Attachment 1




Approved MINUTES

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Room 4000-01, Chancellor’s Office

1102 Q Street

Sacramento, CA 95814-6511

(916) 445-8752

Free telephone connection available via CCC Confer for participants unable to attend in person. Phone number: 866-316-1517

Telephone Pass Code: 66285232

Present: Randy Lawson, Claire Biancalana, Ron Manzoni, Lori Gaskin, Jim Matthews, Leige Henderson, Pam Eddinger, Dave Bolt, Pam Deegan, Alice Murillo, Mollie Smith.

Guests: Jamillah Moore

I. Call to Order – Randy Lawson.

II. Agenda Additions and Modifications – Randy Lawson

Section X a. was tabled

III. Consent Agenda

i. Minutes of March 21, 2007 Meeting (Attachment) – Alice Murillo

Accepted as submitted.

ii. Treasurer’s Report (Attachment) – Michael Kasler

The report was accepted as submitted.

IV. President’s Reports – Randy Lawson

a. April Consultation Council Report (Attachment) Lori Gaskin

Issues discussed included:

1) simultaneously enrollment in different levels of a noncredit course,

2) curriculum committee approval for any course that has a distance education component,

3) 2009 CAHSEE requirement for high school program in community colleges,

4) requirement of a certificate of completion for enhanced noncredit funding, and

5) challenges of technological implementation of some of these changes.

b. May 7 Board of Governors Report

There was limited discussion of the proposed Title 5 revisions. Presentations included The Basic Skills Initiative and Noncredit Funding.

c. May 17 Consultation Council Agenda

d. Finding Common Ground May 16 Summit

This is a meeting called by the CTA, including all consultation council members, except those from the System Office, to discuss the role and organization of Consultation Council. There are concerns about the degradation of the process used in Consultation Council.

e. Basic Skills Initiative

Train the trainer event occurred in San Francisco on April 18, 2007. Regional workshops started last week. Workshop participants are asked to read the Basic Skills Initiative Report (poppy copy) before attending their regional training. Refer to the CIO website for a schedule of training sessions.

f. Results of Online Survey re. Regions Priorities(Attachment)

Results were mixed, but of primary interest is that CIOs receive appropriate information so that they are in a position to provide the executive group the necessary feedback.

It was recommended that regional representatives not fulfilling their responsibility be asked to do so and that an orientation be provided to newly elected regional representatives starting at noon on July 17th.

g. CCCCIO Priorities (Attachment)

Recommendations for 2007-08 priorities were obtained from CIOs present at the fall conference. Recommendations were categorized under five areas: regional/statewide CCCCIO issues; curriculum and instruction issues; collaboration; administrative issues; providing resources, advocacy and information repository. The opportunity to develop training opportunities for new CIOs was also discussed.

h. Assessment (Attachment) The Consultation Digest submitted by Mark Wade Lieu, on behalf of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, “Board of Governors Motion on Assessment”, was reviewed. The legality of the proposed single assessment was also considered, given the MALDEF lawsuit from the nineties.

V. Title 5 Revisions—Response from Regional Groups

Concerns were related to:

1) Ensuring that the limitations on course repetition do not apply to noncredit courses.

2) Associate degree limitation on current transfer degrees.

VI. CIO Executive Board Member Elections (Attachment) 10:30 a.m.

Odd number regions need to hold an election to select a representative for 2007-08.

West Central and North Central will need to select representatives since Pam Eddinger and Lori Gaskin will serve as president-elect and president.

VII. CIO Officer Elections

President: Lori Gaskin

President elect: Pam Eddinger

Treasurer: will select in July after regional representatives are selected.

Secretary: will select in July after regional representatives are selected.

VIII. Executive Secretary Report – Claire Biancalana 10:45 a. m.

a. Membership (Attachment)

There are 96 paid memberships for the year. This is an all time high.

IX. Conference Reports 10:50 A.M.

a. 2007 Spring Joint Conference (2 Attachments)

Due to low rate of return of evaluation surveys, future conference evaluations will be online and distributed within days of the conference closure. Net profit from conference will be split with the CSSO organization.

b. 2007 Fall Conference (October 30 – November 1) Monterey Beach Resort

Conference planning will begin in July.

c. CCLC 2007 Conference (November 15-17, 2007) San Jose Fairmont

This is an opportunity to provide maximum exposure for the organization. It was recommended that fall CIO conference presentations be the ones offered at CCLC.

d. 2008 Spring Joint conference (March 26-28, 2008) San Diego Holiday Inn

X. Members’ Reports and Issues 1:00 a.m.

a. Listserve Issues – Lori Gaskin/Barry Russell


b. CSU Articulation – Pam Eddinger

Challenges with CSU articulation approvals will be discussed at the Lower Division Transfer Program (LDTP) meeting that will include the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs from the System Office.

c. Curriculum Committee Report-Pam Eddinger

Committee priorities will be shared with the executive group at the next meeting.

XI. Academic Senate Report

A written report was submitted by the Academic Senate.

XII. Chancellor’s Office Report –Carole Bogue-Feinour, Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs 1:30 p.m.

Regional training sessions for the basic skills initiative have been scheduled. More copies of the research report will be obtained and purchased.

May revise budget includes 33.1 M for basic skills; minimum of $100,000 per college based on basic skills FTES. It designates funding for certificate completion and includes age limitations. The goal is to have this language removed. $10M has been allocated to Matriculation.

About 13 proposed changes to Title 5 will be revisited or delayed based on feedback received. These items are related to noncredit, associate degree requirements, offering of courses outside the college boundaries, etc. Publication of the proposed Curriculum Handbook will be delayed.

Teacher preparation grants for 06-07 are available ($2.1 M) for colleges that were not funded in the grant competition this year. More money will be available from Career & Technical Education to fund 07-08 proposals.

Letter of Intent for MESA will be published soon to advertise a 60 day RFA process for establishment of a one additional MESA program.

CSU articulation concerns will be addressed by a joint CCC & CSU committee. Five faculty and two articulation officers from each system will review concerns presented by CSU’s lack of approval of CC courses in the lDTP approval process. CID project (comparable to establishing a CAN system) has been awarded to the Los Rios CCD for $511,000.

XIII. Liaison Reports 2:15 P.M.

a. ACCE – Lynda Lee

Many items of interest to ACCE have already been discussed before. Some of the items of interest have been postponed in the Title 5 discussions.

b. CCL – Jim Matthews

The Learning Resources Association is being eliminated this year. The CCL is considering how they will fill the gap created.

The organization is working proactively on the profession’s review of student learning outcomes and associated evidence.

Major retirement trend has been evidenced in the profession and there is a need for the training for future leaders.


c. CCCAOE – Mollie Smith

The organization is concerned about Title 5 proposed language on districting rights of the colleges. Fall conference will focus on basic skills in career technical education. Leadership track will also be included.

AB 900-Strengthening of CTE training programs for the corrections system is being reviewed for future action.

d. TETAC-Jim Mathews

TETAC’s and Tech 3’s role will be established by the System Office. The TTIP budget has no COLA associated with it and this has caused problems. Priorities established for this year are emerging technology training; wireless hot spots on campus; digital market place; system wide data base for assessment; course management system inter- operability standards; CENIC link to off site centers; accreditation wizard; GIS database; e-portfolio for students; statewide purchase of library databases.

XIV. Budget Report-Eric Skinner, Vice Chancellor, Fiscal Planning-2:45

Special allocations include $33M for basic skills; $50M for nursing equipment; $50M for CTE equipment and minor remodeling. There is a $53 drop in the May revise from January’s budget, but this is still more than the 06-07 budget for community colleges. (The CC budget increased it’s per pupil spending by .08 % as compared to 4.4% for K-12.) Unused funds from 06-07 will be redirected. The System Office would like to have funds redirected on a one-time only basis.

XV. Adjournment 3:00 P.M.

Next CCCCIO Executive Board Meeting is Tuesday, July 17, 2007 for new executive board member training (noon-4:00 p.m.) and Wednesday, July 18, 2007.


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