
Weeks 5-6 – WORKSHEET ANSWERS (Selected)pages 3-5An Amazing Trip Turkey is a beautiful country that is located in both Asia and Europe. Last summer, I went to Turkey with my family, and we had a perfect holiday!! In this essay, I will describe Turkey and our activities during the trip. We stayed in Istanbul during our trip. Istanbul is a beautiful city with a lot of history. It has many old buildings, and they are very different from the UAE. Also, Istanbul is a big city and many people live there. The streets were always busy and crowded, and all the people were in a hurry. My family enjoyed the weather because it rained sometimes. The hotel was very modern and the staff was very helpful. We went to see some great places in Istanbul. One day, we visited the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. These buildings are very old, historical and very colorful. Another day, we went to the Grand Bazaar and bought many gifts. We ate at Turkish restaurants, and the food was delicious. I loved the kebabs and a bread called simit. Most of the people were very friendly, so our trip was great. In conclusion, I will never forget my trip to Istanbul. It is an interesting place and we did many fun activities there. I suggest that you go to Turkey because everyone must see this place!!Study the EssayHow many paragraphs are there? 4 How many words? 224 What is the topic of Body 1?Activities / looksWhat is the topic of Body 2?Activities / looksCircle the LW (linking words) and write them below.Also, One day,Another day, In conclusionWhat kind of verbs do you see?Pastb. presentc. both past and presentWhat adjectives did the writer use??busy – crowded – beautiful – modern – helpful – old – historical – colorful - deliciouspages 6-9Answer A Very Happy DayLast Tuesday was a very happy day for me. First, I woke up in my room and smiled, because there were three chocolates on the table beside my bed. Then I went to the kitchen. My mother greeted me with a warm hug, and she served my favorite breakfast of fresh bread, tomatoes and cheese with her wonderful sweet coffee. After breakfast, I went to the university. My first class was Level 1 Integrated, and the teacher returned our Mid-term exams. I was surprised and delighted because my score was 95%. I received the best grade in the class! After my classes finished, my friends and I went to the cafeteria. We laughed and told lots of funny stories, and they paid for my coffee and cupcake. Next, I stopped at the writing centre, and a kind teacher showed me to how to edit a paragraph I wrote. My happy day continued at home. First, my father greeted me, but he didn’t look very friendly. Then, he told me to walk with him around the house to our back garden. Suddenly, I looked up. All my relatives were there and they shouted: “Surprise!” Finally, my father brought a beautiful white horse, and he said to me: “Happy birthday, my dear! This is for you.” It was such a joyful day, from morning until evening. I will always remember this wonderful birthday. And of course I still have my horse!!I will always remember this wonderful birthday.Learning TasksHow many paragraphs are in the essay? 4Circle all of the past tense verbs in “A Very Happy Day” - about 27 How many words are in the essay? (275 words)Put a box around the time order words. How many? about 10Underline the adjectives. How many? 17 or 18Page 10 The Door(TS) Several years ago, I had an embarrassing experience. ?I got a new job at a nice university in a new country.? Everything was new and strange to me, so I ?sometimes was confused.? We had many things to remember and there were many meetings.? Of course I didn’t want to be late for anything.? I didn’t have a car, so I always ran from one place to another.? One day, I had a meeting in a new building with large glass doors.? I thought the door was open, but it wasn’t. That day?I ran in to the door.? What a shock!!? I looked around and I saw one surprised worker there.? He asked if I was Ok.? I was fine, but I was quite embarrassed.More QuestionsWhat kind of experience was this? Embarrassing Mark the topic sentence “TS”Mark the regular verbs “reg”Mark the time order words with a squareMark the adjectives with a trianglePage 11-12Writing Project Brainstorm – You can take this paper home for ONE DAY onlyWrite about a Trip that you tookWhere did you go? The desert / Dubai / FujeirahWhen did you go? Last month / last year / Last September / One year agoWho was with you? My familyWhere did you stay? Big hotel / on the beach / in a traditional tentHow did you get there? Plane / car Describe the place where you stayed Location beach Design modern - traditionalDescribe the City/Country Weather cool – warm – cold – snowy - rainyBuildings large – small – traditional - modernstreets – busy – crowded – quiet.shops – popular – expensive – busyother ________________________________________________________________What did you do? Name at least 3 thingsWent shoppingVisited the historical buildingsPage 13An Amazing Trip Have you ever travelled outside of your own country. Last winter, I went to Oman with my family. We had a perfect holiday!! ?? In this essay, I will describe my trip to OmanPage 14 Prepare for Project 2Word (POS)TranslationOther forms + word familyMemory ideaWrite a sentenceExample: tour (n)+ (v)toured (v) tourist (n)We took a boat tour down the river.prepare/preparedpreparationI prepared for this day.feel/feltfeelingEveryone felt happycelebrate/celebratedcelebrationI celebrated with my friends and familybeautifulbeautyThe decorations were beautiful.popularpopulationWe went to a popular hotelcrowdedcrowd (n)The room was crowded with family and friends.specialamazingeventI will never forget this happy event.diplomadecorationsPage 17-19 YesterdayI had a busy day yesterday. First I?called?my mother. We?talked?for an hour.Then I?played?tennis,?went?home and?took?a shower.I?went?to the kitchen, and?made?a cup of tea.?I?took?out my English book, and?studied carefully.I finished all my homework without a mistake.Then I decided to take a little break.I sat down for a minute to watch TV, fell asleep, and woke up at three. I enjoyed my day.Page 20-21Practice 1. 1. Hook 2. Background Info 3. PlanPractice 2. Example 1: A Happy BirthdayI always love my birthday. In 1975, I turned 10, and my Dad gave me a special gift. In this essay, I will describe my perfect 10th birthday. Example 2: My Country’s BirthdayEvery country has a birthday. December 2 is National Day every year in UAE. Last year, I celebrated national day with my family in Ras al Khaima.Supporting Sentences. Answers will Vary. Page 24 Editing / Past TenseNear a wadiTwo years agoA large box of coinsMy brother MohammedHe went to look for firewoodThe coins were gold and oldThey gave the coins to a museumAn Amazing DiscoveryHave you ever found a secret treasure? Two years ago something incredible happened to my brother Mohammed. Here is the story of his discovery.My family and I camped near a wadi for a few days. Every night we made a fire and slept outside. One afternoon Mohammed, who was seventeen years old, went to look for firewood. He walked far down the wadi and saw a big, dry branch behind some rocks. As he started pulling it, he noticed a box lying in a hole. It was an old chest with a big lock. The box was very heavy, but he took it and ran back to our camp. We were extremely excited, so my father used a crowbar to open the box. It was full of old coins! My uncle say they were very valuable Roman coins. My father phoned the museum, and later some people came to take the chest. A month later my brother received a lot of money, and he appeared on TV! My family and I still enjoy talking about that amazing day.Page 25I had / didn’t haveI went / didn’t goI went / didn’t goDrank/didn’t drinkPlayed / didn’t playWrote/ didn’t writeWatched / didn’t watchWalk/didn’t walkAte / didn’t eatBought / didn’t buyPage 26 Page 28 Emirati Wedding18470609226580Did you ever go to an Emirati wedding? Last year, we had a big party when my sister got married in Al Ain. I will never forget this special day because everything was beautiful and fun. In this essay I will describe this happy event. The day before the wedding, my sister and her friends got henna, and they looked at all the gifts. For example, the groom gave a lot of gold. Everything at the wedding looked beautiful. First of all, the bride wore a lovely white dress. In addition, everyone had fashionable clothes, and there were many kinds of sweets. Also, there were colorful flowers, and there was a big stage for the bride to walk on, so everyone could see her. Everyone was happy, and it was wonderful. I will never forget our activities on the day of wedding. First, we took photos of the bride with her family and her friends. THen, we switched on the music. The dancing was my favorite activity. First, the bride’s sister danced, and after that, the bride walked slowly across the stage and the DJ read poetry. It was so much fun.To sum up, my sister’s wedding was fantastic!! I hope we never change this special tradition in the UAE, and I hope you get invited to many of these special parties. Page 35 More Body Sentencesa)My family and I flew to Istanbul last summer. b)We bought gifts for our family and friends in the UAE.c)I ate so many pieces of Turkish delight that I felt sick.d)We spent the first night in a wonderful hotel.e)We took a guided tour through the Blue Mosque.f) I left the hotel early in the morning.a)The plane journey was long, but it was comfortable because I flew Business Class.b)My friend could not meet me at the airport, so I took a taxi to my hotel.c)My first day in Istanbul was wonderful and / but / because it was busy. d)I went to the Blue Mosque, and then I went to Sophia Hagia.e) I wanted to eat fish for lunch so I went to a seafood restaurant and I ate prawns. Page 37Correcting Mistakesa) My father bought the plane ticketsb) There was many boats on the river. (1 mistake)c) Two years ago I went to Malaysia on holiday with my family.d) After we finish our meal, our friendly water brought us glass of sweet apple tea .e) We took a ferry down the river Bosphorus..f) We saw many shops in the Grand Bazaar . The Egypt Bazaar was full of nuts and spices so it had a lovely small.g) In the Grand Bazaar we saw shops that sold pointy Turkish slippers, painted bowls, carpets, sweets, and beautiful lambs.h) We sat in the beautiful marble courtyard of Suleymaniye mosque and admired the architecture.i) They lost their luggage at the airport. j) It was a wonderful holday. We really enjoyed it.k) She didn’t arrive on time, so we left without her. ................

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