

At Weird Animals- Jesus’ love is One-of-a-Kind!


SUNDAY Night: Even when you’re left out… Jesus loves you!

Jesus heals ten lepers. Luke 17: 11-19

Key Verse: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

MONDAY Night: Even though you’re different… Jesus loves you!

Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan woman.

John 4: 1-30

Key Verse: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2: 10

TUESDAY Night: Even when you don’t understand… Jesus loves you!

Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. John 13: 1-17

Key Verse: “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” Luke 6: 31

WEDNESDAY Night: Even when you do wrong… Jesus loves you!

Jesus dies and comes back to life. Luke 22:47-24:12

Key Verse: God… loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” 1 John 4:10

All children will participate in 5 adventures each day –One-of-a-Kind Bible Adventures, Imagination Station, Untamed Games, Critter Cafe and KidVid Cinema. At each adventure, they will learn more about our daily themes.

Each night will begin in the Sanctuary with our Sing and Play Stampede. Just drop your child, ages 3-

Rising 5th grade off to their crew leader each night between 5:35 and 5:45pm. We end the night with an energized, electric worship called “The Tail End” and you will pick your child up at the same place they start at 9:00 pm.


|Date |Time |What |

|6/1 |5:45- 9:00 pm |VBS |

|6/2 |5:45- 9:00 pm |VBS |

|6/3 |5:45- 9:00 pm |VBS |

|6/4 |5:45- 9:00 pm |VBS |

|6/5 |none |No VBS activity |

|6/6 |6:00- 9:00 pm |Family Fun Fair |

| | |*see below for info |

|6/7 |none |No VBS activity |

|6/8 |10:00am |VBS Celebration Sunday: Led by Pastor|

| | |Matthew Mitchell and Tim Dryden |

All VBS families are invited to join us for a

Water Party

Rain or Shine on Friday 6/6 at 6:00pm!

*Join us for a bounce house, water slide, and slip and slides

*We will have family games and contests like potato sack races and tug-o-war

*We will have food, hotdogs, chips, drinks, cotton candy and snow cones.

Family Fun Fair is free

(nominal charge for food.)

This is a family event!

All children must be chaperoned!


We couldn’t make VBS happen without the over 100 volunteers who give them time and energy to serve your children. This year, we are allowing you- the parents of the children they serve- to appreciate the volunteers. BEGINNING SUNDAY EVENING- ALL PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING ONE BAKED GOOD SNACK ITEM TO VBS. Drop this off at the “Coffee Café” in the upstairs lobby of the sanctuary. We will sit up a room for our volunteers to enjoy your treats. Help us show them how much their service matters- BRING A SNACK ON SUNDAY NIGHT!


Here’s how our daily offering will work: each night at VBS your children will bring their offering up on the stage and put it in the offering display on the left side. Each day we will tell them how much they have brought in together as a group.

Daily Offering Challenges:

Sunday Penny and Nickel Day

Monday Dime Day

Tuesday Quarter Day

Wednesday Dollar Day

Our offering will go to support the Operation Kid-To-Kid Project of clean drinking water for children in India. We will donate our offering to Group Cares to ensure that our kids’ contributions will be a part of this incredible project.


VBS is all about fun! Make sure your child is dressed in comfortable, casual clothes. We prefer that they wear closed toe shoes! Below are the “dress up days” for 2014!

VBS Theme Days:

Sunday – Backward VBS T-shirt Day

“Show ‘em where you’ve been”

Monday- Duct Tape Day

“a little or a lot, use duct tape to design it”

Tuesday – Weird and Wacky Day

“wear it wacky”

Wednesday – Neon Night

“socks or shirts, hats or hair bows- whatever you want”

*We will not have a “Water Day” this year- instead join us for our Family Fun Fair- Water Party Style!


Your child should bring a smile and a good attitude to VBS each night in addition to their offering. Your child will be provided a snack each evening as part of the VBS program.

Any child with a food allergy should bring their own individual snack, in a labeled brown paper bag and give it to their Crew Leader. Because of the number of children we are serving this week at VBS, we will not be able to provide a separate snack to children with allergies. Thank you for providing their snack and for understanding.




(3, 4, & 5 year olds):

►Daily offering

►If you feel your child may have a potty related accident, please send in a change of clothes and 2 pull-ups/diapers on the first day of VBS. These items should be placed in a large zipper type plastic bag and clearly labeled with your child’s name and your child’s VBS Crew Number. Your child’s Crew Leader will be able to place this bag inside of a larger tote bag that he/she will be carrying throughout the day. Please plan to leave this bag at VBS for the entire week. If the contents of the bag are used during the day, you will be notified at pick-up time. Please leave the diaper bag and any toys at home.


Your child should not bring any electronic devices or cell phones. Children will not be allowed to be on cell phones at all during VBS.

They also should not bring

any toys with them.


VBS T-Shirts and CD’s will be sold at a Guest Service Desk in the hallway outside the sanctuary while supplies last! Get yours for $12, and hurry we have limited quantities left!

[pic]A first aid station will be staffed with trained medical personnel every day. If your child visits the first aid station, you will receive an incident report describing the nature of the visit and any action taken.

If your child needs to take any medication during VBS hours, please take this medication at home before sending your child to VBS. No medicines will be kept at the first aid station. The exception is epi-pens and asthma inhalers. Epi-pens and asthma inhalers will stay with the child’s crew leader throughout the day due to the urgency with which they must be administered during an emergency. All epi-pens and inhalers will be sent home with the child at the end of each day and will need to be returned each evening.

If your child is sick – running a fever, had a fever in the last 24 hours, had diarrhea/vomiting in the last 24 hours, complains the day of VBS of not feeling well, etc… -- please keep your child at home.

Children who have indicated on their VBS registration form that they have allergies or other medical conditions will have a separate “Allergy Alert” nametag with the allergies/condition listed. Please verify that your child has this tag on before you leave them each day.

REMINDER: Any child with a food allergy should bring a snack of their own in a paper bag, with their name and crew number, clearly marked on it and give it to their crew leader.

Snacks for the week:

Sunday: One-derful Parfaits (Vanilla yogurt, strawberries, peaches, oranges, cherries, blueberries)

Monday : Masterpiece Munchies (Sugar cookies, vanilla frosting, M&M’s, twizzlers, sprinkles)

Tuesday: People Paws (Popcorn and fruit snacks)

Wednesday: A slice of Heaven (Sliced bread, butter, cinnamon sugar)


►Drop off @ 5:35-5:45 each night

►All children 3 years and older will be dropped off in the Sanctuary. (XTREME is separate and will meet in the SL building- you will receive a separate newsletter for XTREME)

►Please park in the front and side parking lots of the new Community Life Building if you are dropping off your child and walk your child down the stairs into the sanctuary.

►Your child’s crew leader – who will be responsible for your child while at VBS- will be waiting at their designated numbered row of chairs. Get a security tag before you leave. Hold onto it, you will need it for pick up. Do not leave your child unattended or before you can get your security tag.

►If you will not be picking up your child, you must drop off the security band at Will Call at Guest Services so that the person picking up can retrieve it. They must have a picture ID to do so.

►Please try to keep your Sunday night drop-off brief so that everyone can be assembled in the Community Life Building by the 5:45 pm start time.

PICK UP @ 9:00pm

►All VBS children will return to the Worship Center for pick up at 9:00. (except nursery)

►Please wait until programming is over to retrieve your child.

►Any adult picking up children will be asked to present their portion of the child’s security band each day.

►If the adult picking up doesn’t have the security band, they must go to Will Call to retrieve the security band if pre-arranged. IMPORTANT – In the event you do not have your matching security band, we will not release your child until we have a copy of your picture ID and verify that you are listed as a contact on their forms. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR ID AND SECURITY BAND WITH YOU EACH DAY – NO EXCEPTIONS.



►Crew lists will also be posted at the entrances on Sunday evening

►If you need to arrive later than 6:15pm or pick up your child earlier than 8:40pm, please enter the Sugarloaf Kids Building (In the modular trailer by the outdoor fields) and go to the Staff Offices and check-in with the Sugarloaf Kids Staff upon arrival.

JOIN US FOR A Sugarloaf Kids Worship CELEBRATION

We will celebrate VBS on Sunday, June 8, 2014 at the 10:00 service. All children are invited to sing on stage at the worship service. They will sing several songs learned during Weird Animals. Your child should sit with you and then will be called up to sing. There will be NO Sunday morning children’s programming except for a staffed nursery for children 2 and younger. All older kids should plan to attend service.



VBS is almost here! The Sugarloaf Kids Staff and Volunteers have been working hard to prepare for the many fun adventures your child will enjoy during the week. The information contained in this newsletter was designed to help your family prepare for VBS. Please contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to spending the week with your child. Stephanie Nolan 678-684-6020 . stephanie@



VBS 2014


(everything you need to know to make VBS week a success!!!)







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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