The Message for Feb 2, 2020Matthew 5:1-12Blessed are the poor… Say What!?Rob Miller, Pastor3429000952500Today we being a 4-week worship series we are calling (picture), Say What!? Crazy Things Jesus Said.I love that picture. That little boy is so cute.Since the beginning of Christianity, 2000+ years ago, there have been a lot of false teachings about Jesus, about what he did, and about what he said. Most of the stuff in the New Testament was written in response to the dangerous and deceptive teachings that were being promoted about Jesus. Many wrong ideas about Jesus are being taught today. We would probably be surprised at how many people believe certain misguided teachings about Jesus today. So before we look at what crazy things Jesus did say, here are some crazy things that Jesus did not say, even though people live their lives as if Jesus did say these things.83820381000JNST – Jesus never said that…Actually, Jesus said, what we do - does matter. What we say - does matter. And deep down inside we cannot be good, only God is good. Jesus said. We are sinful and selfish to the core of our being. We are driven by that sinfulness every day.-1524012192000JNST – Jesus never said that…We are to share the words of the Bible (Scriptures) just the way they are and some people might be offended by them. Jesus - the living word - often offended those who claimed to be religious, but weren’t very faithful or very loving. At the same time, we ought not strive to offend people but strive to share Jesus and his loving word with them.533401143000JNST – Jesus never said that…YOLO stands for You Only Live Once. Jesus said the complete opposite of that. He said, Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their?life?for my sake will?find?it.685801079500JNST – Jesus never said that…Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other way to find abundant life, following Jesus is the only way. left000JNST – Jesus never said that…Actually, we are never done, our faith development is a life-long process. Confirmation is just the beginning of that faith journey, confirming our commitment to Jesus and his church.228606858000JNST – Jesus never said that…Jesus said, in so many words, that we are to go and sin no more, living as forgiven sinners, living our lives in such a way that makes Jesus happy.Those saying are somewhat funny and somewhat sad too because people actually live today as if Jesus did say those crazy things. He didn’t. Jesus did say crazy things like this: Love your enemies… Pray for those who persecute you… Take up your cross and follow me… It’s only in giving that we receive… The first will be last and the last will be first… Eat my flesh and drink my blood…Jesus often said things that made people respond with, “Say What!?” That’s what we find in our reading for today from…Matthew 5:1-12 (printed out) These verses are called the beatitudes. This was Jesus’ first sermon in Matthew’s Gospel, titled the beatitudes. At first glance it seems that Jesus has a message for those in difficult circumstances and that message appears to be this, Don’t worry – be happy. Jesus is not saying that in the beatitudes. Robert Schuller once called these verses “The Be-Happy Attitudes.” He suggested a self-help approach to life’s difficult situations, where Jesus and the beatitudes were really all about making me (the individual) happy, rather than calling me (the individual) to die to myself and to live sacrificially. That’s the message behind everything Jesus said and did. If you want to experience real life, abundant life then don’t make it about you, make it about Jesus.Reminds me of the story about a woman who couldn’t help but talk about herself all the time. She was with some friends and she kept talking about her job – talking about her house – talking about her car – talking about her kids – talking about her world travels – then she finally said. “Well that’s enough about me – what do you think of my new dress?” The word happy does not capture the full meaning of the word blessed in these verses. You may have heard someone say, “I am blessed.” What they mean is “I am happy.” It’s not the same thing. It was believed in those days, in Jesus’ day, that blessings came from God for doing good deeds. You were blessed with good fortune because you were living right and God loves you for that and/or you did something good to please God. That was the thinking. Likewise, if you did something bad then look out, God would not bless you. Instead, you would suffer in some way. You were not living right. You must have upset God big time if you were poor or hungry or thirsty. You are not blessed with good fortune because God does not love you and/or you did something to upset God. That was the thinking.Jesus debunked that misguided thinking. Sadly, there are people who still think that way today. If you are good, you are blessed by God. If you are bad, you are not blessed by God.Jesus is saying to those who are hurting, God loves you too. Although the thinking was that God must side with the rich and the powerful because they appear blessed, Jesus takes a different approach. He has good news for those who find themselves in difficult situations, thinking they are not blessed by God. It’s not what people think.Jesus points out that God cares for those who feel like they have lost in the game of life. That’s the point of Jesus’ sermon in these verses called the beatitudes. God cares for those who feel like they have lost in the game of life. If you feel that way then Jesus has a message for you.Jesus is saying, there is good news to you who are poor in spirit, to you who are lacking in the faith. God is with you – not punishing you. There is good news to you who are grieving. God is with you – not punishing you.There is good news to you who are hungry and thirsty for things to be made right in your world. God is with you – not punishing you.There is more good news, says Jesus, to you who show mercy and live with a pure heart and strive for peace, you are doing God’s kingdom work. Blessed are you for being faithful to that very difficult conflict resolution work. To those who are persecuted for doing right in the world, focusing on justice for one and all, you are truly doing the work of the kingdom too. Keep it up. That’s what the kingdom is all about. The kingdom is about living in a right relationship with God and with each other. You see Jesus’ sermon that day called the beatitude is more than having the right attitude about being happy. It’s about being blessed by God and sharing those blessings with others in all circumstances by what we say and by what we do. Then Jesus says to his disciples, up to this point, he was talking about people in general, people in difficult situations. Now his sermon is directed to his disciples. It becomes personal. Jesus says to them, When - not if - when people insult you, persecute you, and say nasty things about you because you are doing my work in the world, don’t get caught up in all that evil and that ugliness. Stayed focused on God’s goodness that awaits you in heaven. Keep sharing the faith because they did the same thing to the prophets who came before you.Those are words of encouragement to his disciples. They are to stay focused on God’s goodness. That is to be our focus too. That is Jesus’ message to us too in his sermon called, the beatitudes. God’s goodness – God’s goodness not only awaits us in heaven but is ours right here, right now no matter what situation we might find ourselves in.“Blessed are you” Jesus says to his first disciples. Jesus is saying the same thing to you and me too. He says - Blessed are you when people want to harm you for doing my kingdom work in the world. Say What!? Yep! Amen. So be it! ................

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