| | | |

|Charter Section |Meaning |Judicial Interpretation |

|Section 1: Guarantee of Rights | | |

| | |R. v. Oakes [1986] SCR. 103 |

|Fundamental Freedoms: Section 2 (a) | |R. v. Big M Drug Mart [1985] |

|Conscience & Religion | | |

| | |Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem [2004] |

| | | |

| | |R. v. Edwards Books [1986] |

|Fundamental Freedoms: Section 2 (b): | |R. v. Sharpe [2001] |

|thought, belief, opinion & expression | | |

| | |R. v. Keegstra [1990] 3 S.C.R. 697 |

| | | |

| | |Harper v. Canada (Attorney General) [2004] |

| | | |

| | |Ford v. Quebec (Attorney General) [1988} |

| | |SCR 712 |

|Fundamental Freedoms: Section 2 (b): | |Application under s. 83.28 of the Criminal |

|Freedom of the press | |Code (Re) [2004] |

|Fundamental Freedoms: Section 2 (c): | |Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem [2004] |

|peaceful assembly (d) association | | |

|Democratic Rights: Section 3: Right to Vote| |Sauve v. Canada [2003] |

|Section 4 & 5 | | |

|Mobility Rights: Section 6 | |Gordon v. Goertz [1996] |

| | |Law Society of Upper Canada v Skapinker |

| | |[1984] |

|Legal Rights: Section 7: Life, Liberty & | |R. v. Morgentaler [1988] |

|Security of the Person | |Rodriguez v. British Columbia [1993] |

| | |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985] |

| | |R. v. S (R.J.) [1995] |

| | |Daigle v. Tremblay [1989] |

|Legal Rights: Section 8: Unreasonable | |R. v Genest [1989] |

|Search or seizure | |Maranda v. Richer [2003] |

|Legal Rights: Section 9: Arbitrary | |R. v. Smith (Edward) [1987] |

|detention/imprisonment | | |

|Legal Rights: Section 10: Rights upon | |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985 |

|arrest | | |

|Legal Rights: Section 11: | |R. v. O’Connor [1995] |

|Rights in Criminal Matters | |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985] |

| | |R. v. Finta [1994] |

| | |In the matter of an application under s. |

| | |83.28 of the Criminal Code [2004] |

|Legal Rights: Section 12: Cruel and unusual| |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985] |

|punishment | |R. v. Finta [1994] |

|Legal Rights: Section 13: | |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985] |

|Self-incrimination | |R. v. Swain [1991] |

|Legal Rights: Section 14: Right to | |Re: BC Motor Vehicle Act [1985] |

|Interpreter | |R. v. Swain [1991] |

| | |R. v. Finta [1994] |

|Section 15: Equality Rights | |Egan v. Canada [1995] |

| | |McKinney v. University of Guelph [1990] |

| | |Vriend v. Alberta [1998] |

| | |M. v. H [1999] |

|Section 16-22: Official Languages | |société des acadiens v. association of |

| | |parents [1986] |

| | | |

| | |Re: Manitoba Language Rights [1985] |

|Section 23: Minority Language Education | |Mahe v. Alberta [1990] |

|Rights | |Reference re: Bill 30 [1987] |

| | |AG Quebec v. Quebec Association of |

| | |Protestant School Boards [1984] |

|Section 25: Aboriginal Rights (and s. 35 of| |R. v. Sparrow [1990] |

|Constitution Act) | |Delgamuukw v. British Columbia [1997] |

| | |Haida v. British Columbia [2004] |

|Section 27: Multicultural Heritage | |R. v. Keegstra [1990] |

| | |R. v. Zundel [1992] |

|Section 28: Equality of Genders | |Symes v. Canada [1993] |

| | |Native Women’s Ass’n v. Canada [1994] |

|Section 32: Application | |McKinney v. the University of Guelph [1990]|

| | |Singh v. Minister of Employment and |

| | |Immigration [1985] |

|Section 33: Notwithstanding | |Ford v. Quebec (Attorney General) [1988} |

| | |SCR 712 |


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