
Dear Sam, ?????I am writing this letter to tell you about a great book I read this summer. The book is My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George. In this book, a boy named Sam Gribley learns to live in the woods by himself. He catches fish to eat, sleeps inside a big tree, and makes friends with a bird named Frightful. Some parts of this book are scary because Sam has to live through a very cold winter in the woods. I liked this book so much that I read it in just one week! I know that you like to read books about nature, so I am sending you my copy of My Side of the Mountain. Please write back and tell me if you like this book as much as I did. Yours truly,?????????????????1. What is the main idea of this friendly letter? A.reading a good bookB.catching fish to eatC.sleeping in a big in the woods2. What would be a good sentence to add to the body of this friendly letter? A.The library is closed today.B.My cat just had four kittens.C.I broke my ankle last week.D.This is my new favorite book.3. 351 Elizabeth RoadWalton, NM 45698October 3, 2009Dr. Frank Stein, DDSStein Family Dentistry1200 Mary St. Walton, NM 45698Dear Frank,Thank you for coming to speak to the fifth-grade class at Shelley Elementary School last Monday. My friends and I learned a lot about how to keep our teeth healthy. I liked the cartoon you showed us about how to brush our teeth the right way. Thank you for the free toothbrushes you gave us. Sincerely, Victor CazireWhich section of this business letter contains an error? A.the bodyB.the greetingC.the headingD.the closing4. 341 Sunset TowersApt. 3BTyler, TX 66123October 13, 2009?????I am sorry you broke your arm last week. My mom told me that you broke it during a basketball game. Does your arm hurt a lot? I am sending you a copy of my favorite book. It is called The Westing Game, and it was written by Ellen Rankin. I hope you feel better soon. Yours truly,???????????What section is missing from this friendly letter? A.the bodyB.the headingC.the closingD.the greeting5. 361 First Avenue Monroe, SD 55478June 3, 2009Mr. Aaron Witherspoon Monroe City Park2108 Northside DriveMonroe, SD 55478Dear Mr. Witherspoon:My family is having a party next month to celebrate the Fourth of July. We would like to have our party at the Monroe City Park. Please send me information on renting picnic tables at the park. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, What important section is missing from this business letter? A.the greetingB.the print nameC.the inside addressD.the heading6. 2109 Hope StreetApt. 2BTyler, TX 74555July 20, 2009dear susie, ????? How are you? I hope you had a great birthday. I wanted to write a letter to let you know that my class spent last weekend cleaning up Myers Park. We picked up all the trash and litter so the kids could play on the playground. Our social studies teacher, Mrs. Camp, encouraged us to volunteer our time to make the park beautiful again. I hope you can visit soon and see how great the park looks.Yours truly, ??????Which section of this friendly letter contains an error? A.the headingB.the signatureC.the closingD.the greeting7. 351 Elizabeth RoadWalton, NM 45698October 3, 2009Dr. Frank Stein, DDSStein Family Dentistry1200 Mary St. Walton, NM 45698Dear Dr. Stein:Thank you for coming to speak to the fifth-grade class at Shelley Elementary School last Monday. My friends and I learned a lot about how to keep our teeth healthy. I liked the cartoon you showed us about how to brush our teeth the right way. Thank you for the free toothbrushes you gave us. Sincerely, Victor CazireWhat would be a good sentence to add to the body of this business thank you note? A.I wish I had a cool white coat like yours.B.My stepmother does not like to eat candy.C.My friend Hannah has the prettiest smile.D.I want to be a dentist when I grow up.8. 1325 Victory RoadMarshall, TX 74511September 4, 2009Dear Alejandro, ?????I have some exciting news! Yesterday, I was elected vice-president of the fifth-grade class at Marshall Elementary School. My friend Bob Vance is the new class president. We both have lots of great ideas for our class. We want to take the class on a field trip to City Hall. Our teacher, Mr. Daveed, will help us plan the trip. I am so glad that I can help my class this year. yours truly: ????????Which section of this friendly letter contains an error? A.the bodyB.the greetingC.the closingD.the heading9. 1400 Ash Lane Philadelphia, PA 19103May 9, 2009Dear Ms. Lacey:Please send me information about your music summer camp. I need information on costs, dates, and the location. Also, please send me a sign-up form. Thank you. Sincerely, Rachel Dawes Which section is missing in the business letter above? A.the bodyB.the signatureC.the inside addressD.the greeting10. 2323 Northside DriveApt. 6Brooklyn, NY 55441April 15, 2009Dear Marcie, ?????Thank you for sending me comic books when I had the chicken pox. They made me feel a lot better. My sister Sarah was also sick, so we read the comic books together. My teacher, Ms. Lewis, let me take my history book home, and I got a lot of studying done. I will be back in school next week. Yours truly, ????????????Who is the author of this friendly letter? A.Ms. LewisB.LouisaC.SarahD.Marcie11. 212 Main StreetApt. 4ABookton, OK 65498March 3, 2009Dear Mr. Seuss:My name is Emma Fairlie, and I am a student at Bookton Elementary School. My school is having a Healthy Living Fair in two weeks. We need people from our town to come to the fair and talk about eating healthy food. Would you come to my school and talk about the fresh fruits and vegetables you sell in your store? Please write me a letter to let me know if you would like to be a part of our Healthy Living Fair. Sincerely, Emma FairlieWhich section is missing from the business letter above? A.the closingB.the greetingC.the inside addressD.the heading12. Which part of a letter contains the message from one person to another? A.the closingB.the bodyC.the headingD.the signature13. 7760 Lesson LaneIndianapolis, IN 46204August 31, 2009Dr. Jamal PerryPerry Family Medicine4501 Forest Ave.Indianapolis, IN 46204Dear Dr. Perry:Will you please come to my school and speak at the Career Fair? My friends and I would like to know how to become doctors. The Career Fair will take place at Pindleton Elementary School on Tuesday, September 27, 2009. It will start at 8:30 a.m. and last until 2:00 p.m. The school will give you a free lunch. Thank you for your time. Aaliyah ThompsonWhich section is missing in the business letter above? A.the closingB.the inside addressC.the signatureD.the print name14. In a friendly letter, the date is located in the A.heading.B.body.C.greeting.D.inside address.15. 1939 Stewart StreetCapra, CO 44778September 30, 2009Senator Jefferson SmithCapitol BuildingE Capitol St NE & 1st St NEWashington, DC 20001Dear Senator Smith:I have heard about your new Nature Act, which is a bill to help protect our national forests. I would like to learn more about this bill. Please send me any free information you can about the Nature Act. Thank you for your hard work to protect our planet. Love, Susan PaineWhich section of the business letter above contains an error? A.the greetingB.the print nameC.the dateD.the closing16. 2104 Custer RoadMcKinney, TX 75071May 18, 2009Ms. Fatima DavisMcKinney Elementary School1401 College StreetMcKinney, TX 75070Dear Ms. Davis:Thank you for taking our class to the McKinney Art Museum last week. It was my first time to visit an art museum, and I thought the paintings were beautiful. My favorite painting was the one with the angel sitting on the cloud. Sincerely, Destiny CaldwellThis passage is an example of invitation.B.a business letter.C.a book report.D.a friendly letter.17. 2000 Wendell LaneManhattan, NY 11457February 27, 2009Mr. Tony WolfThe 10th Kingdom Bakery1300 Troll RoadManhattan, NY 11457Last week, I ordered a birthday cake from The 10th Kingdom Bakery. The cake was for my grandmother's surprise party. Your bakery delivered the cake on time, and the cake was delicious. Thank you for making my grandmother's party a success. Sincerely, Virginia LewisWhich section is missing in the business letter above? A.the inside addressB.the greetingC.the closingD.the heading18. A fifth-grade student is writing a business letter to Principal Tom Robinson. What would be the correct greeting for this business letter? A.Dear Tom:B.Dear Principal Robinson:C.Dear Tom,D.Dear Principal Robinson,19. 5500 Apple Lane Blake, ND 44153January 21, 2009Dear Mr. Gonzales:My name is Amy Packer, and I would like to run for class president. I have many good ideas for our class. I would like to start a class reading program, so the students in our class can share their favorite books with each other. I would also like to plan a class field trip to the Blake Recycling Center. Sincerely, Amy PackerWhat important section is missing from this business letter? A.the greetingB.the print nameC.the inside addressD.the heading20. September 23, 2009Dear Ana, ?????My name is Miguel, and I am running for class president. I have many good ideas for our fifth-grade class. If I am elected class president, I will plan a class trip to the Murphy Zoo. I think this would be a fun trip that would also teach us about animals. Please vote for me in our class election on Thursday. Yours truly, ?????????Which important section is missing from the friendly letter above? A.the signatureB.the greetingC.the closingD.the address21. 1200 Smalls StreetMountain Ridge, CO 46988November 1, 2009?????I hope you got my last letter. I miss you and all my friends in Montana. Colorado is very different. I like my new teacher, though. Her name is Ms. Smith. She likes to read Harry Potter books, too. Please write back soon. Yours truly,????????????????????? Sally forgot to add a greeting to her letter. What would be the best way to write the greeting for this friendly letter? A.Dear Marcus:B.Dear MarcusC.Dear Marcus—D.Dear Marcus,22. 21 Duncan AvenueSan Francisco, CA 97555July 5, 2009Dear Mrs. Hines, ?????Thank you for letting me and my sister swim in your pool yesterday. It was very hot outside, and your pool was nice and cold. I hope we can come back to swim soon. Yours truly, ??????????????????? Which section of this friendly letter contains an error? A.the addressB.the headingC.the signatureD.the greeting23. Mr. Paul DentBrookside Elementary School2305 Charleston StreetBrookside, PA 45308Dear Mr. Dent:Thank you for helping the Drama Club perform the play "Teachers are from Outer Space" last week. My friends and I went to the play, and we had a great time. The costumes were very pretty, and the play was so funny that my sides hurt when it was over. I can't wait until next year's play. Sincerely, Peter ThompsonWhat is missing from this business thank you note? A.the headingB.the greetingC.the closingD.the inside address24. 2693 Primrose LaneMissoula, MT 67841September 23, 2009?????Thank you for coming to my baseball game last Saturday. I hope you had a good time, even though we lost the game. The other team was very good. Coach Rawlins said that he was proud of us for trying our best. Next Saturday is our last game of the season. I hope you can be there to cheer us on to victory.Yours truly, ?????????What is missing from the friendly letter above? A.the closingB.the signatureC.the headingD.the greeting25. 333 Ridge RoadSalt Lake City, UT 52200Dr. Suresh AlexanderThe Salt Lake City Science Lab1401 Main StreetSalt Lake City, UT 52211Dear Dr. Alexander:Thank you for visiting my class last week to talk about the state Science Fair. I do not always get straight A's in science, but I love to learn about bugs and animals. My favorite book is The Girls' Guide to Science by Beth Hoyt. Maybe my science project will win the Science Fair this year! Sincerely, Maria SmithWhich section of this business letter contains an error? A.the headingB.the signatureC.the print nameD.the greeting26. Which part of a letter contains the date? A.the bodyB.the headingC.the greetingD.the closing27. 5800 Mallory StreetAlbuquerque, NM 87113December 10, 2009Mr. Nick MooreStarr Movie Theater8617 Skippy RoadAlbuquerque, NM 87115Dear Nick:I am writing this letter to ask you to give ten free movie tickets to our school. The student council would like to give them to our fifth-grade teachers as rewards for their hard work. Please support our school and our great teachers. Thank you for your help with this project. Sincerely, Alex P. KeatonWhich section of the business letter above contains an error? A.the closingB.the headingC.the inside addressD.the greeting28. 987 North Shore RoadApt. 14ATombstone, AZ 63771October 17, 2009Dear Noor, ????? I am writing this letter to welcome you to our school. My name is Miguel, and I have lived in Arizona for two years. My family moved to Arizona from San Francisco, California. I like this school very much, and I hope you will, too. You can sit with me and my friends at lunch anytime you want. We always like to make new friends. ??????????????Which section is missing from the friendly letter above? A.the dateB.the closingC.the greetingD.the heading29. 1604 Virginia ParkwayLakeshore, TX 45698Dr. Emily VargasVargas Pet Hospital1200 Louisiana StreetMidland, TX 52311Dear Dr. Vargas:Last week, my mom and I brought our cat, Simon, to the Vargas Pet Hospital. Simon needed his shots and a check-up. He was afraid at first, but you were very nice to him. Thank you for being such a good doctor. Sincerely, Diego MarquezWhat is missing from this business thank you note? A.the dateB.the headingC.the greetingD.the closing30. 4895 University DriveApt. 4ALas Vegas, NV 65225March 3, 2009Principal Ted BakerSmith Elementary School123 Lewis RoadLas Vegas, NV 65225Dear Principal Baker:My name is Juan Rodriguez, and I am a fifth-grade student at Smith Elementary School. I am writing this letter to ask for more room for the school band to practice. Right now, we have to practice in a corner of the gym. It is very noisy, and we have a hard time hearing our band teacher. Please find a bigger room for us to practice our music. Sincerely, Juan RodriguezWhat is missing from this business letter? A.the signatureB.the closingC.the greetingD.the inside address31. 4500 Stoker DriveSunnydale, CA 33308October 30, 2009 Principal SnyderSunnydale Elementary School2305 Elm StreetSunnydale, CA 33308Dear Principal Snyder:My name is Willow, and I am a fifth-grade student at Sunnydale Elementary School. I would like to make a suggestion for a way to improve our school. Many students bring sodas to drink with their lunches. The soda cans get tossed into the trash cans when lunch is over. I would like to suggest that we put recycling bins in the school cafeteria. This will help students recycle their soda cans and help the planet at the same time. Love, Willow RosenbergWhich section of the business letter above contains an error? A.the greetingB.the headingC.the bodyD.the closing32. 1969 Petula DriveMossbank, UT 23155August 1, 2009Mr. Arthur ChipsBrookfield Elementary School4501 O'Toole LaneMossbank, UT 23155Dear Mr. Chips:I just received my last report card in the mail. You gave me a 72 in social studies. I do not think this is correct because I made all A's and B's in that subject during the last six weeks. Please check my grades again and let me know what you find. Thank you for your time.Sincerely, Katherine BridgesWhich section is missing in the business letter above? A.the signatureB.the print nameC.the greetingD.the heading33. 1982 Rocketeer RoadBigelow, MO 36144September 5, 2009Mr. Arthur PeabodyPeabody Flight School6464 Sinclair DriveBigelow, MO 36155Dear Mr. Peabody:My name is Cliff Secord, and I want to be a pilot when I grow up. My dad and I have driven past the airport many times. We love to watch the airplanes take off and land. Please write me a letter and tell me how much it would cost to take flying lessons at the Peabody Flight School. Sincerely, Cliff SecordWhat would be a good sentence to add to the body of this business letter? A.My dad loves to eat pizza for dinner.B.I want to fly a helicopter someday.C.I want to go to the movies tonight.D.My sister left her math book at home.34. 1236 Redbud LaneChicago, IL 66124may 1 2009Dear Tomas, ?????How are you? I hope you like your new school. I miss you and your funny jokes. Do you remember the time I laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose? Please write back soon and tell me all about your new school. Yours truly, ???????Which section of this friendly letter contains an error? A.the headingB.the bodyC.the signatureD.the greeting4540 N. Ocean Dr.Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308November 5, 2009 Kane and Hodder Publishing2305 Elm StreetMadison, VA 20500Dear Fiction Editor:My name is Erin Fawkes, and I am a horror writer. You may have read several of my horror stories, which have been published in the magazines Horror Magazine Monthly and A Dark and Rainy Night.My mom and dad are very excited about my stories. I have written horror stories for the last ten years. I have read many books published by Kane and Hodder Publishing. They are all cool, and I have never read a bad book from your company. Since I know the stories and books you publish, I felt that you might be interested in one of my books.I have enclosed a copy of my book with this letter. The title is When the Bow Breaks. It is similar to a book by Stephen King called Carrie. However, the setting of my book is different from Carrie, and my characters are all adults. It would be great to see When the Bow Breaks next to the many great books released by Kane and Hodder Publishing. Sincerely, Erin Fawkes 35. They are all cool, and I have never read a bad novel from your company. Which word should be used to replace the underlined word in the sentence? A.adorableB.interestingC.goofyD.awesome36. What would be a good sentence to add to the body of this letter? A.I look forward to hearing from you soon.B.I went to school at Bram Stoker Elementary.C.I watch scary movies all of the time.D.My older sister likes to write funny poems.37. Which of the following sentences from the letter should be removed? A.My mom and dad are very excited about my stories.B.I have enclosed a copy of my book with this letter.C.My name is Erin Fawkes, and I am a horror writer.D.I have written horror stories for the last ten years.38. What is the main idea of this letter? A.reading the book CarrieB.meeting Stephen KingC.writing a friendly letterD.publishing a horror book1200 Maturin StreetAubrey, CA 97555July 20, 2009Dear Mrs. O'Brian, ?????Thank you for letting me visit your family at the beach. This was my first time to see the ocean. I’m glad that I didn’t see a shark! Jack and I had the best time looking for seashells. I found one seashell that was as big as my head. I wish my family could live at the beach, too. Yours truly, ?????????39. What would be a good sentence to add to the body of this letter? A.Maybe you can visit my family soon.B.The weather is sunny and hot today.C.My sister is still too young to drive.D.I used to have a fish named Nemo.Answers1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. D 39. A ................

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