Kelly Kaye

Kelly Kaye

July 1, 2009

Kelly Kaye: July 1, 2009

Copyleft 2009 for Kelly Kaye.

First and only edition. ever.

Published in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

This edition printed on acid free paper compliant with ANSI Z39.48.

Dear Kelly,

Happy birthday to you.

Here are a few friends telling you a little how we feel about you.

We hope that you with us will have many more years to enjoy each other.


Weslyn Mather

Evan B. D'Silva

Theresa Wynn

Rob Richards

Soly Sawada

Robert Manolson

Delia Kariwo

Gary Smith

Donna Harper

Carole Zubick

Paulette Pavelich

From: weslynmather@


1. How did you first meet Kelly? What was your first impression?

I met Kelly in a class that was taught by individuals from the Center, I thought Kelly was a refreshing experience, a wonderful soul with so much life she can hardly keep still.

2. What is something about Kelly that makes her unique?

Kelly is playful and wise. She has a tremendous spirit that is keen to share and learn.

3. What is a favourite story you have of Kelly? Or two.

My favourite experience is watching her teach at T.D. Baker. She connects with the students in various ways and makes learning a joyful experience.

4. What vegetable/fruit/nut best describes Kelly and why?

Almonds because they are good for us and even better with chocolate coating. I think Kelly has that.

5. Ten words that describe Kelly. Or five.

Caring, lively, spontaneous, thoughtful, lovely, precious, a jewel

6. What song/book/poem reminds you of Kelly?

What the World Needs Now

7. Something you would like Kelly to know.

Kelly is a gift to all of us, I am glad she is in my life.

From: Evan B. D'Silva

I have given it thoughtful consideration and have come up with this one liner. It pretty much sums up my understanding of what KELLY means to me.

The line is: KELLY EMBODIES LIFE LOVE YONDER!!! Nothing less and nothing more! SMILE ...


HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Kelly!!!

Your Barefoot & Blind Friend,


and that is with using her own beautiful letters in her own beautiful name. I think it fits her perfect to the Kelly I know! Smiling ...(it turned out more than a one liner!)

Hope this is enough and suffices your great idea!



Rob .. can you add this too, for Kelly ...please!

And always remember, Kelly ... .


Happily ALL year round ...along with a glass of sparkling red wine too! ... CHEERS & then DANCE &SMILE !!!

Evan smiling


Morning Rob!

Can you add BEANS to that menu of Kelly's. Sorry, the 'bean hill' seems to grow higher & higher!

Laughing ...



From: Theresa Wynn

June 5, 2009

To my amazing, unique friend Kelly,

As you celebrate your birthday, I want to contribute to this heartfelt enterprise of Rob's. What a great friend he is!!

The first time I recall having laid eyes on you was during Soap-A-Thon - not sure of the year, probably 2004 or 2005. You were in the audience then walking toward 7-11. We struck up a conversation. I was enthralled by your interesting hair style with the long braids and beads and generally exotic look. Being rather conventional myself, I was intrigued that you marched to your own drummer and seemed to be very comfortable in your own skin.

After having gotten to know you better I feel the same as I did then only I understand you on a deeper level. You are very intuitive, bright, matter of fact and non conformist. You say what you mean and mean what you say. You have a heart as big as all outdoors and are extremely generous and giving. You are quick to laugh and just as quick to be intense and serious. Your enthusiasm is contagious! It is easy to get swept along with you on one of your undertakings.

Your organizational skills are second to none. I have truly never met anyone as focussed and detail oriented once on a mission or performing a task, especially one with a deadline. I now know you to be vulnerable as well as confident, talkative as well as a good listener, seemingly shy but also very out-going - a veritable paradox of a human being.

I have enjoyed our times together over the years, having had you in my home and been a guest in yours. I admire your joie de vivre, your fun loving spirit and the quest for excitement, entertainment and socialization. I have enjoyed our heart-felt conversations, too.

Your globe trotting has always been a source of delight for me, especially that you often go alone. I admire the sense of freedom that you possess - your ability to flit off across the world with a degree of abandon that many of us envy. I am also in awe of your sense of dedication to your endeavors: your class, your dance, your spiritual centre, your yoga and the care you take of your body; the list goes on and on.

I will never forget your gift of the belly dance class. That meant a great deal to me, Kelly. As a result I met Viraj and now have just finished the most amazing class I've ever taken. So thank you again for that connection!!

In closing, let me say that you are a very special young lady. I know no one else remotely like you and I am proud to be your friend. I pray that our relationship lasts many years to come.





From: Rob Richards

1. How did you first meet Kelly? What was your first impression?

I first met Kelly taking ballroom dancing. What I liked about her was when she would do a turn, she would whip around so quickly that it made me smile. It is fun to dance with her. My first impression: a punk rocker by the clothes she wore and someone with a lot of energy and very friendly and of course a little quirky.

2. What is something about Kelly that makes her unique?

I feel that Kelly tries at every moment of every day of every conversation to be present. She notices little things that people do and is grateful for them. Any time I have received a thank you card from her, she has noted little things that were done for her and was thankful & showed appreciation. I was quite surprised that she remembered & acknowledged them and made a note to let me know. She may claim to have a bad memory, but that in no way reflects on her noticing everything around her. I also know the love, care and full on non judgemental attitude she has for her school kids -- it is just another reflection of who she is.

3. What is a favourite story you have of Kelly? Or two.

I was doing a small favour for her when she was not home one day. When I got to her home...

1 - I found a note from her to read with some directions.

2 - She provided an envelope and tin foil to wrap the house key up in when I left.

3 - I found another note from her.

4 - She told me to make a sandwich if I wanted.

5 - She mentioned that she could come home for lunch if I called her.

6 - She printed out an invite for a coming lecturer.

7 - She told me I could use the Jacuzzi if I wanted.

8 - I could have the run of the house and just hang out.

9 - There was a dark chocolate bar for me. 85% Cocoa.

So thats Kelly, planning everything to the finest detail, trying to make sure things go smoothly and trying to think of anything she could do to help make things easier. After contemplating all that she did I almost had to nap when I got home.

4. What vegetable/fruit/nut best describes Kelly and why?

I would have to say a pineapple. She loves the tropics and her hair reminds me of the top of a pineapple. Pineapples are also delicious.


5. Ten words that describe Kelly. Or five.

Quirky, small in appearance, large in stature, caring, social, non-judgemental, inclusive & equality for all.

6. What song/book/poem reminds you of Kelly?

A favourite portion from Wordsworth that I memorized long ago, seems to fit Kelly well:


Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:

The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,

Hath had elsewhere its setting,

And cometh from afar:

Not in entire forgetfulness,

And not in utter nakedness,

But trailing clouds of glory do we come

From God, who is our home:


7. Something you would like Kelly to know.

That I appreciate and respect her insight & wisdom in many things. That she tries to make sure that she does all she can to make something work out or to help someone. I notice that she thinks of what she can do for others and does it. She often looks for a way to say yes in a world where people so easily say no.

8. Anything I have missed? Write on.

One night playing pool, we were both doing well and enjoying the game. Kelly was a little nervous about the whole thing but she quickly picked up the knack for most of the strategy of the game. She had patience and was making some great shots. Then, in the last game we played, something broke. Something changed. It was like one minute Kelly was calm & collected and the next minute she was all over the place. She could not concentrate, her shots were totally inconsistent, it was like butterflies were all over the place and she wanted to ride bikes. It was so funny to me to see this change - and hopefully Kelly you know that I was laughing with you! There was nothing she could do about it all, it was like she held all this energy or chaos in check and could not hold it back any longer. Somehow she sunk the 8 ball and mercifully ended the game. Too funny!

Well, happy happy birthday and hope that there are many more. No matter where I live I'll make sure that I am always near an airport so that you can come visit me! I'll buy you a pineapple when you visit! :) And thanks for being my friend.


From: soly sawada








From: delia kariwo

How did you meet Kelly?

I was on supply support staff for some time because 'I needed exposure in different schools, environments, students ,teachers and situations. I was assigned to T D Baker Junior high for some time. I was always apprehensive when going to a new school. On this day lady lucky was smiling at me. I met this lady with a single braid. Wow!! The way she greeted me was warm, nice and made me feel at home instantly. The welcome was just great and fabulous.

What was your impression?

Kelly is a unique person who is so charming an business minded. She is a hard working woman who gives all of herself to help the students under her charge. A genious accepts a genious unconditionally. With Kelly I discovered that if you know what you are doing and execute your duties accordingly and you know what you doing it's easy to click with her. She is an industrious, efficient fast paced and plans ahead.

What is the favourite story you have of kelly or two?

Kelly is true to herself and who she is. She is genuine in everything she does. This woman wants to know things first hand and see them for herself .She is an adventurer, a 21st century explorer and a globe trotter. We talked about Africa it's expectations triumphs and tribulations. Out of the blue she travelled to South Africa. She visited Nelsons Mandela's house in Soweto, Robben Island where he was prisoned, the famous Cape Town. With all this experience she is able to impart what she knows and have seen.


What vegetable, fruit, nut best describes Kelly and why?

In God's pharmacy a bunch of grapes is like a shape of the heart. They are therapeutic and yummy. Once you are addicted to them you can't stop having them.

Ten words that describe Kelly or five

Genuine, intelligent, generous, loyal, kind, supportive, vivacious, adventurous, industrious, fabulous and selfless.

What song book poem reminds you of Kelly?

"I believe in you" By ILDIVO

You are a blessing Kelly. Here is their CD listen ,relax and enjoy.

Something you would like Kelly to know.

Kelly you are a warm and laid back friend. I appreciate you so much. I also love the way you talk and teach in love & wisdom. You bless me with your sensitive caring spirit. I love your sense of humour and the gift of laughter. You are a rock and inspiration. Sorry I've not always been there for you when you needed me but, you know what "You are my best friend'' One that is rare to come by.



1. How did you first meet Kelly?

I met Kelly at our first Social Studies department meeting when I first started at TDBaker School. I was a younger version of myself and far less wise than I am know because I learned a great deal about how not to take myself so seriously from Kelly. I thought I could "railroad" people into doing what I wanted them to by being slick and able to talk the talk of the new buzz in education. Kelly was that shining star of independent thought and someone who challenged me to make sense of everything I was doing. She taught me to look deeper into what I was professing and made me a FAR better person. It helped me realize I did not have to "Sell my soul to the Company store". My first impression was "Wow, is she gonna be a challenge!"

2. What is something about Kelly that makes her unique?

Her open, honest and kind way of being direct and to the point. She is able to assist you in seeing things about yourself that you had never thought about. This is if you can be open minded enough to see she is not being oppositional for the sake of her own enjoyment. You must look at her far deeper to see where she truly comes from. She has been a great teacher for me when it comes to being "me".

3. What is a favourite story you have of Kelly? Or two.

Every interaction I have with Kelly is a favourite story. She puts herself out there for whom ever she is with and is there 100%. I know of nobody else in my experiences that is so involved and interactive with the people she is with.

4. What vegetable/fruit/nut best describes Kelly and why?

Anything rich in Omega 3's and 6's - she is indeed brain food! She makes me think, and makes me think more wisely.

5. Ten words that describe Kelly. Or five.

Energy, drive, wisdom, deep, warm, beauty in and out!

6. What song/book/poem reminds you of Kelly?

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!

Look to this Day!

For it is Life, the very Life of Life.

In its brief course lie all the

Verities and Realities of your Existence.

The Glory of Action,

The Bliss of Growth,

The Splendor of Beauty;

For Yesterday is but a Dream,

And To-morrow is only a Vision;

But To-day well lived makes

Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,

And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.

Look well therefore to this Day!

Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!

- Kalidasa -

7. Something you would like Kelly to know.

You are loved and valued....always!

8. Here is what Kelly has taught me to believe:

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

- Robert Heinlein -

From: Donna Harper


I meet Kelly when I was a student teacher and came to her school on a practicum over 15 years ago. She was so friendly and helpful to the new teachers which was not always common. Kelly always took the time and went out of her way to help all new teachers. She is always a team player and loves life and models this to her students. Her high energy and excitement is fun to be around.

Kelly and I have went on day hikes, short trips and spent one week in Mexico and France. It was hard to keep up with her high energy. We had to compromise on bars as we do not like the same type of music. She is easy to travel with as she is very willing to try and do new things. Ask her about the amazing bus adventure that we went on for a day my idea. We were not sure if we would make it back safely. Kelly also travelled with a group of friends and me in France. Her and I joined some people and it was difficult as they just did whatever was best for them and did not always work out to be what we wanted. She loved to flirt which got us into some interesting evenings.

I introduced Kelly to Louise Hays work when we took a week-end course together. This started us on a spiritual journey that has been amazing knowing that we can create whatever we want in our life. Kelly is one of the best communicators that I have ever met. She is a wealth of information to aide in times of trouble or need.

She is an amazing friend who keeps in touch and spends the energy to cultivate good relationships. I call her a true and safe friend who is always their for you in time of need. She is a very unique and special person.

I love you Kelly!

Donna Harper

From: Paulette.Pavelich

How did you first meet Kelly?

Kelly and I met at my first teaching post at Westminster School. I was drawn to her positive energy and her unfailingly “glass-half-full” outlook on life.

What is something about Kelly that makes her unique?

Kelly has an uncanny ability to know when to speak and offer advice and when to just listen. She is able to measure the cadence of a conversation between friends and lets the ebb and flow follow the path most needed by each person. She is wise beyond her years and offers an out-of-the-ordinary perspective that guides you to come gracefully to your own solution to a quandary. Kelly is incredibly talented at drawing your attention to the privileges and blessings that you already possess when your attention is diverted away from that awareness by trying circumstances. However, she is not hesitant to be supportive and encouraging when friends want to take calculated risks as they seek to fulfill their full potential.

What is a favorite story you have of Kelly?

It is always a thrill to get a gift from Kelly because it is invariably a collection of small, unique items that perfectly fit a chosen theme. Knick-knacks, doo-dads, curios, and quirky collectables all reflect the care and attention that she pays to the heartstrings of the lucky recipient! The only thing better is to witness her delight when you reciprocate – how much confetti, sequins and shredded tissue paper has been thrown around with wild abandon over the last twenty years?

Ten words that describe Kelly.











Something you would like Kelly to know.

Just that no matter where I am in the world, I am next to her in spirit

What song/book/poem reminds you of Kelly?

This poem reminds me of Kelly because it is how I envision the two of us together as we age – in cahoots and enjoying our exploits without a care of what other people may think!

When I am Old I will Wear Purple!


When I am an old woman,

I shall wear purple - -

With a red hat which doesn't go,

and doesn't suit me.

And I shall spend my pension

on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandals,

And say we've no money for butter.

I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired

and gobble up samples in shops

and press alarm bells

and run with my stick along public railings,

and make up for the sobriety of my youth.

I shall go out in my slippers in the rain

and pick flowers in other people's gardens

and learn to spit!

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat

and eat three pounds of sausages at a go,

or only bread and pickles for a week,

and hoard pens and pencils

and beer mats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,

and pay our rent

and not swear in the street,

and set a good example for the children.

We must have friends to dinner

and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?

So people who know me

are not too shocked and surprised

when suddenly I am old,

And start to wear purple!

--Jenny Joseph

Some stories about Kelly & her classroom.

Kelly is constantly trying to teach the kids in her class more then just academics. One year a favorite topic was Dating. She was constantly giving out dating tips to her class. The kids would hear something like "Kellys dating tip #42 ...". It became a fun topic for the class and of course they all were learning something in an age appropriate and non judgmental way.

Kelly always seems to have fun no matter the topic at her school. One story she told me was about a young man in her class that was quite tall for his age. He breathed a sigh of relief telling out loud both Ms. Kaye & of course the class that he was sure glad that he would not be menstruating because he was worrying about it.

The class Kelly teaches has a wide range of ages and social levels. Another favourite little story is about having two kids work out what their problem was - without her. A great solution, they have to sit together and are given one pencil and one piece of paper. The kids are given respect but also called to account for their actions. Substitute teachers that don't follow how she believes her kids are to be treated are not given carte blanche to dismiss their actions. Then again, the kids are also not given a free ride and have to account for their misbehaving. Something amiss at an outing at a video game room involving honesty? Kelly gently tries to work thru the issue without being a hardass - allowing the child to recognize and admit dishonestly that allows the child to learn, retain self respect and know that Kelly is non judgmental in the whole affair. You, gentle reader, try to work that sometime.

It is fun to be a guest at her class. While waiting to talk to the kids one gets to see how ADD works for her. You can see her processing three different things at one time - having some kids working on some assignment, directing another one to be sorting some paperwork and keeping an eye on a misbehaving one in some other corner of the room. This is not easy to do and requires a lot of energy and planning.

Kelly constantly looks for ways to have her kids learn. Whether it is roping in other teachers, politicians, support staff or people off of the street, she does it. When it was my turn to give a little presentation to her class, she had them helping out - by having them run equipment and demoing to me their new smart board - or whatever they have new. She is always looking for opportunities to involve the kids in every aspect & moment of the teaching day. The result is that the kids learn and gain self confidence not just in academics but in social settings. At the end of the day I know that these kids are better off because Kelly was their teacher. In every other possible teaching scenario that did not involve Kelly, the kids would be less then they are today.

From: Carole Zubick

Kelly loves to hike. This picture is close to where we ran into a brown bear.


Thanks to Kelly’s expertise we clapped our hands, walked slow and talked loud. My heart was in my throat but I followed Kelly’s advice. We crawled or I did up a small hill and then dared look back to see if we could spot Mr. Bear, but he had wandered off in the opposite direction probably looking for something more tasty.

Carole tells a story that Kellys Kindgergarden teacher was impressed with her ability to get what she wanted. Instead of fighting over a toy she was able to use her words to convince other kids that it was in their best interests to let her have what she wants. I believe that she continues this tradition even today. I think her smile says it all.


A few more pictures of Kelly





This book was created using Textpad and Microsoft Word. The concept, creation, cover, design and binding was created & executed by Rob Richards. The fonts used were Batang by default otherwise by each contributor’s choice.

• Batang

• Calibri

• Arial

• Times New Roman

• Palatino Linotype

There will only be one copy of this book.

Thanks to all for time & effort in getting the stories and pictures that are included in this book.

This whole book is also in digital form, as well as the original web site - on a CD included in this book.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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