NIMH Organizational Chart - National Institutes of Health

[Pages:8]National Institute of Mental Health

Office of Rural Mental Health Research (HN714)

Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity (HN715)

Office of the Director (HN71)

Office on AIDS (HN716)

Office of Resource M an agement (HN719)

Office of Science Policy, Planning, and Co mmunic at ion s (HN71B)

Office of Constituency Relations and Public Liaison (HN71D)

Office of Autism Research Co ord inati on (HN71G)

Office of Technology Development and Co ord inati on (HN71H)

Office of Genomics Research Co ord inati on (HN71J)

Office of Clinical Research (HN71L)

Division of Extramural Activities (HN75)

Division of Intramural Research Programs (HN76)

Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science (HN77)

Division of Services and Intervention Research (HN78)

Division of AIDS Research (HN79)

Division of Translational Research (HN7C)

? Provides leadership for a national program to increase knowledge and advance effective strategies to deal with problems and issues in the promotion of mental health and the prevention and treatment of mental illness;

? Conducts and supports research and research training on the biological, psychological, behavioral, epidemiological, legal and social science aspects of mental health and illness;

? Conducts and supports mental health services research concerned with the impact of the organization, financing, and management of health services on the quality, cost, access to, and outcomes of care;

? Provides assistance to, and encourages other Federal agencies and national, foreign, State, and local organizations, hospitals, professional associations, and volunteer groups to facilitate and extend programs to promote mental health and prevent mental illness;

? Collects, analyzes, and disseminates scientific findings and data on the incidence, prevalence, and resources for the treatme nt of mental illness; and ? Conducts educational activities, including the collection and dissemination of educational materials concerned with mental he alth issues for health

professionals and the lay public.

Office of the Director

Office of the Director (HN71)

Office of Rural Mental Health Research (HN714)

Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity (HN715)

Office on AIDS (HN716)

Office of Autism Research Co ord inati on (HN71G)

Office of Technology Development and Co ord inati on (HN71H)

Office of Resource M an agement (HN719)

Planning and Financial Management Branch (2)

Information Resource and Technology Management Branch (4)

Extramural Administrative Services Branch (7)

Management Analysis and Services Branch (8)

Ethics Branch (9)

Office of Intramural Research Admin istr at ion (HN719A)

Intramural Administrative Services Branch (2)

Intramural Administrative Oversight Branch (3)

Office of Science Policy, Planning, and Co mmunic at ion s (HN71B)

Reports and Analysis Branch (2)

Science Policy and Evaluation Branch (3)

Science Writing, Press, and Dissemination Branch (5)

Electronic Communications Branch (6)

Office of Genomics Research Co ord inati on (HN71J)

Office of Clinical Research (HN71L)

Office of the Director (1)

Human Research Protection Branch (2)

Clinical Trials Operations Branch (3)

Division of Extramural Activities

Office of the Director (HN75)

Extramural Review Branch (HN755)

Grants Management Branch (HN756)

Extramural Policy Branch (HN757)

Division of Intramural Research Programs

Office of the Director (HN761)

Office of Fellowship Training (HN7612)

Office of the Clinical Director (HN7613)

Office of Science M an agement (HN7616)

Veterinary Medicine and Resources Branch (HN76B)

Ch ild Psyc hiatry Branc h (HN76C)

Section on Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders (4)

Section on Developmental Brain Imaging (5)

Clinical and Translational Neuroscience Branch (HN76D)

Psychosis and Cognitive Studies Section (2)

Section on Integrative Neu roi magi ng (4)

Section on Synapse Development Plasticity (5)

Laboratory of Neu rop sych ology (HN76E)

Section on Neu rob iology of Learning and Memory (5)

Section on Neural Coding and Computation (6)

Section on Cognitive Neu rosc ience (7)

Section on Cognitive Neurophysiology and I magin g (8)

Section on Learning and Decision Making (9)

Laboratory of Clinical Science (HN76J)

Section on Clinical Neu rop harmaco logy (5)

Laboratory of Brain and Co gn iti on (HN76K)

Section on Neurocircuitry (4)

Section on Cognitive Neu rop sych ology (5)

Section on Functional Imaging Methods (6)

Section on Learning and Plasticity (7)

Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Regulation (HN76L)

Section on Molecular Neu rosc ience (2)

Section on Functional Neu roanat omy (7)

Section on Neural Gene Expression (8)

Section on Directed Gene Transfer (9)

Laboratory of Molecular Bi olo gy (HN76P)

Section on Molecular Gen etics (3)

Section on Neurobiology (5)

Section on Neural Function (6)

Section on Pharmacology (HN76-4)

Section on Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behavior (HN76-9)

Section on Molecular Neu rob iol ogy (HN76-B)

Section on Fundamental Neu rosc ience (HN76-C)

Section on Neuro-adaptation and Protein Metabolism (HN76-D)

Section on Instrumentation (HN76-G)

Section on Neu rob iology of Fear and Anxiety (HN76-H)

Section on Affective Cognitive Neuroscience (HN76-J)

Section on Behavioral Neu rosc ience (HN76-L)

Section on Light and Circadian Rhythms (HN76-M)

Laboratory of Systems Neu rosc ience (HN76R)

Section on Neurophysiology (2)

Section on Neuroanatomy (3)

Section on Critical Brain Dynamics (4)

Laboratory of Neu rot oxi colo gy (HN76U)

Section on Analytical Bi ochemi stry (2)

Pediatric and Developmental Neuroscience Branch (HN76X)

Section on Behavioral Pediatrics (2)

Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch (HN76Z01)

Section on Neu rob iology and Treatment of Mood Diso rder s (2)

Molecu lar Imaging Branch (HN76Z03)

Section on PET Neuroimaging S cienc es (2)

Section on PET Radi oph ar maceuti cal S cienc es (3)

Section on Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (5)

Laboratory of Molecular Path ophysiology and Experimental Therapeutics (HN76Z04)

Section on Molecu lar and Cellular Neurobiology (2)

Laboratory of Behavioral Neu rosc ience (HN76Z05)

Emotion and Development Branch (HN76Z06)

Section on Development and Affective Neuroscience (2)

Section on Mood Dysregulation and Neuroscience (3) Section on Clinical and Computational Psychiatry (4)

Genetic Epidemiology Branch (HN76Z07)

Section on Developmental Genetic Epidemiology (2)

Behavioral Endocrinology Branch (HN76Z08)

Section on Behavioral Endo cri nolo gy (2)

Human Genetics Branch (HN76Z09)

Section on the Genetic Basis of Mood and Anxiety Diso rder s (2)

Section on Developmental Neu rogeno mics (3)

Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (HN76Z10)

Section on Molecular and Cellular Signaling (2)

Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science

Office of the Director (HN77)

Behavioral Science and Integrative Neuroscience Research Branch (HN772)

Molecular, Cellular, and Genomic Neuroscience Research Branch (HN773)

Genomics Research Branch (HN778)

Developmental and Genomic Neuroscience Research Branch (HN779)

Division of Services and Intervention Research

Office of the Director (HN78)

Services Research and Clinic al Epid emiology Branc h (HN782)

Treatment and Preventive Intervention Research Branch (HN783)

Division of AIDS Research

Office of the Director (HN79)

HIV Prevention Science Branch (HN797)

HIV Neuropathogenesis, Genetics, and Therapeutics Branch (HN798)

HIV Treatment and Translational Science Branch (HN799)

Center for Global Mental Health Research (HN79A)

Division of Translational Research

Office of the Director (HN7C1)

Adult Psychopathology and Psychosocial Intervention Development Branch (HN7C2)

Adult Pathophysiology and Biological Interventions Development Branch (HN7C3)

Geriatrics and Aging Processes Research Branch (HN7C4)

Biomarker and Intervention Developmen t for ChildhoodOnset Mental Disorders (HN7C5)

Developmental Mechanisms and Trajectories of Psychop athology Branc h (HN7C6)


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