___/___ Notes- Video & Book (pgs 16-28): “Heartsaver CPR- Pediatric Rescue”


Notebook Grade #2:

Total number of completed pages ( or ): ______ X ______ = ________

Student Name: ______________________________________

Date turned in: ____________ Class Period_______

Last updated 4/2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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