
|[pic] |AUTUMN ISSUE 2012 |[pic] |

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| |Your | |

| |Peterborough | |

| |Pilgrim | |

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|To | |

|Bloom | |

|Where | |

|You | |

|Are | |

|Planted | |



Dear Peterborough Cursillistas

A warm welcome to the Pilgrims of Peterborough #6, because this edition of

The Peterborough Pilgrim is part of their 4th day Palanca and our greeting to them.

IT'S TIME is the name our 4th day garden; a place where being forgiven by God's Son and nurtured by our Father's love we can continue to bloom and grow.

HE accepts each one of us in our diversity and HE has a reason for us to be here with him.

Let's take a few quite moments to read and just be with God as we share the growth in this HIS Peterborough Cursillo garden. Use the experience to examine the part of the garden where he has chosen to place you. Be joyful in His care whilst you read…

Colin, Ann and Gilly

(The Peterborough Cursillo Comm Squad)

|IT’S TIME for me, Ann Gowen, to join the Comm Squad, if only to check the spelling in the | [pic] |

|wonderful various items of the Pilgrim… |Lovely! Ann enjoys a nice cuppa… |

|(apologies to Colin and Gilly?!). | |

|Having had a faith for as long as I can remember, including singing in church choirs for | |

|many years, what brought me really into a stronger, more active faith, was when my niece | |

|Sally Turnbull (who, by the way, was ordained priest in Lincoln this Petertide) told me to | |

|go to Cursillo #20 in Lincoln in 1985 | |

|– no flashing lights, no sudden contact with our Lord, just a realisation of how good and | |

|exciting, uplifting and, at the same time, a mite daunting, my life had and would become. | |

| | |

|My immeasurable thanks to Sally. | |

|The Cursillista Sally Turnbull that Ann writes about here was ordained priest at Lincoln | |

|Cathedral on 30th June amid a joyous and emotional celebration of our Lord’s work being | |

|done here on earth | |

|Says Ann: “It was such a wonderful occasion, not only because of what it meant but also | |

|because I was with my deceased brother’s family and I know George was with us all the | |

|time especially supporting his daughter.” | |


Time to think

|Time for the soul to grow… |Photo by Olivier Bacquet |

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|“The soul grows into lovely habits as easily as into ugly ones, and the moment a life begins to blossom into | |

|beautiful words and deeds, that moment a new standard of conduct is established.” | |

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|—Kate Douglas Wiggin from "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." | |

| | | |

| |What | |

| |is | |

| |growth? | |

| |Growth is a spiral process, doubling back on | |

| |itself, reassessing and regrouping. | |

| | | |

| |~Julia Cameron | |

|Time To Laugh… |[pic] |

|“Christian's have only one spouse; they call it monotony…” | |

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|Written by a child in an R.E book after a lesson with the vicar. | |

|Jack Sheffield “Mister Teacher | |

Time to Meditate…

"Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbours worthy if anything can

Thomas Merton, Letter to Dorothy Day, quoted in Catholic Voices



to read and grow in God's love…

Margaret Silf Sacred Spaces -Stations on a Celtic Way

Gilly writes: I have this week deliciously enjoyed being woken by the dawn chorus in late May and then reading a book by Margaret Silf called Sacred Spaces -Stations on a Celtic Way. This is a very accessible and beautifully written book which connects us with the "gentle and natural" spirituality of Celtic Christianity.

The seven stations are represented by the symbols of the Infinite knot, The High stone Cross, Hilltops, wells, groves and springs, crossing places and boundaries. The author very skilfully unwraps the nature of Celtic spiritual symbolism within these sacred places - thin places being those where physical and spiritual worlds are intertwined. Silf reveals their meaning and relevance to our lives today.

She does this by relating each one of them to a biblical story and follows by asking a series of reflective questions concerning each one. I have never enjoyed understanding the nature of "Spirituality" so much. In essence she describes significant places on our spiritual journey (whatever our faith) and the part they play in the process of becoming who we were uniquely created to be.

Reading its pages enables us to be mindful of our full potential and capacity to grow and contribute love in the physical world before moving on to the final stage of the awesome spiritual journey that awaits us. Literally a joy to read and providing an opportunity to befriend ourselves again: this book provides a space to rediscover God's Love and delight in us all.

Gilly Beardmore

Time to just be…



The Comm Squad would like to thank Edwina Miller (Lay Director) for the theme of “Bloom and Grow”.

Paula Challen for providing the idea for our cover.

The Peterborough Cursillo Facebook Group:

Jane Burns, Ann Gowen, Paula York, Paula Challen, Chris Walker, Mark Lane, Michelle Cotton, Derek Wilcox (Ely) and Sue Morris for inspiration for this edition which they provided through our debates in recent months.

We also extend a huge thank you to Ann Gowen who has joined the Comm Squad - part of a small servant community beginning to grow in the Northampton, Daventry and Byfield area.

(There is a servant community centred on Longthorpe near Peterborough too).

Enjoy IT'S TIME “just be “ and continue to grow into your 4th Day whatever it holds.

De Colores!


Lay Director’s News Letter Summer 2012

Dear Cursillistas IT’S TIME…

My spiritual advisor said to me “some people believe the answer to prayer is just a coincidence, but it’s funny how the coincidences cease when you stop praying!”

In July 2006 a group of Ely Cursillistas discussed the gifting of Peterborough Cursillo. It was the start of much prayer by these Cursillistas. The answer was “yes” and was the start of the “becoming” of Peterborough Cursillo.

We know that everything in the life of Cursillo in the diocese is built upon a bedrock of prayer and those of us who have staffed are also aware that during each weekend a theme will start to appear; with elements of that theme brought by individuals within the team and picked up upon by the pilgrims. This then creates a beautiful whole that can only have been the vision of the great Creator.

When I visited Offa House in June I was to see in nearly every room the theme of the Trinity, or the three angels, one of my favourite icons.

There are many aids to prayer and for me it is this, Andrei Rublev’s icon of the Trinity depicting three angels, representing God the Father, God the Son (middle) and God the Holy Spirit (right) painted around 1410.

The image is full of symbolism, designed to take the viewer into the mystery of the Trinity.


I have, as many of you know, a passion for woodcarving, and with this Icon in mind I set about re creating a wooden version, carved with prayer as was and is the custom when painting icons. Imagine my amazement when the faces seemed to take so little carving, I am sure it was prayer and by Grace that I was able to accomplish the carving.

I was reminded of Mother Teresa who said “to work is to pray” I wonder how Rublev felt when he completed his masterpiece.

The next weekend is dedicated St Michael the Archangel, the defender and also the heavenly physician.

In Genesis 18: 1 – 15, three visitors came to Abraham, to whom he and Sarah gave hospitality, it is thought that one of these visitors was St Michael; this was also the inspiration for Rublev’s icon.

Margaret Silf writes in her book “Adventure into Prayer”, that in the vision of your prayer form a circle with God at the centre. When praying for individuals bring them into the circle with you so drawing them closer to God by your intercessions. The Icon can be depicted as a circle, leaving space at the front for you to be its completion.

I know that you will be praying for the staff and Pilgrims on the coming weekend please use our Peterborough Cursillo Prayer.

Love and prayers



“Generous God who called your disciples to build your church, and to preach the good news of your Kingdom.

Bless us as we prepare for the next Peterborough Cursillo #6.

That we may be faithful disciples, and build up your church in this diocese.

To the honour and glory of your name”.



It Was Time for Cursillistas to Celebrate and Support Ordinations at Peterborough Cathedral

On the weekend of June 30 and July1, many Cursillistas travelled to Peterborough Cathedral to celebrate and support those who were being ordained as priests on the Saturday, and as Deacons on the Sunday. These included Cursillistas …Michelle Cotton, Paula York and Chris Peck… (Pictures: Revd. Chrys Tremththamor, Reporting: Gilly Beardmore)


Revd. Michelle Cotton centre front row ,Paula York to become Deacon today back row far right


Revd. Chris Peck


Gilly writes: In a cathedral that was packed with well-wishers, I looked around and noticed so many from the Cursillo Movement who were there to support those committing themselves to The Lord. The service on the Saturday was full of colour and pageantry which will have etched itself onto the memories of all those taking part. In building our Cursillo Community together

|we sang these words: |[pic] |

| |The Ordinands process to the altar |

|"Human lives are made for sharing | |

|Joined together in trust and truth as we grow, | |

|Speech or silence opening pathways | |

|To the hearts we seek to know. | |

|Welcome love, by your renewal , | |

|Worn out ways turn upside down: | |

|Weak is strong ,success is failure, | |

|And the wise become the clown " | |

| | |

|And the Good News was read from: | |

|Matthew 28 16-20 | |

|Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had| |

|told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. | |

|Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth | |

|has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, | |

|baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy | |

|Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. | |

|And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” | |

|May each one of us Minister to the everyday God gives us… | |

| | |

|Your Letter Column | |

|[pic] | |

| |We always look forward to your comments, |

| |please send them along to |

| |pbcursillo@ |

From Pat Rout, following the Summer Ultreya:

Hi, Just a short note. I don't know who brought the Tea that was in the raffle/tombola. But I feel we won twice as when I opened it this morning to try the tea, there was a coupon for a free sample, so went online and apparently you can only have a sample if you have the coupon, so I filled in the form and am now awaiting three more packs of tea!

Thank you to whoever! I am enjoying the green tea and will await the arrival of Morning, After Dinner and Night time teas. Love and Prayers


(Congratulations, Pat! The Summer Ultreya went well, but you were certainly double blessed with your prize in the raffle! Comm Squad)

Edwina Miller found this poem gave her comfort whilst she was out recently in Zimbabwe:

I asked for strength

And God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom

And God gave me problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity

And God gave me brain and brawn to work.

I asked for courage

And God gave me dangers to overcome.

I asked for love

And God gave me troubled people to help.

I asked for favours

And God gave me opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted

I received everything I needed.

(Do you have a verse, a picture, a saying, or a piece of prose that you have enjoyed or found inspiring? Please share it with us at The Peterborough Pilgrim, or at the Facebook site).


|IT’s TIME For… |[pic] |

|Judy’s Jottings | |

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|Dear Friends | |

|I am writing this in the midst of the |[pic] |

|Olympics, and am aware of just how much| |

|training and preparation all the | |

|hundreds of athletes have put into | |

|their sport in the last few weeks, | |

|months and years. | |

|The amazing opening ceremony required | |

|large numbers of people to put in hours| |

|of practice; there are also the behind | |

|the scenes | |

people volunteering and guiding people all over the venues all of whom had to be trained, those who have thought ahead about how to feed the officials, visitors, participants and media folk, alongside chaplains preparing to support those far from home, many of whom will have faced disappointment despite their best efforts; the list could no doubt go on a lot longer.

I wonder how all those people felt when the moment actually came to do their bit, and then when it was completed. When the race was over, people had enjoyed the ceremonies and venues and gone home, when competitors suddenly realised that it was over, it was no longer the goal they were working towards, what was there left for them? I hope that no matter where they came in their sport that they felt that the preparation had been worthwhile and there was a job well done. But how many of them were left feeling empty and aimless? It is so easy for us to get caught up in preparing for something, that when it is over we are left bereft of meaning.

Recently I heard a new phrase, ‘post nuptial depression’.


Apparently it is becoming a recognised phenomenon that couples put so much store by having the ‘perfect wedding’ that when it is all over they feel empty and lost.

This seems very sad, when surely the marriage ceremony is the beginning of the adventure of their life together, but we all know sometimes it becomes an end in itself.

How does this speak to us in our day to day living out of our faith? I think it suggests to me that we would be wise to try and keep whatever we are working towards, whatever the current focus of our attention might be, in perspective.

One of the things I think I am learning as I grow older is that no matter how terrible the current moment, day or even week might be, things will change and settle down again, and actually in the end God will redeem the situation. If we can keep half an eye on an eternal perspective then the ups and downs of this moment might not rock us as much.

The extraordinary gift that faith brings us is that knowledge. Faith doesn’t protect us from the painful things that life throws at people happening to us, but it does assure is that God will be there with us, will transform them and will bring new life out of the old.

Hopefully those who took part in the Olympics will go home having grown in understanding of themselves and of life, having shared with others in the joy of sport and competition, and will return with renewed hope for the future. My prayer is that you and I can hold onto the knowledge that whatever we face God will be there with us and will lead us into new and life giving pastures.

Yours in Christ

Judy Craig Peck





Colin writes: Okay, it rained. On Saturday June 9 we held the Cursillo Summer Ultreya at St James Church, Northampton. And it rained.

So what events didn’t get rained on, over the summer? It was not the wonderful sunny ‘Bring and Share’ lunch outdoors that we had all anticipated, but do you know something? It did not matter…


Rev. Canon Phillip Nixon helps prepare the tea

Everyone who came along had a great time, and they came from far and wide, and were of all ages.

Held indoors, it was just such a great opportunity to take along a “bring and share lunch”, to renew old


Hello! You all right down there?

friendships, make new contacts, love, laugh, share, and enjoy God’s love through His community and His communion.

Liz and Judy were enjoying the food…


Ultreya is:-

← A place where Group Reunions gather together and are revitalised by sharing with others…

← A place where new Cursillistas are welcome and become part of the larger community...

← A place of welcome for prospective Pilgrims...

← A place for growth and continuing conversion for us all full of support direction and sharing our experiences of Christ…

Photos Courtesy; Pat Rout 8


The Difference Between Hymns and

Praise Songs…

One Sunday, a man, accustomed to traditional church worship went to a different church. When he came home, his wife asked how it went…

“Well,” he said, “it was interesting. They do it differently there. They sang Praise Songs instead of hymns.”

“Praise Songs?” asked his wife, “what are they?”

“Well, they are sort of like Hymns, only different,” said the man.


“Different in what way?” asked his wife.

He replied, “Well, for instance, if I were to say to you:

“Mary, the cows are in the corn.’

That would be a hymn.

Suppose, on the other hand, I were to say to you:

‘Mary, Mary, Mary, Oh, Mary, MARY, MARY!

The cows, the big cows, the brown cows, the black cows, the white cows, the black and white cows, the COWS, the COWS, the COWS!

Are in the corn, are in the corn, are in the corn, are in the corn, the corn,


Then if I were to repeat the whole thing, five or six times, that would be a Praise Song.”

As luck would have it, the very same Sunday, a young woman, accustomed to such a church attended a traditional service, for the very first time. She came home and her husband asked her how it all went…

“Well,” she said, “it was very interesting. They do it differently there. They sang Hymns instead of Praise Songs.”

“Hymns?” asked her husband, “what are they?”

Oh, they’re okay, I suppose. They’re rather like regular songs, only different.” She said.

“Different, in what way?” he asked.

She replied, “Well, if I were to say to you:

“John, the cows are in the corn,” that would be a regular song.

Now, suppose, on the other hand, I were to say to you:


‘Oh John, dear John, now hear thou my cry;

Incline thy ear to the words of my mouth,

Turn thou thy whole wondrous ear and by and by

To the righteous, inimitable, glorious truth.

For the way of the animals, who can explain?

There is in their head, no shadow of sense!

Hearken them not in God’s sun or rain.

Unless from the mild, tempting corn, they are fenced.

Yea, those cows in glad bovine, rebellious delight.

Broke free from their shackles, their warm pens eschewed.

Then goaded by minions of darkness and night.

They all the mild sweet corn they have chewed.

So look to that bright shining day by and by.

Where all the corruptions of earth are reborn,

Where no vicious animal makes my soul cry,

And no longer see those foul cows in the corn.’

Then, if I were to sing only verses one three and four and if I were to do a key change on the last verse, then that would be a hymn!”



- To Use Twenty-First Century Technology To Communicate…




Contrary to popular opinion, the Comm Squad are not Techno Geeks and the thought of creating a Website filled them with abject fear. But with prayer, and the Grace of God, they managed to get it done.


Colin’s experience in running Barton Today magazine and its own website had taught him that it was not the creation, but the maintenance of the site that created the problems.

Casting around for ideas, the Comm Squad noticed that Lincolnshire Cursillo had an excellent website that was maintained on a BT Community Hosting Site.

This had the advantage of being free and maintained by the hosts, not us (this is why the address does not contain the usual “@” symbol, instead the “btck” part of the address takes you to the hosting site).

Colin spent the whole of one weekend with a damp towel wrapped around his head as he came to terms with what he had to do.

By Monday morning of that week, a website name had been established and by the Monday night, web pages had been added.

Following that, the site went through a state of testing and advice was given and taken by members of the Secretariat.

The site is still under construction – getting the British to send us pictures of themselves is painfully slow, so the images of some of the Secretariat are still on their way…

Choose the Video…

One innovation is the “Video of the Week” which you will find on the home page. We are asking all Cursillistas to email us and let us know of a favourite hymn or song of praise that they like, and if it is available, we will show it that week for everyone to enjoy.

About Us…

There is a page which tells visitors to the site a little bit about Cursillo Movement and something about the Peterborough Anglican Cursillo. If you have anything to add to this we’d be delighted to hear from you.

People and News…

There is an opportunity to see what The Secretariat and others who contribute to the running of the Peterborough Group look like, and there will be a News Page, which we hope you’ll turn to in order to catch up with what is happening.

Leaflets…The leaflets that we have created can be downloaded directly from the website for your use as and when you choose.

Links… to other websites are set up, please follow them

Peterborough Pilgrim Archive… from now on all issues of the Peterborough Pilgrim will be archived and available from the website – no need to worry if you lose your copy!

Check out the Calendar…of events – are we up-to-date?

De Colores… a little about the background to the song – and a chance to learn it!

Laughter and Whimsies… something to make you smile and think about Our Lord – please send us any that have helped you.

Arranging an Event… Just an opportunity for you to ensure that unlike the church that arranged a fund-raising event on the last Day of Wimbledon (The Murray Match) that your date of choice can avoid clashes.

Contact Us… please do when you visit, we love to hear (and learn) from you!


Have you joined the Peterborough Anglican Cursillo Facebook page yet? If you use Facebook, then “Friend” us at this Facebook Page. It is secure so that you can use it for prayers and notifications in a safe and sensitive manner.


Forthcoming Events

(The one thing you can always say about a printed and published magazine is: It’s always going to be out-of-date, from the second it is printed! So for the very latest up-to-the-minute news, please check out the website at:

and take a look at the News or the Calendar Pages.

And don’t forget, you can get answers to most of your questions at the Peterborough Cursillo Facebook Group page).

But, not to worry if you do not have access to the internet, the Peterborough Pilgrim will now be coming out every quarter…

So here they are – Dates for your Diary:

|Saturday September 1 |Thursday October 18 (begins at |

|SECOND TRAINING DAY |7.30 pm ends at 9.30 pm takes place at St Michael and All Angels, Garfield St, |

| |Kettering NN15 7HX -there will be a short Secretariat meeting prior to the event at|

|Wednesday September 5 |7.00pm) |

|(7.00 pm – 9.00 pm at JCP’s) |WELCOME BACK ULTREYA |


| |Thursday November 1 |


|(All Day starts at 8.45 am, | |

|St Asaph Cathedral) |Friday November 8 |


| | |

|Thursday September 27 – |Tuesday November 27 |

|Sunday September 30 (starts at |(All Day, takes place at Ely) |

|6.00 pm ends Sunday 4.00 pm at Offa House, Leamington Spa |CURSILLO CLERGY TASTER DAY |

|CV33 9AS) |11 |


| | |

|Wednesday October 10 – Sunday October 14 (Starts 5.30 pm ends at 2.00 pm Sunday) | |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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