A Huge FamilyBy Sean MerklePeriod 3There are many generations of people with the last name Merkle. It started with my great grandfather Heinrich Merkle. Heinrich married Ellise Schmitt and emigrated from Stuttgart Germany, (where Heinrich was born), to New Jersey U.S.A. Heinrich had a brother who stayed in Germany. Coming to Germany was bittersweet because the Journey to the U.S.A is tough, everyone probably felt smothered and they probably remorsed coming to the U.S.A, but it’s great once they was great once they got there. Heinrich and Ellise had two children. One of them named Frederick Merkle, who was my grandfather. Frederick married Winifred. Winifred and Frederick had Lisa, Amy and Frederick, but only Frederick kept the name Merkle. Frederick is my dad, Frederick married Patti, they had me and my sister Mae, and then I will pass on the name Merkle to my children.I love my last name. It’s different, like putting hot sauce on a banana. It’s unexpected, but is great in the end. I think that it’s cool that my last name was past down so far. When Mae gets married she will lose the name Merkle. That leaves me as the only person to pass on the name. In my basement, I found my grandpa’s old report card. It looked as old as a dinosaur. I saw a lot of numbers on the report card because in 1942 they graded with numbers instead of letters. I noticed that the report card said Henry Merkle instead of Frederick Merkle, that was because everyone called him by his middle name, Henry. I noticed that the subjects had different names, like math was arithmetic, social studies was geography, and language arts was called English. Smelling it made me remorse finding it though. I found a rolling pin that made me think of my great grandpa because he was a baker. The rolling pin smelled liked pastries and dough. It smelled as good as a new car. I couldn’t stop smelling it. The smell was so powerful that I could almost taste all of the things that had come across that rolling pin. The last thing that I found was a map of Germany. It looked very complicated because of all of the cities and towns recorded on the map. I found Stuttgart Germany; I learned that it was a major city. It was fun to look at all of the cities because they had funny names like Braunschweig, Schwerin, and Dusseldorf.I remember thinking that it was strange that my cousins had different last names then I did. Later in my life I learned that it was because my dad had two sisters. I’d like to find out even more about my family history, but for now, this is fine. Partially because my family is already as confusing as a 12th grade advanced algebra. ................

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