

UNIT 1 | | |

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|Vocabulary |Tapescript |

|A 1. b 5. b 8. b |Tammy: Hi, Edna! Where are you going? |

|2. a 6. a 9. b |Edna: Hello Tammy. I have a tennis lesson at 3 o’clock. |

|3. a 7. a 10. a |Tammy: I didn’t know you play tennis. |

|4. b |Edna: Oh, yes. I love the game. I also watch a lot of tennis on TV. One day I |

|B 1. practices 6. countries |want to play tennis like Shahar Peer! |

|2. champion 7. realize |Tammy: You’re crazy! She’s a professional tennis player. She played in tennis |

|3. find out 8. hard life |competitions when she was six. |

|4. speed 9. chess |Edna: I know. I know all about Shahar. She was born in Jerusalem. When she was |

|5. hope 10. adults |twelve, she started to win competitions in Israel and in many other countries. |

|Grammar |Tammy: Do you think she had a hard life when she was a child? |

|Past Simple |Edna: No, I don’t think so. Why? |

|A 1. b 5. a 8. a |Tammy: Professional tennis players must practice every day. They don’t have |

|2. b 6. b 9. b |time for fun or friends. |

|3. a 7. b 10. b |Edna: I know. But I don’t think she had a hard life. |

|4. b |Tammy: When did she become a professional player? |

|B 1. made |Edna: In 2004. Do you know that she played at the Olympic Games in 2008? |

|2. didn’t watch |Tammy: Yes, I saw her on TV with all the other Israeli sports people. Did she |

|3. came |win a medal? |

|4. swam |Edna: No, she didn’t. Israel only got one medal at the Olympics that year. |

|5. did … go |Tammy: I read that Shahar Peer has won millions of dollars in her competitions.|

|Reading |Edna: Yes, she has. She’s a champion, but football and basketball players also |

|B 1. 1. c 2. a |make millions. |

|2. 1. F 3. T 5. T |Tammy: You’re right. |

|2. T 4. F |Edna: I must go, Tammy. See you at school tomorrow. Bye. |

|3. 1. in Tel Aviv |Tammy: Bye, Edna. Have a good tennis lesson. |

|2. his first album / the Idan Raichel Project |Edna: Thanks. I will. |

|3. at the Jerusalem Academy of Music | |

|4. a video | |

|Listening | |

|1. 3 | |

|2. b | |

|3. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T | |

|4. 2004 | |

|UNIT 2 | |

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|Vocabulary |Tapescript |

|A 1. dying 6. collector |Good morning. This is the 9 o’clock news. |

|2. noise 7. space |Last night thieves broke into the Redcliff Zoo. The manager of the zoo said the |

|3. endangered 8. cost |thieves were professionals. They cut the cages and gave the animals something to|

|4. thief 9. illegal |make them sleep so they didn’t make noise. The thieves stole three exotic |

|5. climate 10. got out of |monkeys and a baby kangaroo. Two of the monkeys were from Asia and one was from |

|B 1. enough 6. lonely |Africa. The police said that collecting exotic animals is big business. Thieves |

|2. problem 7. go free |steal these exotic animals for collectors. Sometimes the collectors sell the |

|3. cage 8. steal |animals for thousands of dollars. |

|4. dangerous 9. thousands of |Yesterday, the police were called to a house in Jacksonville, Florida. A man |

|5. in danger 10. belong |called the police because there was a lot of noise coming from a house on his |

|Grammar |street. In the house, the police found crocodiles, exotic birds from South |

|Present Simple |America, four Burmese pythons and other dangerous snakes. The animals didn’t |

|A 1. b 5. a 8. a |have enough food or water. Their cages were dirty and some of them were in |

|2. a 6. b 9. b |danger of dying. The people living there had an illegal business. They were |

|3. b 7. a 10. a |buying and selling these animals on the Internet. If you know or hear about any |

|4. a |illegal buying and selling of endangered animals, please call this number |

|B 1. sleeps |207-4298. |

|2. doesn’t work | |

|3. make | |

|4. don’t wake up | |

|5. do … practice | |

|Reading | |

|B 1. 1. a 2. c 3. b | |

|2. 1. in October and November (every year) | |

|2. So the polar bears can find food. | |

|3. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T | |

|4. 2. Polar bears don’t eat in the summer. | |

|3. It is illegal to kill polar bears. | |

|Listening | |

|1. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F | |

|2. 1. c 2. a | |

|3. exotic pets | |

|UNIT 3 | |

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|Vocabulary |Tapescript |

|A 1. beard 6. sign |Policewoman: What is your name? |

|2. expensive 7. surprised |Harry Larkin: Harry. Harry Larkin. |

|3. guard 8. owner |Policewoman: How old are you, Harry? |

|4. jewelry 9. customers |Harry Larkin: Twenty-four. |

|5. sailor 10. burglar |Policewoman: And where do you live? |

|B 1. jewel 6. bring back |Harry Larkin: At 60 Brill Road. |

|2. emptied 7. a terrible mess |Policewoman: Where were you on Thursday afternoon, Harry? |

|3. make a mistake 8. frightened |Harry Larkin: I was at work. |

|4. perfect 9. crime |Policewoman: And where do you work? |

|5. tell the truth 10. lied |Harry Larkin: At the George Street Supermarket. |

|Grammar |Policewoman: Harry, we know that you weren’t at work on Thursday afternoon. |

|Adjectives |You were stealing from a candy store on Thursday, weren’t you? |

|A 1. taller 4. friendliest |Harry Larkin: No, I wasn’t. It wasn’t me. |

|2. coldest 5. older |Policewoman: The owner of the store said that you came in at 4 o’clock on |

|3. easy |Thursday and that you had a gun. He said you ran out with 200 dollars. |

|B 1. smaller than |Harry Larkin: I’m telling the truth. It wasn’t me. I wasn’t near Hill Street |

|2. funny |on Thursday. |

|3. the loneliest |Policewoman: Harry, I didn’t say where the candy shop was. How do you know |

|4. more interesting than |it’s on Hill Street? |

|5. the most dangerous |Harry Larkin: No … er … no, I mean Brill Road. That’s where I live – on Brill |

|Reading |Road. There’s a candy store on Brill Road. |

|B 1. c |Policewoman: No, there isn’t, Harry. You’re lying! We know it was you. You |

|2. 1. one famous painting wasn’t on the |left something in the store when you ran out. |

|wall after lunch. |Harry Larkin: No, I didn’t. I’m telling you I wasn’t there. |

|2. in the closet |Policewoman: Harry you left your wallet there. |

|3. the cleaners’ clothes |Harry Larkin: My wallet? |

|3. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T |Policewoman: Yes, Harry, and inside was your name and address. |

|4. 2. The owners called the police. |Harry Larkin: (groan) |

|3. The thieves left the museum |Policewoman: Now please tell me what you did with the gun. |

|at lunch time. | |

|Listening | |

|1. c | |

|2. 1. T 3. F 5. F | |

|2. T 4. F 6. T | |

|3. lying | |

|UNIT 4 | |

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|Vocabulary |Tapescript |

|A 1. b 3. a 5. a |Teacher: This morning, we will continue our lesson about making Israel a green |

|2. b 4. a |country. Two of you are going to talk about Israeli inventions. Okay, David, you|

|B 1. believe 6. body |can go first. |

|2. pills 7. amazing |David: I want to talk about energy from the sun. In the 1950s, Israel was a very|

|3. shade 8. everybody |poor country. A man called Levi Yissar said that because Israel has lots of |

|4. recognize 9. beach |sunny days, we should use the energy from the sun. This is not a new idea. |

|5. take pictures 10. look like |People have used energy from the sun for thousands of years. Levi Yissar wanted |

|Grammar |to use the sun to make water hot. He became the first Israeli to build solar |

|Future |panels. In the beginning they were not popular, but by 1983 about 60% of |

|A 1. e 3. a 5. b |Israelis had solar panels on the roofs of their homes. Today, nine out of every |

|2. d 4. c |ten people in Israel get their hot water from the sun. The solar panel is used |

|B 1. will study / is going to study |in many countries all over the world. |

|2. won’t cook / isn’t going to cook |Teacher: Thank you, David. Now Natalie, what are you going to talk about? |

|3. will catch / are going to catch |Natalie: A man who invented a new way to water plants. He wanted to make the |

|4. will explain / is going to explain |Negev green. |

|5. won’t clean / aren’t going to clean |Teacher: Go ahead. |

|Reading |Natalie: This also happened a long time ago. Simcha Blass wanted to make the |

|B 1. 1. c 2. a 3. b |desert green, but Israel didn’t have enough water. One day, he was looking at a |

|2. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T |row of small trees and he saw that one tree was taller than all the others. He |

|3. 1. a telephone, an MP3 player, a |wanted to know why so he went closer and found that under the ground it was wet.|

|video camera |There was a broken pipe and water was dripping from the pipe next to the taller |

|2. It is stronger. / It is good in all |tree. That’s why it was taller than all the other trees. It was getting more |

|weather. |water. He had an idea for an invention. If he could put water pipes on the |

|3. He will get an SMS or an e-mail. |ground and let the water drip slowly, the plants would grow. In 1965, Simcha |

|Listening |tried out his idea on a kibbutz and it worked. The vegetables and flowers grew |

|1. 1. Levi Yissar |very well. Today, farmers all over the world are using Simcha’s invention to |

|2. Simcha Blass |water their fields. |

|2. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T |Teacher: Very interesting, Natalie. Thank you. Tom and Edna – please prepare |

|3. 1. a 2. c |your talks for next Tuesday. |

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|UNIT 5 | |

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|Vocabulary |Tapescript |

|A 1. discovered 6. fire |Jack: Hi, Fred. What are you doing? |

|2. barn 7. pick up |Fred: Hi! I’m looking at a book my dad got for his birthday. He likes to read |

|3. suddenly 8. solve |about amazing and unusual things. It is full of crazy facts. Sit down for a |

|4. memorize 9. island |minute. |

|5. everywhere 10. audience |Jack: Hey! Isn’t that Michel Lotito? |

|B 1. lava 6. hill |Fred: Who’s Michel Lotito? |

|2. useless 7. huge |Jack: The Frenchman who eats metal. He ate an airplane. |

|3. genius 8. waves |Fred: Oh, yes, but it says here that he died in 2007. |

|4. be alive 9. stage |Jack: Maybe he died because he had a problem with his stomach. What does it say |

|5. volcano 10. seconds |about him? |

|Grammar |Fred: Michel Lotito was born in France in 1950 and he became famous for eating |

|Modals |unusual things. When he was nine years old, he started to eat small pieces of |

|A 1. c 3. a 5. b |metal and glass. |

|2. d 4. e |Jack: Why did he do that? |

|B 1. can’t 6. couldn’t |Fred: Mmmm. Let’s see. It says he was sick when he was a child. He didn’t grow |

|2. couldn’t 7. can |like the other children and they laughed at him. Michel wanted to show them that|

|3. should 8. shouldn’t |he was strong and he could do something they couldn’t do. |

|4. mustn’t 9. must |Jack: What a crazy idea! |

|5. can 10. could |Fred: Yes, lots of people came to see what he was doing. Later he made this his |

|Reading |career. He ate metal and glass in front of audiences. Thousands of people paid |

|B 1. c |money to see the man they called “Mr. Eat-It-All”. During his life he ate beds, |

|2. 1. Turkey |TV sets, skis, computers, bicycles, plates, bottles and even money. |

|2. the artist with no eyes |Jack: Yes, but how can you eat a bed? |

|3. in 2004 |Fred: It was cut into small pieces. Then he ate the pieces like taking a pill |

|4. to feel things, memorize them and draw them |from the doctor. He drank it with water. Before each meal, he drank oil and |

|3. 1. T 3. T 5. F |while he was eating he drank lots and lots of water. |

|2. F 4. T |Jack: I know that he was in The Guinness World Records. |

|Listening |Fred: Yes, he was – in 2001. It says here that in June 1978, Lotito started to |

|1. c |eat an airplane. It took him two years to finish the plane. He ate 900 grams |

|2. 1. died |every day. |

|2. France |Jack: Did he eat other food? |

|3. 2, 5 |Fred: He ate meals like we do, but bananas and eggs made him sick. |

|4. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F |Jack: Amazing! Okay – enough about Michel Lotito. I came to ask you if you want |

| |to go for a ride. |

| |Fred: Yeah, sure. I’ll get my bike and meet you at the front of the house. |

| |Jack: Okay. |

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|UNIT 6 | |

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|Vocabulary | Pam: I know that you are quite a sportsman. What sports do you like? |

|A 1. e 3. a 5. b |Jimmy: I like to swim and I do karate. I’m also on the school’s basketball team.|

|2. c 4. d |Pam: Yes, we read about you in the newspaper. But last week you caught something|

|B 1. trust yourself 6. burn down |that wasn’t a ball. |

|2. care about 7. everything |Jimmy: It was more frightening than catching a ball, but I didn’t have time to |

|3. in pain 8. strength |think. |

|4. success 9. bones |Pam: Tell us what happened. |

|5. rescue workers 10. put out |Jimmy: Two or three times a week I go jogging with my friend, Sam. It was Friday|

|Grammar |afternoon and we were jogging home when I saw a house on fire. There was a woman|

|Relative Clauses |in the house. She was standing at a window on the first floor. I shouted to Sam |

|A 1. a 5. b 8. a |to call the fire station. As I got closer to the house I saw that the woman was |

|2. b 6. a 9. b |holding a baby in her arms. I shouted to her to drop the baby. I knew I could |

|3. a 7. b 10. a |catch him. By this time there were a few people standing in the street. She |

|4. a |dropped the baby and I caught him. I gave him to a woman behind me. Then I tried|

|B 1. d 3. e 5. c |to go into the house to see if I could get her out, but the fire was too hot and|

|2. a 4. b |there was a lot of smoke. |

|Reading |Pam: I know that you saved the woman’s life, too. |

|B 1. 1. more then 16 years ago |Jimmy: Yes. There was a big tree near the corner of the house and I knew that if|

|2. in a traveling circus |she went to a different room in the house, I could help her get down the tree. I|

|3. the love between Ana and the lion |pointed to the window near the tree and shouted to her to go to that room. It |

|2. 1. b 2. a |took me a few minutes because the tree was difficult to climb. I was really glad|

|3. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T |to hear the ambulance and the fire engine when I got to the window. I pulled her|

|4. 2. Ana Julia loves animals. |out of the house. She was shaking and crying. So we waited in the tree until the|

|3. Jupiter is in a cage. |rescue workers came to get us. |

|Listening |Pam: Wow! That’s quite a story, Jimmy. I understand that you are going to get a |

|1 1. a 2. b |medal for bravery. |

|2. 1. F 3. F 5. T |Jimmy: Yes, but you know Pam, I don’t think I’m braver than most people. I’m |

|2. T 4. T |just a basketball player who knows how to catch a ball. |

|3. b |Pam: You saved their lives, Jimmy. |

| |Jimmy: But I didn’t think about it that way. I was helping a woman in danger. |

|Tapescript |Pam: Well, we’re glad you came jogging round the corner when you did. Thank you |

|Pam: Hello and welcome to our radio program about young heroes.|for coming to talk to us. |

|Today, I’ll be talking to Jimmy Collins from Sheffield. Hello, |Jimmy: You’re welcome. |

|Jimmy. How are you today? | |

|Jimmy: I’m fine thanks, Pam. | |

|Pam: Tell us a little about yourself. How old are you? | |

|Jimmy: Sixteen. | |

| | |

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