(Recognition and all around fun ideas)

• 5th RA to arrive to event or meeting gets something special

• Verbally thank members for their contributions

• Host honorary events for appreciation (for members or those supporting your events)

• Do something for 1 RA every day/week

• Do socials just for the RAs

• Compliment RAs for their dedication and commitment

• Create a fun attitude with members (why shouldn’t a meeting be fun?)

• Involve everyone Residents and Professional Staff (creates investment and shows appreciation for others ideas (chain effect)

• Have a member of the week - someone you pick for a silly reason or an accomplishment and start a bulletin board

• Make buttons

• Go beyond position description (to help members) & show them that you care

• Give stickers out for academic and/or personal achievement

• Sending anonymous notes of appreciation

• Leave a happy note for someone working hard on an upcoming event

• Tell everyone you see during the day, what you appreciate about them or a positive thing about them

• Give RAs Complements

• Make a hand outline and write complements “Pat on the Back”

• Buy Blank Puzzles and have each staff member color one piece of the puzzle for one and other

• Have a traveling award with a note saying why the person deserves award

• Give out “100 grand bars” or “smarties” for that million $ idea

• “Snickers” awards for those who keep meetings fun

• Say thanks for the small things (details are important too)

• Create special door tags

• Provide residents with pieces of paper where they can write why they appreciate their RA

• Create a raffle for RAs have RHDs and Central Staff donate prizes (bulletin boards, homemade cookies)

• Assign secret pals & exchange small gifts or words of encouragement

• Make a banner

• Surprise one of your RAs with a cup of coffee, soda, etc

• Random acts of kindness

• Leave a surprise trinket /chocolate/ etc on someone's desk

• Take turns bringing in treats for meetings

• Have a pot luck or special dinner

• Have lunch together (send out for pizza)

• Have a candy bowl out at all times

• Bring in candy to bring cheer

• Start an early day with coffee, donuts or bagels

• Make popcorn/cookies/etc to share

• Hold member’s only lunches

• Have Pizza Day once a month

• Treats for staff when they don't expect it (candy or ice cream)

• Take a RA to lunch just because

• Send a free internet card , , e-, ,




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