
The T-shirt is really an undershirt. Years ago men wore an undershirt, under a shirt.

Only men wore undershirts. A parent always told a son never to show his undershirt.

Later many companies put their names on an undershirt instead of a shirt.

Soon the undershirt was called a T-shirt and became very popular. Today men and women, boys and girls, and little children wear T-shirts. People sometimes have funny signs printed on them.

A T-shirt is called a “T”-shirt because it looks like the letter….

← Look at this box. It is a special present for Yoni from his friends.

← Guess what it is!!!

← Find out what the special present is.

Yoni opens the present. It is a box of special colors. You can draw on T-shirts with these colors. Yoni is very happy. He takes the colors home. He takes an old T-shirt and draws a beautiful picture. Now it is like a new T-shirt.

Yoni takes the colors to school. His friends have old T-shirts. He helps them make new T-shirts. Everybody is happy with Yoni’s present!!

How would you like to design your own T-shirt???

← Do you have any T-shirts at home with English captions on them?

← What are the captions?

← Write a caption for Israel’s 60th birthday.

← Have a fashion show.

← Have a T-shirt competition.

Here are some examples of captions:


← Design your own T-shirt


← a T-shirt

← a notebook

← new felt pens

← a pencil case

← paints and a brush

← pastel colors

Israel is MY home!!!



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