
HSY Sunday Topics2019-2020September: Introduction to the BibleOverview Split into 3 GroupsBible Basics: Very unfamiliar with the Bible, need a basic introductionDive Deeper: Moderately familiar with the Bible, want to learn more about the historyPraying with Scripture: Know a lot about scripture, want some prayer experiences.Sunday Night Topics By Date8th: ?Presentation on what the year will look likeDiscernment of where you want to attendFun scripture games/ triviaStay in large group the whole timeInclude time for personal scripture reading15th: ???Split into the 3 groupsBible BasicsDive DeeperPraying with ScriptureClose with Team Spirit talking about why scripture is important to them & how to incorporate it more into their lives. 22nd: ?3 groups continuedWith some extra games or icebreakers as needed. Close with music from Team Spirit. 29th: No Youth Ministry (Fall Festival) ?????????October: (Studying Stories)Overview:Split into 4 GroupsNoah’s ArkGod in the quiet whisperJonah and the WhaleThe Exodus StorySunday Night Topics by Date6th: Adoration13th: ?Split into Story GroupsChoose stories, go into groups and read them, discus what they think they mean, then at the end gather & act them out 20th: Dive deeper into the story. What are some historical things we might have overlooked? Why is this story important now? What does it mean for me? Include journaling time & time to color a picture from the story. End with Team Spirit praise & worship. 27th: How to we pray with this story? What was God telling the characters in this story? Create a prayer as a small group. Present the prayer at the end in the large group. November: (The Mass)OverviewThis month will include our Virtus presentation about self-harm and mental health awarenessThe second night of the month will include scripture found in the MassThe last night will be after our Confirmation retreat and will include Adoration.Sunday Night Topics by Date3rd: ??In His Image Presentation10th: ?The Mass & Scripture (split into learning levels)17th: Adoration (Encourage scripture reading) 24th: No Youth Ministry (Thanksgiving Break) December: The Christmas StoryOverviewWe only meet twice this month so we will focus on Advent & ChristmasWe will include a Bible Verse memorization battle at the Christmas Party. Sunday Night Topics by Date2rd: ?No Youth Ministry (Thanksgiving Break)8th: The Christmas Story (split into learning levels)15th: Christmas Party22nd: ?No Youth Ministry (Merry Christmas!)29th: ?No Youth Ministry (Happy New Year!)January: Character StudiesOverview:4 CharactersPeterPaulMaryJoseph of Arimathea (there are no minor Characters) Sunday Night Topics by Date5th: Welcome backInclude individual prayer/ journaling timeIntroduce topics for this month12th: Choose CharactersLet teens choose characters they would like to study. Go to small groups and read all passages about this character. At the end the groups will present on who each person is and act out a story that has them in it. 19th: Dive deeper into the character study. What are some historical things we might have overlooked about them? Why is their story important now? How do I relate to them? Include journaling time & time to color a picture from the story. End with Team Spirit praise & worship. 26th: How can we pray with this character? How did they talk to God? Create a prayer as a small group. Present the prayer at the end in the large group.?????February: The Bible NowOverview:This month will be similar to our Sex and Sexuality mini-series, but will incorporate scripture into all of our studies.We will be talking about how the Bible relates to modern day topics. Sunday Night Topics by Date2: Super Bowl- NO Youth Ministry9:? What the Bible says about Life Talk about abortion, death penalty, etc.Ask White Rose to come do ultrasound? 16:?how did Mary feel as a young mother? Talk about ChastityTalk about how women feel when they aren’t supported 23: How does the Bible tell us who we are?Talk about sanctity of lifeTalk about how to work towards purityRead stories about when wrong choices were made and people suffered. March Lent & Times of SufferingOverview:Use a lot of the scripture studies by Lifeway. Especially those that talk about suffering & Lenten stories. Sunday Night Topics by Date1?Adoration8? Lifeway bible study by grades15??Spring Break- No Youth Ministry22 ??Lifeway Bible study by grades29 ??Lifeway Bible study by grades ?????April: The GospelsOverview:We will talk about the 4 Gospels and their authorsWe will talk about how the Passion story is similar and differentCan include art discussions tooSunday Night Topics by Date5?Overview of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. Discern into one of the 4 groupsAt the end present on the similarities & differences between the four. Talk about Jesus’ Passion and how it is portrayed similarly & differently in the 4 Gospels. 12 ??Easter- No Youth Ministry19 ??Continuation of the 4 Gospels. How do I read them? How do I pray with them? Write down some quotes from Jesus that I want to remember. Journal about what I want to remember most about this year on Scripture. 26 ??Year Summary with Jeopardy and Evaluations ? ????????? ????? May ??????3 Summer Send-Off Thoughts/ Questions for Next Year:Bible study series? How to make small groups successful?More or less time in microgroups?How to incorporate topics they still really need to learn while also focusing on scripture?Self-worth, drug abuse, interpersonal communication, etc. How to train my Catechists?Knowledgable but also relatableFeedback from TeensWhat do you want to learn about the Bible?????????? How to use the Bible????????? How it’s laid out????????? How it relates to your life????????? Why should we trust the bible????????? How to understand it (not taking things so literal)o?? The different types of books in the Bible (prose, poetry, history, etc.)????????? Who wrote it and why they wrote it????????? Breaking down the decades of the Rosary????????? Bible Timeline/ history????????? Different avenues to approach the Bible????????? Acting out scripture/ skits????????? Memorizing Bible verses?Youth Group Ideas????????? Gathering get-to-know you day????????? Icebreakers with the whole group????????? People actually talk to you/ having friends????????? Competitions/crafts????????? Smaller groups more comfortable????????? Big/small/big????????? Recap/sharing/ prayer time at the end????????? Team spirit could lead closing????????? Team spirit people do candy question/ opening prayer????????? Have the Bible study- at the end you talk about why that’s important for the real world. o?? Witness talk ................

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