ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University Science Books

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Second Edition

Thomas N. Sorrell

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University Science Books Sausalito, California

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University Science Books

Developmental editor: Mary Castellion Production manager: Ann Knight Manuscript editor: Jeanette Stiefel Text design: Caroline McGowan Cover design: George Kelvin Compositor: Publishers' Design and Production Services, Inc. Illustrator: Lineworks Manufacturer: VonHoffman Corporation

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

University Science Books, Sausalito, California ?1999, 2006 All rights reserved. First edition 1999. Second edition 2006.

ISBN 10: 1-891389-38-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-891389-38-2

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, University Science Books.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Sorrell, Thomas N. Organic Chemistry / Thomas N. Sorrell.--2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical reference and index. ISBN 1-891389-38-6 (alk. paper) 1. Chemistry, Organic--Textbooks. I. Title.

QD251.3.S67 2005 547--dc22


Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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This book is dedicated to Courtney-- a loving daughter and burgeoning research chemist,

who perceives the beauty of organic chemistry as readily as she sees the splendors of the Carolina coast

and the majesty of the Rocky Mountains.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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