English 11B Unit 4 Test Study Guide**NOTE: Tests in English 11 are “randomized”. If you open the test and then exit out, the questions will be different when you reopen the test.ALL TESTS ARE OPEN NOTES! FILL IN THIS STUDY GUIDE BEFORE THE TEST AND USE YOUR ANSWERS TO HELP YOU ON THE UNIT 4 TEST!Vocabulary in context – Be able to define the given word using the context of a sentence or phrase. YOU MAY USE or your lessons to help you with the definitions. DO NOT USE GOOGLE.ethnicistsirrevocablequintessentialenlighteneddissuadeinsidiousGrammarPast tensePresent tenseFuture tensePresent perfectPast perfectPresent progressivePresent perfect progressivePast progressivePast perfect progressivePresent participle Past participleTypes of PoetryPoetry of PlacePoetry of SpiritPoetry of NaturePoetry of FamilyReading passages“Detroit Skyline, 1949”By: Bobbie Ann MasonWhat does the passage suggest was a source of concern for people in Detroit at the time of the story?Major diseasesDirty householdsCommunist supportersAll of the above In line 5, what is meant by the phrase "natural continuity"?Curiosity FamiliarityDiscomfortUncertaintyBased on the context of the passage, the narrator might be best described as feeling?JealousDisdainful Victimized Out of placeTaken by itself, this passage is an example of a __________ study.CharacterHistoricalPsychologicalSocial and cultural Which label best describes the narrator in this passage?DivaOutsiderCrybabyTattletale Which description sums up this passage as viewed by itself?It is a tale of moralityIt is a study of one characterIt is a snapshot of a society and cultureIt is a view into psychological processesWhat do lines 12–14 imply about the children's attitude toward people who are different from them?They feel curiousThey feel superiorThey feel indifferentThey are welcoming“Family”By: Grace PaleyMy father was brilliant embarrassed funny handsomemy mother was plain serious principled kindmy grandmother was intelligent lonesome for herother life her dead children silentmy aunt was beautiful bitter angry lovingI fell among these adjectives in earliest childhoodand was nearly buried with opportunitysome of them stuck to me others?finding me American and smooth slipped awayWhat does the speaker of the poem imply about being American?Stories to study: “About Russell”What happens during “the greatest kickball game ever?”What happens when Rita beats Russell at chess?What keeps Russell’s family from helping him once they discover he is sick?What is the main purpose of this story?“I Want to Be Miss America”What were the sisters being groomed to be?At the end of the story, what give the author a sense of inclusion?What is it that gratifies the author years later but comes too late?What effect does the “ethnic look” in American fashion have on the author?“Mortals”Who does the narrator think Ronald Givens looks like?Whose obituaries does the narrator mainly remember?What is Mr. Givens’s opinion of people with big names?How does the title "Mortals" reflect the theme of the story?“The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl”Why does the narrator’s mother want her to attend Chinese school?How does the narrator view herself?Why do you think Wong is embarrassed to go with her grandmother to the American store?Why does the narrator try to "disassociate" herself from her grandmother?Long essay response: (16 points on the test)DIRECTIONS: Explain the impact of female writers during the Post-modernist literary period. Using the stories?I Want to Be Miss America?and?The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl, explain how stereotypes were discussed in literature during this time period. Use TWO examples from either of the stories to support your response.***Be sure to fully address the first question in the long essay response: What has been the result of female writers on society during the Post-modernist literary period? Where do we see feminine influence in society as a result of literature published by female writers? Is the result positive or negative? Why?YOU SHOULD ANSWER THE FIRST PART OF THE QUESTION IN A MINIMUM OF 2-3 SENTENCES***Be sure to fully address the second question in the long essay response:Explain how stereotypes were addressed in literature during the Post-modernist period. What were the common stereotypes? Why? Use the stories I Want to Be Miss America and The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl to support your opinion. YOU MUST USE AT LEAST TWO SPECIFIC EXAMPLES TO SUPPORT YOUR OPINION. Essentially, you are proving that you read and understood these works of literature. Your response to this part of the question should be at bare minimum FIVE sentences in length.YOUR ENTIRE RESPONSE SHOULD BE A TOTAL OF AT LEAST 7 SENTENCES IN LENGTH – BARE MINIMUM! ................

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