
Tuesday 20 October 2015

Activity One

Choose an unfamiliar word from today’s Discovery page:

Activity Two

Cambodia is a country located in South-East ___________. Sometimes it is referred to by its former name, _______________. Some of the countries surrounding Cambodia are Thailand, Laos,____________ , and Malaysia. The capital of Cambodia is_________________. Khmer (cah'MY) is the official_____________. The _________________ is 7.1 million people. The main ____________ of Cambodia is Buddhism.

• language

• Kampuchea (kam-poo-CHEE-uh)

• Phnom Penh (puh NAWM pen)

• population

• religion

• Vietnam

• Asia

• Find out about Vietnam and write a cloze activity like the one above for a friend.

Activity Three

Find out and write about the flags of Cambodia and Vietnam.



Activity Four

Check out these interesting sites:

Activity Five

If you had one wish what would it be?



What is your response to this video?


Activity Six

Write an account of a real school trip you have been on.

Detail the educational, as well as the fun side!

Activity Seven


Make up a quiz using this map of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Activity Eight


V for Vietnam

C for Cambodia

B for both

The Elephant and Cardamom Mountain ranges ________

The Dengrek Mountains ________

Hanoi ________

Mekong River ________

Angkor Wat ________

Phnom Penh

Language: Khmer ________

Currency: Riel ________

Currency: Dong _________________

Dhole ________

Activity Nine


Bonnie is planning to use her baking skills making and then selling cookies to raise funds for her trip.

Come up with three good ways you could raise money for a cause. Detail your plans:

1) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Activity Eleven - WORD SEARCH – complete the following word search.

Word: _________________________________________________

Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Antonyms: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Synonyms: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sentence to highlight the word: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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