
Complete all work in a notebook. Date each assignment. Each weekly writing prompt should be on one notebook page. Students will add to their writing each day of the week. On Friday’s, students will send a photo of their completed writing using ClassDoJo. On Monday’s, students will start a new notebook page for their new writing prompt. All reading is to be completed using books from home and will be returned in the fall.April Home Learning CalendarSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday12 Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.13Read for 15 minutes ELA/Spelling: Practice the -ug word family:bug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, pug, rug, tug, slugWrite each word 3 times.Math:Symmetry of Shapes. Click on the following link for an introduction to symmetry: you are unable to click on the link, go to youtube and type in the words, “symmetry”. Click on the first video.Writing:This week, you will complete a narrative about what you would do if you were given three wishes. Today, you will make a list of your top 3 wishes. Label and illustrate your list.14Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling: What are nouns?Click on the following link for an introduction to nouns: you are unable to click on the link, go to youtube and type in the words, “what are nouns”. Click on the first video.After viewing the video, create a t-chart in your notebook with the labels “person/animal, place, thing”List 5 things under each column. Draw/label.PersonPlaceThing Math:IXL: click on V.15 (Introduction to Symmetry)Writing:Today, you will start your draft about what you would do if you were given three wishes. Write one sentence about your first wish using the stem: If I were given three wishes, my first wish would be...15 Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling: Rainbow write the words in the -ug word family. Use different colors for each letter of each word.Next, select one book you read today and write a response telling why you believe the author wrote the book. Use the sentence stem: I believe the author wrote the book to teach us about…Math:IXL: click on V.16 (Identify pictures with symmetry)Writing:Today, you will add another sentence to your draft using the stem: Next, I would...16Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling: Write the following sentence in your notebook:The colorful butterfly landed on the bench at the park.After, circle all the nouns. Remember, a noun is a person/animal, place, or thing.Math:In your notebook, draw/label three objects that are symmetrical. Add the line of symmetry to your objects.Writing:Today, you will add your last sentence to your draft using the sentence stem: Last, I would...17Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling: Write a sentence using a word from the -ug word family. You can challenge yourself by using more than one -ug word.Math:Click on or type in the following url: HYPERLINK "" will have to choose a simple password by clicking on two icons that you will need to remember. After, you will need to click on the paper icon at the top of your screen. This will have you take a short assessment. Complete the assessment for today's work.Writing:Today, you will add an illustration that matches your writing and read your completed narrative to a family member. 18Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.19 Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.20Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Practice the -ad word family:bad, dad, fad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad Write each word 3 times.Watch: you are unable to click on the link, go to youtube and type in the words, “sight word rap”. Click on the third video.Math:Review 2D (flat) and 3D (solid) shapes. Watch: you are unable to click on the link, go to youtube and type in the words, “3D Shapes I Know”. Click on the first video.IXL: click on W.2(three-dimensional shapes)Writing: This week, you will pretend you have an imaginary dragon. You will complete a narrative telling what you do with your pet dragon. Today, you will make a list of at least 3 things you do with your dragon. Label and illustrate your list.21Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:What are verbs?Click on the following link for an introduction to verbs: you are unable to click on the link, go to youtube and type in the words, “Action Verbs”. Click on the first video.After viewing the video, play charades with your family members. On scrap pieces of paper, write down different verbs. For example: run, hop, eat, sleep, crawl, roar, drink, etc. Fold your pieces of scrap paper and put them into a container or hat. Pick a verb and act it out, without telling your family what your verb is. Take turns acting out different verbs until they are all gone.Math:IXL: click on W.7 (select three-dimensional shapes)Writing:Today, you will start your draft about what you do with your pet dragon. Write one sentence introducing your dragon. Include your dragon’s name. Use the sentence stem: My pet dragon is ______.Then, add your first detail on what you do with your pet dragon starting with the stem: _____ and I...22Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Rainbow write the words in the -ad word family. Use different colors for each letter of each word.Next, select one book you read today and write how the character in the book reminds you of something that has happened in your life. Use the sentence stem: A connection I made was...Math:IXL: click on W.8 (Identify shapes traced from solids)Make a list of 3D objects you find at home. Label and illustrate your list.Writing:Today, you will add another sentence to your draft using the sentence stem: Then, we...23Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Write the following sentence in your notebook:The dog jumped in the pool and went swimming. After, circle all the verbs. Remember, a verb describes an action.Math:IXL: click on W.10 (shapes of everyday objects II)Build a 3D shape using legos, toys, or anything else you find at home.Writing:Today, you will add your last sentence to your draft using the sentence stem: Finally, we...24Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Write a sentence using a word from the -ad word family. You can challenge yourself by using more than one -ad word.Math:Click on or type in the following url: you are logged into MobyMax, click on the ‘fact fluency’ icon. Complete questions. Writing:Today, you will add an illustration that matches your writing and read your completed narrative about what you do with your pet dragon to a family member!25Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.26Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon.27Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Practice the -ed word family:bed, fed, led, Ned, red, Ted, wed, sledWrite each word 3 times.Math: Practice addition facts up to 10 in your notebook. IXL: click on J.1(add with cubes-sums up to 10)Writing:This week, you will write an opinion piece about the season you believe is best. Today, you will choose the season you believe is the best and start your writing with your opinion statement. Copy the following and fill in the blank: I believe ______ is the best season. 28Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:What are adjectives?Click on the following link for an introduction to adjectives: you are unable to click on the link, go youtube and type in the words, “What is an Adjective”. Click on the first video.Next, draw a picture of yourself in the center of a notebook page. Around the picture of yourself, write adjectives that describe you. Remember, adjectives are words that describe a noun. For example, you (noun) may write that you are smart, funny, strong, cute, etc...Math:Practice addition facts up to 10 in your notebook. IXL: click on J.2 (add with pictures- sums up to 10)Writing:Today, you will write a sentence giving one reason to support your opinion on what you believe is the best season. Use the sentence stem: I believe _____ is the best season because...29Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Rainbow write the words in the -ed word family. Use different colors for each letter of each word.Next, select one book you read today and write a response telling what part of the book you liked best. Use the sentence stem: My favorite part of ______ (book title) was...Math:Practice addition facts up to 10 in your notebook. IXL: click on J.3(addition sentences up to 10: which model matches)Writing:Today, you will write a sentence giving another reason to support your opinion on what you believe is the best season. Use the sentence stem: Also, _____ is the best because...30Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Write the following sentence in your notebook:The green grasshopper is sitting on the gorgeous flower. After, circle all the adjectives. Remember, an adjective describes a noun.Math:Practice addition facts up to 10 in your notebook. IXL: click on J.4(addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show)Writing:Today, you will write a sentence giving your last reason to support your opinion on what you believe is the best season. Use the transition word: Last...1Read for 15 minutesELA/Spelling:Write a sentence using a word from the -ed word family. You can challenge yourself by using more than one -ed word.Math: Practice addition facts up to 10 in your notebook. IXL: click on J.5(add two numbers- sums up to ten) Writing:Today, you will complete your writing by adding a closing sentence. A closing sentence wraps up your writing and tells readers what your writing is about. For example, you may write: “Summer is the absolute best season for many reasons!” Get creative.?Read your completed writing to a family member. 2Read for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. ................

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