APHG Unit 1 Exam (2017-2018)1. The name that is given to a portion of the earth’s surface is known as a:a. locationb. sitec. situationd. toponyme. benchmark2. Situation identifies a place by itsa. location relative to other placesb. mathematical location on the earth’s surfacec. nominal locationd. unique physical characteristicse. name and human characteristics3. Site identifies a place by itsa. location relative to other objectsb. mathematical location on the earth’s surfacec. nominal locationd. unique physical characteristicse. name and human characteristics4. A ship’s position is given as 0 degrees latitude and 27 degrees west longitude. We can conclude from this information that the ship is locateda. on the equatorb. at the North Polec. on the prime meridiand. astride the International Date Line5. The science/art of map making is known asa. geographyb. cartographyc. topologyd. topographye. human ecology6. Scale isa. the system used by geographers to transfer location from a globe to a mapb. the extent of spread of a phenomenon over a given areac. the difference in elevation between two pointsd. the relationship between the length of an object on a map and the feature that it represents on the landscapee. all of the above7. 1:24,000 is an example of what kind of scale?a. bar lineb. ratio scalec. graphic scaled. written scalee. US Land Ordinance survey scale8. A system for transferring and converting locations from the round globe to a flat map isa. distributionb. interruptionc. geostinctiond. scalee. projection9. What type of map is shown below?a. choroplethb. dot distributionc. proportional symbold. isolinee. composite_10. All maps (because they are flat and the world is curved) contain distortion of one kind or another. Which of the following is NOT a type of distortion on a map?a. areab. shapec. elevationd. directione. distance11. All of the following are true of the International Date Line EXCEPTa. it is a line of longitudeb. it is located at approximately 180° c. it is located opposite the Prime Meridiand. it crosses the equatore. it runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean12. Approximately how wide are most time zones?a. 2000 milesb. 200 milesc. 15°d. 90°e. 1:25,00013. What projection is shown below?a. Mercatorb. Robinsonc. Goode’s Homolosine Interruptedd. conicale. Buckminster-Fuller14. Where is distortion the greatest on the map above?a. along the equatorb. on the east/west edgesc. on the north and south edgesd. directly in the centere. distortion is equal everywhere15. The frequency of occurrence of something within a given unit of area isa. concentrationb. densityc. distributiond. patterne. scale16. The extent, or spread, of something over an area isa. concentrationb. densityc. distributiond. patterne. scale17. Which is NOT an example of a functional region?a. the circulation area of a newspaperb. the area of dominance of a television stationc. the market area of a supermarketd. the area dominated by a particular crope. an area served by an airline hub18. Which of the following is another way of referring to a functional region?a. nodalb. formalc. uniformd. areale. focused19. An area identified by one or more specific characteristics is aa. biomeb. landscapec. formal regiond. GPS unite. landform region20. The division of the United States (as seen above) into 12 districts by the Federal Reserve is an example ofa. climatic regionsb. functional regionsc. nodal regionsd. formal regions21. The concept that while the physical environment limits human actions culture should be the deciding factor on how people should development is: a. climateb. environmental determinismc. Possibilismd. spatial associatione. cultural ecology22. The geographic study of cultural ecology is principally concerned with which aspect of geography?a. locationb. regionsc. human-environment interactiond. movemente. cartography23. New York City’s ____________ is on the Hudson River, approximately 100 miles northeast of Philadelphia and 100 miles southwest of Boston.a. locationb. sitec. situationd. toponyme. cartogram24. A hearth isa. a location or region from which a phenomenon originatesb. the process by which a feature or trend spreadsc. an area defined by one or more distinctive features or trendsd. the modification of a culture as a result of contact with a more powerful onee. the core area of a region25. The spread of various a new type of “extreme” sport or emerging “cutting edge” technology across America would most likely illustrate which specific model of diffusion?a. contagiousb. hierarchicalc. relocationd. stimuluse. expansion26. Several new jazz clubs are opened in Utah by people displaced here after evacuating New Orleans because of Hurricane Katrina in 2006. What type of diffusion is illustrated in this case?a. contagiousb. hierarchicalc. relocationd. stimulus e. expansion27. A new artist creates a music video that becomes very popular among young listeners who share it on social media. What type of diffusion is illustrated in this case?a. stimulus b. contagiousc. relocationd. hierarchical e. spread 28. Assume that a new type of restaurant is spreading across the United States in a pattern of hierarchical diffusion. During period “B” as shown on the graph below – it would most likely be arriving ina. the largest citiesb. medium sized citesc. small citiesd. extremely remote citiese. impossible to tell29. Critiques of the gravity model include all of the following except:a. it perpetuates the status quob. it cannot be scientifically proven c. it is based on historic ties to large citiesd. it does not have a complete formula e. it is based on observation 30. The distance-decay function in geography holds that as distance increases, contact with a point of origin, a core, or a hearth willa. also increaseb. gradually decreasec. remain about the samed. fluctuate according to other influencese. mutate31. The increasing geographic phenomenon of space-time compression has tended to diminish the influence ofa. locationb. distancec. movementd. sitese. situation32. Which of the following countries is noted for using a non-standard time zone?a. Chinab. United Statesc. Switzerlandd. Germanye. Mexico33. Which of the following is NOT true of the nation of Kiribati?a. it uses a non-standard time zoneb. it is located in middle of the Pacificc. it moved the International Date Lined. it is the first nation on earth to start every daye. all of the above are true34. Which two of the four boxes below has the highest density of dots?a. A, Bb. B, Cc. C, Dd. D, A35. Which two have the highest concentration of dots?a. A, Cb. B, Dc. A, Bd. C, D36. Which of the following is NOT one of the three fundamental elements of culture?a. customary beliefsb. material traitsc. physical environmentsd. social formse. all are fundamental elements of culture37. According to the theory of environmental determinisma. the physical environment causes social developmentb. the physical environment set limits on human actionsc. people can adjust to the physical environmentd. people can choose a course of action from many alternatives offered by the physical environmente. culture is the most important factor in determining what type physical environment will be used by a group of people38. When considering large v. small scale maps which map below would have the smallest scale? a. world b. continent c. state d. city e. neighborhood39. The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite orbiting the planet or from another long-distance method is a. GISb. GPSc. remote sensingd. USGSe. digital cartography40. A computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic data in a series of layers on a map is aa. GISb. GPSc. remotely sensed imaged. USGS topographic quadranglee. digital cartograph41. Examining how something is laid out or how space is used on Earth’s surface is: a. spatial analysisb. landscape analysisc. geography analysisd. uneven developmente. pattern 42. A cartographer mapping dangerous crosswalks decides use an image like that shown here [?] to indicate corners with over 10 auto-pedestrian accidents per year. Which two of the following elements of cartographic communication were involved in this decision?a. classification and inductionb. symbolization and simplificationc. classification and simplificationd. symbolization and inductione. symbolization and classification43. The concept of a “mental map” is most closely tied to which of the following geographic terms?a. spatial analysisb. cartographic communicationc. human ecologyd. space-time compressione. vernacular region44. Which of the following is not true about the human modifications and adaptations in the Netherlands? a. Polders were developed by draining water from an area to reclaim the landb. Dikes have been built in two major locations c. polders have been developed into sites for housing, schools, and airportsd. most of the construction has occurred is part of the Delta Plane. The Dutch have not stopped modifying the nature environment for human needs45. The influence of outside cultures on Bali is an example of:a. space-time compressionb. distance-decayc. globalizationd. uneven developmente. distribution ................

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