Q: What does Santa use Q: Where do snowmen go to measure?

Q: What does Santa use to measure?

Q: Where do snowmen go dancing?

A: A humbug! A: A list of what you want.

A: Santa Pause A: Snow cones! A: A pineapple! A: A snowball!

A: Santa Claus walking backward!

A: The elfabet A: You get tinselitus!

A: In a snowbank! A: Cookie sheets! A: Santameters!

Q: What does the gingerbread man put

on his bed?

Q: What do you get if you cross an apple with

a Christmas Tree?

Q: Where does a snowman keep his


Q: What do road crews use at the North Pole?

Q: What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?

Q: What do you call Santa when he stops


Q: What does an elf study in school?

Q: What should you give your parents at


Q: What goes oh, oh, oh?

Q: What kind of bug hates Christmas?


Q: Where did the mistletoe go to become


Q: What do you call a greedy elf?

A: Elfish!

A: Holly-Wood

Q: What does Mrs. Claus say when there are clouds in the sky?

Q: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

A: Frosted Flakes

A: It looks like rain, deer.

Q: What do monkeys sing at Christmas?

Q: How do sheep wish each other happy holidays?

A: It had no legs.

A: Nothing! It was on the house!

A: Merry Christmas to ewe.!

A: Because he went down in history.

A: Silent Night

A: Jungle Bells!

Q: What is every parent's favorite Christmas carol?

Q: How much did Santa's sleigh cost?

Q: Why didn't Rudolph get a good report card?

Q: Why wouldn't the Christmas tree stand


Q: How does Rudolph know when Christmas is


Q: What kind of motorcycle does Santa

like to ride?

A: A Holly Davidson!

He checks his calen-deer.



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