

What’s Happening

in the Nest

5th grade needs your help. We are collecting water bottles with caps, toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls, small tea boxes, plastic lids from two liter bottles, and white glue. These items will be used for student products.



Oct. 2012

Ms. Carpenter

and Mrs. Bailey

Soaring Through Our Nine Weeks

ETC has been off to a great start. The first few weeks were spent on identification.

We now pull out a small group of second graders for 150 minutes a week. Another change is our 30 minute push in classes that are once a week with all of the students in 3-5. We will continue to have our K-2 push in classes as well. These enrichment classes last thirty minutes and gives us a chance to spot students who may need referred to our program and to give all students a chance to be exposed to gifted type lessons and challenges.

|Second Grade: Mexico |

|Second graders chose to study and learn more about Mexico. They are very excited and|

|many fun projects are planned. They may even learn a little Spanish along the way! |

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|Third Grade: Egypt |

|Third graders chose to study about Egypt; We will try to solve the mystery of King |

|Tut, make cartouches and learn about hieroglyphics, learn about everyday life, learn|

|how pyramids were made and of course learn all about mummies. |

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|Fourth Grade: Marvelous Me |

|Fourth graders are involved with their Marvelous Me study. They are having a good |

|time telling about themselves and creating the projects. The ABC books were really |

|nice. Titanic will be our next unit. |

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|Fifth Grade: Entrepreneurs |

|Fifth graders voted to do the entrepreneur and philanthropy unit. They will be |

|making products for a school sale. All profits will be donated to a charity of their|

|choice. The sale will be in December. |

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Notes from the Teacher:

I would like to welcome Mrs. Bailey to Williams. She has a Masters from UALR and is GT certified. She is married and has one daughter. She is very excited about being at Williams! I am excited to be back at Williams five days a week. We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

Name of Website

There are many excellent websites on Egypt. One favorite is listed below.

provides a daily puzzle challenge.

Williams ETC News


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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