
Little Gems personality profile based on Dani Johnson GemsThe Personality Questionnaire for Kids is a tool to help parents and child educators to understand your children better, so that we can together support your child development in the best way possible. As adults, we sometimes like to think that our children have behaviours and attitudes that they do not actually possess, so please take your time and distance yourself before marking an answer. Please answer the questions thoughtfully, and take a few moments after receiving the child's type to verify that it is the best fit for them. This can be done by reading other possible profile descriptions to see if they are a better fit. We have done our best to create a questionnaire that is very accurate. Please do your best to see that the child is typed accurately! Remember... this isn't a test! There are no right or wrong answers. There are no "good types" and "bad types". As Isabel Myers put it, "Each type has its own path to excellence, and its own pitfalls."Scenario 1: Your child has received an item/toy that needs to be assembled:1. ____ He/She reads ALL the instructions first and takes an inventory of all the parts. “D”2. ____ He/She throws the instructions off to the side and only looks at the pictures. “A”3. ____ He/She doesn’t want to be a burden to anybody else so he/she assembles it alone, but it may take him/her longer than others to do so. “C”4. ____ He/She first grumbles that it hasn’t already been assembled and he/she puts it together really fast. He/She thinks the manufacturer made a mistake because nowHe/she has left over parts! He/She tosses the parts; they were not needed. “B”Scenario 2: When giving a gift:1. ____ He/She finds something really nice, in fact so nice that he/she decides to keep it for himself/herself. Then he/she goes and buys them something different. “B”2. ____ He/She purchases a fun gift that tells the story of an inside joke, or is just a complete gag gift. “A”3. ____ He/She makes the gift himself/herself or purchases something and adds his/her own personal touch. “C”4. ____ He/She may buy them a card or if he/she knows what they want, if it was economical, and fits into his/her budget, he/she would make the purchase. “D”Scenario 3: When it comes to food: 1. ____ He/She loves to taste multiple unique things. “A”2. ____ He/She loves to eat his/her food a certain way, and doesn’t like many changes to the menu “D”3. ____ He/She loves all the fancy looking food. It has to taste and look good to be accepted. “B”4. ____ He/She loves to eat healthy food and may become vegetarian when older as eating animals is too cruel for him/her “C”Scenario 4: Your child’s favourite breakfast is Cheerios’ with milk. When you went out to do the grocery shopping they didn’t have them in store and you bought Cornflakes instead: 1. ____ He/She won’t say anything as he/she doesn’t like upsetting you. “C”2. ____ As you unpack the groceries, he/she will say something immediately like, “Ah, I don’t like Cornflakes. “B”3. ____ He/She will ask you to go elsewhere to buy him/her their favourite breakfast as your child won’t eat anything else. “D”4. ____ He/She will be excited that tomorrow morning he/she will have a different breakfast than usual. “A”Scenario 5: When it comes to rules:1. ____ He/She thinks that everyone else’s rules are stupid. When it comes to the rulesHe/she invented, he/she believes everyone should follow them. “It’s my way or thehighway.” “B”2. ____ He/She will naturally follow the rules because he/she doesn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings or displease anyone. “C”3. ____ He/She believes that rules are meant to be broken. “A”4. ____ He/She believes that rules were meant to be followed. “D”Scenario 6: Pick what will most appeal to your child:1. ____ He/She loves people, builds relationships with other kids quickly, loves having fun and has a sense of adventure. “A”2. ____ He/She prefers to work with methods, systems, numbers, processes, and routines. “D”3. ____ He/She likes what is challenging and is very independent “B”4. ____ He/She enjoys helping and serving other people. “C”Scenario 7: When it comes to sports:1. ____ If he/she can’t win then he/she won’t play, because winning is everything! “B”2. ____ He/She loves to play team sports! If he/she doesn’t win it’s OK because he/she enjoyed playing the game with others. “A”3. ____ He/She doesn’t exactly see the point in sports, there are other things he/she would rather be doing like puzzles etc “D”4. ____ If you make him/her play, they’ll play, but their attitude is “Please don’t hurt me and don’t scream at me and I really don’t care if we win.” “C”Scenario 8: When it comes to clothing:1. ____ He/she wears clothes that are comfortable, breathable, and non-binding. He/She generally likes earth tones. “C”2. ____ He/She wears something bright, trendy, fun, colorful, what’s hip, and what’s hot now. He/She likes funny clothes. It doesn’t matter if anybody likes it as long as he/she likes it. “A”3. ____ He/she wants to wear the BEST, the most popular and unique pieces “B”4. ____ He/She likes very plain pieces of clothing and doesn’t pay much attention to clothing. “D”Scenario 9: At school:1. ____ He/She never gets in trouble. He/She scores high in either math or science.He/She is neat and organized, and everything is in its proper place. His/Herlocker is also neat, organized, and even color coded! “D”2. ____ He/She hears ‘Sit down and shut up’ often. He/She often gets into trouble for beingloud and tardy. “A”3. ____ He/She is the best at everything – well, everything he/she has chosen to be the best at, because his/her attitude is that it’s silly to be the best at something that is not important. “B”4. ____ He/She is a compliant and quiet student who listens to mostly everythinghis/her teachers have to say. He/She works diligently so that he/she won’t disappointhis/her teachers and/or parents. “C”Scenario 10: When playing with other children:1. ____ He/She is usually a leader that others must follow. “B”2. ____ He/She prefers to play on his/her own, loves puzzles and construction games. “D”3. ____ He/She is loved by other kids as he/she always comes up with very creative ideas, and loves being messy. “A”4. ____ He/She prefers a nice quiet activity (like reading), or if a girl, enjoys caring for others or playing with dolls. “C”Scenario 11: When it comes to solving problems:1. ____ He/She is a verbal processor and loves to talk out his/her problems with someone.“A”2. ____ He/She comes up with several scenarios, maps out each solution and decides whatthe most efficient course of action would be. “D”3. ____ He/She fixes it fast and doesn’t waste time dealing with problems. But he/she knows his/her solution is the best possible answer. “B”4. ____ He/She easily becomes overwhelmed, seeks out others for help. He/She doesn’t want to disappoint anybody. “C”Scenario 12: An argument breaks out. Your child is the one who:1. ____ Probably started it (but they would never admit that). “B”2. ____ Will quieten down and stay out of it. “C”3. ____ Tries to make light of it and attempts to change the subject. “A”4. ____ Has a valid argument and will share it no matter what. “D”Scenario 13: When it comes to decision making:1. ____ He/She makes quick decisions and often change them just as quickly. “A”2. ____ He/She never likes making a decision, and quickly becomes stressed out, especially if the decision could hurt people’s feelings. “C”3. ____ He/She is very logical and considers all of the options and chooses what makes the most sense. “D”4. ____ He/She makes quick decisions. He/She is not afraid of decision making and disregards all the obstacles. “B”Scenario 14: Your child’s room1. ____ There is a place for everything. Your child looks after their toys and they are all neatly put away. “D”2. ____ The room is a constant mess, with clothes, toys, paper etc everywhere. He/she can’t remember where things are. “A”3. ____ Not overly organized or sloppy, your child loves to do a thousand things at the same time. The most precious toys e.g. lego are well looked after. “B”4. ____ The room is neat with lots of cuddly toys on the bed that your child loves to sleep with. “C”Scenario 15: Friendships:1. ____ He/She has lots of friends; children love being around your child! And they are constantly making new friends wherever they go. “A”2. ____ He/She is very kind and gentle towards other children. He/She loves holding hands and cuddles. This child often follows others around. “C”3. ____ He/She is happy to play on his/her own. Other children seem to be in the way. He/She may have a few special friends. “D”4. ____ He/She is very popular among friends. Everybody knows who your child is by name. They are good at many things and very competitive. “B”Scenario 16: When your child is in a new situation1. ____ He/She is very confident and comfortable. “A”2. ____ He/She loves new places, new situations and taking on challenges. “B”3. ____ He/She doesn’t like new situations and stays close to you before warming up. “C”4. ____ He/She likes to know beforehand where you are going and who you are going to meet. It helps him/her to be prepared. “D”Scenario 17: When visiting the zoo:1. ____ He/She is only interested in their favourite animal e.g. lion and tiger and wants to go straight to see them “B”2. ____ He/She wants to stop by every exhibit, but may feel frightened by some. This child wants to know about each animal, where they normally live and feels sorry for them being stuck in cages. “C”3. ____ He/She loves to be prepared for the day beforehand e.g. to look at the map and know what there is to see. “D”4. ____ He/She is very excited about the day and wants to be everywhere at the same time. Playgrounds are his/her favourite place. “A”Scenario 18: When upset about something, will it help the child more if you:___Hug and comforted them. “C”___Help them to logically solve the problem. “D”___Let him/her solve his/her problem themselves while you just coach him/her through it. “B”___Talk about it with him/her and acknowledge his/her pain. “A”Scenario 19: When there is a last minute change in plans, is the child more often___Upset, completely disorientated and worried about what will happen. “D”___Flexible and as long as there is a fun ‘plan B’ to go with, there is no problem. “A”___Laid back and understanding when things are explained to him/her. “C”___Very upset and will probably have a tantrum to show it. “B”Scenario 20: Is the child generally:___Active, loud and busy. “A”___Calm and quiet, attached to you. “C”___On the search for new challenges, creating things. “B”___Quiet and happy to play by himself/herself usually with puzzles, sorting things and logical games.“D”Scenario 21: Would the child's attitude be more like:___I want it the way I want it. “B”___I take things as they come. “C”___I want good explanations as to why things are the way they are. “D”___I want to have fun. “A”Scenario 22: Of these four choices, which option motivates your child the most:1. ____ Serving others. “C”2. ____ Challenges. “B”3. ____ Fun! “A”4. ____ Facts and figures. “D”Congratulations on completing the test!Great job. So, now what?Simply go back through the test and add up the number of items that correspondsto the letters A, B, C and D and enter those totals on the lines below.As you’ve probably figured out, each letter corresponds to a specific GEM:A = SapphireB = RubyC = PearlD = EmeraldBut hold on; you don’t get just one score, you get two. Everyone has a primary and a secondary GEM! So, if the highest total number of answers corresponds to the letter D, and the second highest number of answers corresponds to the letter B, you are an Emerald (Primary) and Ruby (Secondary).Keep in mind that there are NO RIGHT ANSWERS or ‘GOOD’ GEMS?. Each GEM isexcellent in its own right, with strengths and advantages that need to be recognized andhonored to maximize great communication!Scoring:A:__B:__C:__D:__GEMS Personality Test WRAP-UPNow that you have completed the exercise, please let me introduce you to the four basicpersonality types, or GEMSIT IS ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL TO KNOW your own and your CHILD’S GEM. It will empower you to know how to motivate, love, correct and connect with your treasure and it will assure you that you are treating your children according to their design. You will also notice that both your relationship and communication will become less stressful, more productive, and more fulfilling in every waySAPPHIRES are motivated by fun!PEARLS are motivated by a cause.EMERALDS are motivated by facts and figures.RUBIES are motivated by a challenge and/or money.We will go into more detail on each GEM as we go through the study guide!Here is a short breakdown of all the gems with short characteristics: Emerald childAn Emerald child pays attention to details, facts and figures. They have the ability to simplify things and solve problems. They like lists and making plans. They love puzzles and solving problems because they are thinkers. Once they have learnt something, you don’t have to remind them again. They like to be alone. They not afraid to give their opinion, in fact they are very confident and direct. They like things to be perfect. They naturally want to keep things clean and like routine. They are very persistent. Ruby childThis is the child that wants to take charge. They need to be head of everything. They need to be the best at everything. They don’t surround themselves with people who are better than them. They are leaders who have to dominate. They have to win. They are strong, passionate, driven, bold and confident. They strive to be the best at everything they do. Sapphire childA child who ‘often crosses the line’. They are loud and very verbal, they talk all the time. They love loud music. They are constantly on the go. They are very visionary. They are very encouraging and are natural motivators. They thrive on encouragement. Everything for them has to be fun. They take risks, jump off objects, and climb the highest stuff etc. They love people, popularity, excitement and parties. Pearl childThis is the child that obeys the first time. They have a heart to fulfil the needs of other people. They love to help and serve. They are warm, sensitive, calm, compliant, honest, loyal and quiet. They don’t like confrontations. They are most comfortable alone or in a very small group. They love art. They are easy to raise because they typically listen to others. They love hugs and snuggles. ................

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