
Email message 1To:EmployeesFrom:Your Worksite Nurse Date:September 2019Subject:Give and Get Joy “Laugh Lines” Lifesavers Diane, Jack, and Rob are Green Bay Packers Tour Guides. They believe that “laugh lines” are the sign of a healthy, happy, and productive team (and family). They know that when you laugh together, you are on the same team. Watch the tour guides in action spreading joy at work in their Lifesaver Video. Want more joy and laughter in your life? Here are some tips from the “pros:” Learn to laugh (even at yourself). Rob uses self-deprecating humor, and the ensuing laughter is contagious. “If you make a mistake,” he adds, “admit it and move on.” Rob loves one liners, too, and usually shares one on a tour!You can get laughter delivered to your email or social media news feed. For example, follow the “Laughter Is the Best Medicine” Facebook page for a steady diet of humorous quotes and jokes. Surround yourself with things that make you smile and laugh. Hang funny comic strips and photos in your work area. Watch funny movies.Choose to spread joy to others. “High five someone, shake their hand, and share a smile.” – Diane“Be nice to people…always.” – Jack “Ask ?how are you?’ and then really take the time to listen and truly take an interest in the other person.” – RobSpend time with people who make you laugh. Laughing with others is even more beneficial than laughing alone. Leave your legacy. Rob notes that “every day is a gift, a part of a fabric that we weave together,” and challenges us all to “put your personal stamp on that day!” At 87, Jack believes that giving tours is life-saving for him because it gives him a sense of purpose, stating “I am going to have as much fun as I can for as long as I can!” How would you like to be remembered? Act accordingly. . ................

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