
4656455-13822300Apple Class Working From HomeMonday 11th MayGood Morning APPLE CLASSI hope your VE day picnic was a success and you had fun celebrating together, I look forward to seeing some of your photos. Emily and I made a Victoria sponge cake to have with our afternoon tea picnic, it was yummy and there is not much left of it now!I was great to catch up with your adults last week and to hear about how hard you are all working at home, showing your parents what you can do.It has been great to see your returned work of the Twits writing and I even have two France posters already (remember you have until this Friday to return your poster) so now I can begin to change our classroom displays and hopefully you will be able to see them soon.This week we have zoom groups again, this time we will be playing a scavenger hunt so your adult will know what time and day to login to zoom because they will receive an email from the office again. So I look forward to seeing you all then.Just remember to keep working hard.Written Task This week in for your written task is answering questions to a piece of text just like you did all about Palm Sunday before the Easter holidays. We have also practised this before in guided reading. You will need to read the text at the top of the page and then there will be some questions to answer about the text. There are different types of questions to answer some you have to tick boxes, some you have to write answer to and sometimes you have to match up information. But it is very important that you read the story or text really carefully sometimes even I have to read something 3 times for me to understand what it is telling me so you might find it useful to read it again before answering any questions.Tips to help you as you readTry to form mental pictures or images that match the story.If there are any words you cannot read, sound them out and blend together and then ask your adult if that is the correct way to say the word.Ask yourself, "Does this make sense?" If it doesn't, reread the part that didn't make sense.Look at the question carefully and then look back at the reading to find the answerMost of the time you can put your finger on the answer in the reading partSometimes we have to use our knowledge to help with answering a question Remember to write some of your answer in a full sentence You can record your answers in your book, if you haven’t got a printer. I have selected some reading booklets for you to complete. You can choose which ones you would like to do this week but try and complete at least three of the reading booklets.1) How to Count Crocodiles - Fiction2) Crocodiles – Non - fiction3 ) Meet the Crocodile – Non-fiction4 ) Wibble Wobble - Fiction5) How Teeth Grow – Non-fictionParents this is similar to the reading booklet we sent home at the start of learning from home. So during this term we would of used lots of these types of booklets to assess your child’s reading level and in preparation for end of Key stage assessments. As you know we no longer have to carry out these however it is still good practice for the children to continue to develop their reading comprehension orally as well as in written form. Please let your child read the text, they might want to read it out loud to you or read it to themselves quietly. Please help your child choose a reading booklet that takes their interest. They don’t have to complete it all in one session some are longer than others so please spend some time deciding which ones they would like to read during the week.Help them to decode words using letters and sounds knowledge rather than giving them the wordDiscuss the meanings of unknown words and how to pronounce it.If they get stuck and say they can’t find the answer, Help your child go back to the text to support his or her answers.Maths TaskFractions of NumbersToday you are going to look again at fractions of numbers, for example ? of 8, or 1/3 of 15 or 2/4 of 16. You use your times table knowledge to help you find the fraction. I have attached a fraction sheet, you can write the sum and your answers and any working out in your working from home book, if you don’t have a printer. Let me remind you how we do it.343074821653500Read these carefully so you know how to read them207772017843500? = 1 half1/3 = 1 third? = 1 quarter2/4 = 2 quarters or ? Now try this? of 16 What times table can we use to help us? We can use the 2 times table because we can only find ? of even numbers the all the numbers in the 2 times table are even.Just like when you were dividing last week you can use your fingers again or recall the times table fact. Count in 2’s stopping at 16 how many fingers are you holding up?? of 16 = 8 8 x 2 = 16When you are finding 1/3 use the three times table to help you. 1/3 of 30 = 10 10x3 = 30When finding ? remember you can use your 2 times table again to half and then half again to find ? or you can count in fours if you know how.? of 8 = 2 half of 8 is 4, then half again is 22/4 of 16Remember 2/4 is the same as ? so just find half of the number again.2/4 of 16 = 8If you are not sure how to do one you can draw circles and share out the number using tens and ones between the circles.-26225514287500245731014151001/ 2 of 50 Parents – Please encourage your child to use their times table knowledge to help them. If they are really not sure how to answer the question they can draw circles as above to share out the number. Online ActivityWhat is Light? This is a science lesson all about light and dark. You will learn where light comes from and how we can see it. You will also learn about what causes things to be dark. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for the activity. Listen carefully to the instructions. ActivityBlindfold2101932154437000This will make you realise how much we use our sense of sight. You will need to be very careful, and you will also need to trust the person you are working with. One of you wears a blindfold, an old scarf will do, and the other person is going to be their guide. Challenge and help the one who is blindfolded to do some tasks, maybe start off with writing their name, but then you could move on to make a particular model with lego, or play a simple game. Remember that all of the activities must be safe for your partner, and you are there to guide and help them. Weekly SpellingsThis week’s spellings are words are adverbs ending with lyslowlycarefullyquicklyquietlyusuallyaccidentallyThis week I would like you to try and put your spelling word into an inverted comma sentence with different words for ‘said’, think carefully how the inverted comma sentence might be said by the person saying it, for example called, asked, shouted, yelled, cried, whispered, maybe try reading it out loud and think how it would be used in a sentence.For example“Come over here quickly!” called dad. ................

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