
Speaking Tutor Answer Key

Speaking Tutor 1A – Units 1-6

Unit 1: School Buddies

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


1. - b. - e.

2. - c. - d.

3. - a. - f.

Vocabulary Preview

1. A: Where is my calculator? I had it this morning.

B: Is it in your desk drawer?

2. A: I need a dictionary. This English word is too difficult!

B: There is a dictionary on the bookshelf.

3. A: I can’t find my house key. My mom is going to be mad.

B: Did you check your pocket?

4. A: My friend can’t find her dog. She is really upset.

B: Did she check under the bed?

5. A: I’ve lost my cell phone.

B: Is it on the computer keyboard?

Dialogue: I Can’t Find It

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. Daniel has lost something. OR Daniel has lost his key.

2. It is in his pocket.

Dialogue Practice: I Can’t Find It

(Sample answers)

A: Are you OK, (buddy’s name)? What’s wrong?

B: I can’t find my book.

A: Is it under the desk?

B: No, it isn’t.

A: Is it on the bookshelf?

B: No, it isn’t.

A: Is it in the drawer?

B: No, it is not there, either.

A: Did you check your bag?

B: Wait. Oh, it’s in my bag!

Interview Questions

1. Are you OK? What’s wrong?

2. When did you lose it/them?

3. Where was the last place you saw it/them?

4. Why are you late?

5. How much is it?

6. Who is your best buddy?

7. Did you check your pocket?

8. Is it under your books?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Sample answers)

1. (Picture 3) The boy can’t find his socks. OR I can’t find my socks.

2. (Picture 2) Are they under the bed? OR Did you check under your bed?

3. (Picture 5) No, they aren’t. OR They aren’t under the bed.

4. (Picture 1) Are they in your bag? OR Did you check in the bag?

5. (Picture 4) Oh, they are in my bag.

Grammar Focus: Contractions – Short Forms

1. I have – a. I’ve

2. I cannot – c. I can’t

3. He has/She has – b. He’s/She’s

4. He cannot/She cannot – d. He/She can’t

I’ve Lost My Bag: Describe It!

I’ve lost my bag. It is yellow. X O

It is round. It isn’t square. X O

It is small. It is not big. O X

Help me find my bag.

I’ve lost my ruler. It is gray. O X

It is long. It isn’t short. X O

It is thin. It is not thick. O X

Help me find my ruler.

Is It … ? Practice with a Buddy

1. A: I’ve lost my ball. B: Is it big/small? A: Yes, it is big/small. OR No, it isn’t big/small. (Student B should circle the answer given by A)

2. A: I’ve lost my wallet. B: Is it yellow? OR Is it pink? (Student B should circle the answer given by A)

3. A: I’ve lost my pencil. B: Is it long? OR Is it short? (Student B should circle the answer given by A)

4. A: I’ve lost my clock. B: Is it round? OR Is it square? (Student B should circle the answer given by A)

At the Lost and Found

(Sample answers)

1. What color is it? It is green.

2. What size is it? It is small.

3. Where did you lose it? I lost it at my buddy’s house.

4. When did you lose it? I lost it this morning.

5. How much is the bag? It is ten dollars.

6. What does your bag look like? It is long and blue.

Interview About a Lost Cell Phone

(Sample answers)

1. What’s wrong? Are you OK? I’ve lost your cell phone.

2. Is it in your home? I don’t think so.

3. Where did you lose it? At school.

4. Have you checked on the playground? Yes, I have.

5. When was the last time you saw it? This morning.

6. Where did you check? In the restroom.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

1. What color is it? It is orange.

2. What size is it? It is big.

3. How much are they? They are seventeen dollars.

Vocabulary Preview

1. A: I have lost your electronic dictionary.

B: You are a really careless person.

2. A: I am always losing my schoolbag. I’ve lost it five times this month.

B: I can’t believe it. That’s incredible!

3. A: Are you a third grader?

B: No, I’m a second grader.

4. A: I’ve lost my math homework. My teacher will be mad.

B: Oh dear. That’s terrible.

5. A: Oh no! I can’t find my wallet.

B: How much money did you have in it?

Dialogue: Interview with a Careless Person

(Note: Check students are capitalizing initial letters of words commencing a sentence.)

Reporter: Today our special report is on careless people.

Let’s meet one of them. Hello, what’s your name?

Jennifer: Hi! I’m Jennifer. I’m a third grader.

Reporter: 1. Why (note: ‘How’ also a possible answer) are you careless?

Jennifer: Hmm … I am always losing my schoolbags.

Reporter: 2. How many bags have you lost?

Jennifer: I have lost three bags this month.

Reporter: Three?! Incredible! 3. What do you keep in your schoolbags?

Jennifer: My books, pencils, pens, cell phone, and diary.

Reporter: Oh dear. That’s terrible. 4. Who helps you find your bags?

Jennifer: Usually my buddies.

Reporter: I hope you don’t lose your bags again.

Jennifer: Hey, 5. where is my bag?

Reporter: Uh-oh …

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. They are talking about losing things. OR Being careless.

2. Her bags. OR Jennifer loses her bags.

Dialogue Practice: Interview with a Careless Person

(Sample answers)

Reporter: Today our special report is on careless people. Let’s meet one of them. Hello, what’s your name?

Careless Person: Hi! I’m (name). I’m a second grader.

Reporter: Why are you careless?

Careless Person: Hmm … I am always losing my bags.

(Note: Check students are adding plural ‘s’ here.)

Reporter: How many bags have you lost?

Careless Person: I have lost five bags this month.

Reporter: Oh dear. That’s terrible. Who helps you find your bags?

Careless Person: Usually my brother.

Reporter: I hope you don’t lose your bag(s) again.

Careless Person: Hey, where is my bag?

Reporter: Uh-oh …

More Interview Questions

1. What are you doing?

2. How much money do you have in your wallet?

3. Where are you going to check?

4. Do you think you can find it?

5. Did you check in the restroom?

6. How many times have you lost your ruler?

7. Why do you feel terrible?

8. When are you going home?

Lesson 4 Review

Game of Questions!

(Answers may vary.)

Grammar Focus: Be Verbs

I am. / I am not. / I’m not.

You/We/They are. / You/We/They are not. / You/We/They aren’t.

He/She/It is. / He/She/It is not. / He/She/It isn’t.

My Buddy

(Sample answers)


1. What’s your name? My name is …

2. What are you doing? I am studying English.

3. Are you a careless person? If yes, why? Yes, I’m always losing my bags.

4. What is in your schoolbag? There are some books in my (school) bag.

5. What does your schoolbag look like? It is big and round.


1. His name is Bob.

2. He is studying English.

3. Yes, he is/he’s always losing his bags.

4. There are some books in his (school) bag.

5. It is big and round.

Speaking Practice: Guess That Bag!

(Answers may vary.)

Roleplay Presentation

(Answers may vary. – refer to sample text)

Unit 2: Memorable Stories

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

He is tall. / She is short.

Her hair is blonde. / She has brown hair.

He is smiling. / They are happy.

There are five people. There is one boy and there are four girls.

Vocabulary Preview

1. At sports camp, we play soccer, basketball and baseball.

2. The story is memorable. You won’t forget it!

3. Rollercoasters are exciting! They are fast and fun!

4. I hope you win the art contest. I think your drawing is the best.

5. The music sounds great. I like this concert.

6. My dad is happy. Today is his birthday.

Dialogue: You Won!

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. He/John won a music contest.

2. He is going to a music camp.

Dialogue Practice: You Won!

(Sample answers)

A I have good news!

B Really? What is it?

A You won the painting contest!

B Yay! How exciting!

A And, you’re going to summer camp!

B Awesome! I can’t wait to tell all my friends!

A You get to write stories.

B I love writing!

A You’re going to have a lot of fun.

B Of course! This is so cool!

Interview Questions

1. What did you win?

2. Where do you get to go?

3. When is it?

4. How long does it last?

5. Why do you want to go?

6. What do you get to do?

7. What are you going to take with you?

8. Who are you going to tell first?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Sample answers)

In picture one, a boy saw a camp. At the camp, there was a concert. He went to the concert. / He wanted to go to the concert.

In picture two, the boy went to the camp. It was a music camp in the USA. The camp was in the woods. He brought his guitar with him.

In picture three, the boy won a contest. It was a music contest. He played the guitar. He won a trophy. He was very happy.

Grammar Focus: Possessives

1. – d.

2. – e.

3. – a.

4. – b.

5. – c.

Talking About Camp

1. Yes, d. it was exciting!

2. No, b. they were too cold.

3. a. Her name was Rachel.

4. Can I see a photo of b. yours?

Match the pictures with the expressions. Then, make some questions and answers.

What did you like about camp?

1. - c. I liked the science projects.

2. - d. I liked the music concerts.

3. - a. I liked all of the fun games.

4. - b. I liked making new friends.

More Camp Talk

1. Did you enjoy camp?

d. Yes, it was interesting. / j. Yes, it was fun. / k. No, it was boring.

2. What did you do?

e. We learned to swim. / g. We practiced singing. / m. We watched movies.

3. What did you like the best?

c. I liked the teachers the best. / f. I liked the lake the best. / l. I liked the games the best.

4. What did you miss from home?

b. I missed my best friend. / i. I missed my family. / o. I missed my pet turtle.

5. Did anything funny happen?

a. Yes, I fell in the mud. / h. Yes, I got a pie in my face. / n. Yes, we put salt in the sugar bowl.

Interview About Camp

(Sample answers)

1. Did you have fun at camp? Yes, I did.

2. Where did you go? I went to the USA.

3. What did you do? I played lots of games and made new friends.

4. Who did you miss? I missed my family.

5. Why did you go there? Because I wanted to practice English.

6. What did you like the best? I liked the games best.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

1. I went hiking.

2. I played basketball.

3. I saw a bear.

Vocabulary Preview

1. I like to go camping, and I like to sleep in my sleeping bag.

2. A: What was the most memorable part?

B: Grandpa and I cooked dinner for everyone.

3. Let’s hike to the top of that mountain.

4. A tiger has orange and black stripes.

5. A: What did you do?

B: I went skiing.

6. She saw a turtle and a rabbit.

Dialogue: An Exciting Summer

(Note: Again, check correct capitalization of initial letters at the beginning of a sentence.)

Lucy 1.How was your summer, Mike?

Mike It was exciting. I went to the jungle.

Lucy Cool! 2. What did you do?

Mike We hiked in the jungle. I saw a tiger!

Lucy Wow! 3. Did you learn anything new?

Mike Yes, I learned about plants you can eat.

Lucy That’s interesting. 4. What was the most memorable part?

Mike Well, I went to bed one night, and something was in my sleeping bag. It was a snake!

Lucy That’s scary!

Mike Yeah, but it didn’t bite me.

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. He went to the jungle.

2. He saw a tiger and a snake.

Dialogue Practice: An Exciting Summer

A How was your summer, (buddy’s name)?

B It was fun.

I went to the country.

A Cool! What did you do?

B I _went swimming_.

A Wow! Did you learn anything new?

B Yes, I learned to swim underwater.

A That’s neat.

What was the most memorable part?

B Well, I went on the slide.

More Interview Questions

1. How was your vacation?

2. Where did you go?

3. Who did you go with?

4. What did you do?

5. Did anything funny happen?

6. What was the most memorable part?

7. Did you learn anything new?

8. Do you want to do the same thing next vacation?

Lesson 4 Review

(Answers may vary greatly in this section. Refer to sample texts for answer suggestions.)

Unit 3: Things People Do

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


1. - b.

2. - e.

3. - f.

4. - a.

5. - c.

6. - d.

Vocabulary Preview

1. Smokejumpers are firefighters who jump out of airplanes.

2. Architects draw plans for houses and buildings.

3. Curators enjoy talking about art in museums.

4. Writers produce things like stories and poems.

5. Actors are in movies and television shows.

6. Coaches help athletes get better at the sports they do.

Dialogue: I Love My Job

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. She’s (maybe) an architect.

2. She is going to design a house (for them) to live in.

Dialogue Practice: I Love My Job

(Answers may vary.)

Interview Questions

1. What do you do?

2. Are you happy with your job?

3. Where do you work?

4. Is it tiring sometimes?

5. Do you get tired of doing the same thing every day?

6. Is it dangerous?

7. How long have you worked there?

8. Would you like to change jobs?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Sample answers)

What does the boy’s mom do? (i.e. What’s her job?) His mom is an architect.

What are they talking about? They are talking about the boy’s new bedroom.

What does the boy want? He wants a basketball hoop on the wall of his bedroom.

Do you think he is going to get it? No.

What do you want in your dream house? I want …

Grammar Focus: Wh- Question Words

1. Asking about time – f. – i.

2. Asking for quantity – b. – g.

3. Asking about people – a. – j.

4. Asking for reason – d. – k.

5. Asking about a name – e. – l.

6. Asking about place – c. – h.

Questions About a Job

A: Where do you work? B: I work at a hospital.

A: What do you do? B: I help sick people.

A: How do you help them? B: I figure out why they are sick.

A: Are you a doctor? B: Yes, I am.

A: Why did you become a doctor? B: Because I wanted to help people feel better.

Match the pictures with the expressions. Then, make some questions and answers.

Why do you like being a(n) ___________?

1. Why do you like being a smokejumper? – b. It’s exciting and energetic.

2. Why do you like being a computer programmer? – c. I write fun computer games.

3. Why do you like being a curator? – a. I enjoy talking about art and history.

4. Why do you like being an architect? – d. I can use my math and design skills.

Chatting to an Old Friend About College

(Sample answers)

1. Hey, (buddy’s name)! How are you? I’m good.

2. Where are you studying? I’m studying at Harvard.

3. What are you studying? I’m studying science.

4. Why did you choose to study that? I want to be a scientist.

5. How long are you home? I am home for about a month.

6. When do you graduate? I graduate in 2012.

Interview About University

(Sample answers)

1. How are you doing? I’m good.

2. What are you studying? I’m studying English.

3. Why are you studying that? Because it’s interesting.

4. What is your favorite subject? English, of course!

5. What do you want to be? I want to be an English teacher.

6. When do you graduate? I graduate next year.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answer for picture 2)

He works in an office. He’s a businessman. He uses a computer and a telephone. He makes telephone calls to clients. He prepares documents. He has meetings. He sometimes visits different places on business trips.

Vocabulary Preview

1. My mom is a photographer. She takes pictures of models for magazines.

2. Lisa likes to run and swim, but she doesn’t like to lift weights.

3. People who work together are called coworkers.

4. Uh, oh! My tooth hurts. I need to see a dentist.

5. A farmer lives in the country and has a lot of land.

6. Bodybuilders lift weights and exercise all of the time.

Dialogue: Who Is That?

(Note: Again, check students’ capitalization.)

Anne This is a picture of my uncle.

Joey He looks strong. 1. Is he a bodybuilder?

Anne No, he doesn’t lift weights.

Joey 2. Where does he work?

Anne He works outside all of the time. He’s a farmer.

Joey 3. What does he say about his job? Does he like it?

Anne Yes, he says that he has the best job in the world.

Joey He must like animals a lot.

Anne Yes, he does, but they don’t have very many animals on the farm.

Joey 4. How can you have a farm without animals?

Anne That’s easy! You grow lots and lots of potatoes!

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. He’s a farmer.

2. He has a farm with many vegetables. OR He grows many vegetables.

Dialogue Practice: Who Is That?

(Sample answers)

A This is a picture of my aunt.

B She looks nice. Is she a librarian?

A No, she isn’t.

B Where does she work?

A She works in a(n) office. She’s a secretary.

B What does she say about her job? Does she like it?

A Yes, she says that the job is very interesting.

B She must be good with computers.

A Yes, she is.

More Interview Questions

1. Where does your dad work?

2. Where does your mom work?

3. What do your parents do?

4. What do you want to be someday?

5. How many years will you have to go to university to study that?

6. Do you think most people enjoy working?

7. How do people choose their jobs?

8. Who do you think is good at their job?

Lesson 4 Review

(Answers may vary greatly in this section. Refer to sample texts for answer suggestions.)

Unit 4: Successful People

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

Where is the boy? He is between the girls.

Where are the party hats? They are on the teenagers’ heads.

Where is the cake? It is in front of them.

Vocabulary Preview

1. We got some hot chocolate and cookies at a café.

2. The basement is the bottom floor of our house. It’s underground!

3. Hockey players and figure skaters use ice skates to move around on the ice.

4. My parents park their cars in our garage.

5. At school, I have a locker in the hall where I can put my books.

Dialogue: You Forgot Something!

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. No.

2. Her mom will bring them to her.

Dialogue Practice: You Forgot Something!

(Sample answers)

A Have you seen my tennis racket?

B No. Did you look in your locker?

A Yes, I did. I looked in the café, too.

B Is it under the table?

A No, I don’t think so.

B Well, maybe it’s in the dining room.

A No. I already looked there.

(The telephone rings--Ring! Ring!)

A Hello.

B Hi! You forgot your bag. It’s next to your bike.

A Oh, no!

Interview Questions

1. Have you seen my basketball?

2. Is it outside?

3. Did you look in your bedroom?

4. Where could it be?

5. Why don’t you ask your dad?

6. Where did you last see it?

7. When was the last time you used it?

8. Would you like me to help you look for it?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Sample answers)

Picture 1 - A girl is at an ice-skating rink. The girl cannot find her ice skates.

Picture 2 - Maybe her skates are under the chair. She looks under the chair. They are not there.

Picture 3 – The girl telephones her mother. She asks, “Have you seen my skates?” The skates are on the bed in her bedroom at home.

Grammar Focus: It is + weather

It is sunny. – c. You need sunscreen.

It’s stormy. – e. You need boots.

It is rainy. – a. You need a rain jacket.

It’s windy. – b. You need a muffler.

It is foggy. – d. You need a flashlight.

Weather Speak!

1. How is the weather in Russia in winter? (snowy and cold)

In Russia in winter it’s snowy and cold.

2. How is the weather in Australia in summer? (sunny and hot)

In Australia in summer it’s sunny and hot.

3. How was the weather in Scotland yesterday? (rainy and cold)

In Scotland yesterday it was rainy and cold.

4. How is the weather in Canada in winter? (stormy and snowy)

In Canada in winter it’s stormy and snowy.

Cross out the things that don’t belong with an X.

1. In summer, you need:

a. sunglasses b. sunscreen c. shorts d. mittens (X)

2. In winter, you need:

a. gloves b. a sweater c. a hat d. sandals (X)

3. In the rain, you need:

a. boots b. sunscreen (X) c. an umbrella d. a rain jacket

4. In the wind, you need:

a. sunglasses (X) b. a muffler c. a jacket d. a hat

How Was the Weather?

Scotland: j. f. g. c.

Australia: b. h. e. l.

Canada: d. a. k. i.

Interview with a Successful Person

(Sample answers)

1. Where do you live? I live in South Africa.

2. What is the weather like there in summer? In summer it is quite hot and sunny.

3. What is the weather like there in winter? In winter it is very cold and windy.

4. What do you need to be successful? You need to be lucky.

5. What do you like about being famous? I like appearing on TV shows.

6. Why is it important to be successful? Many people can respect you.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

Successful Activities

: practice hard / study / listen to your parents / be kind to others (encourage other ideas)

Unsuccessful Activities

: watch a lot of TV / get in fights / don’t go to school / be lazy (encourage other ideas)

Vocabulary Preview

1. Learning to play the trumpet was too hard, so Tom gave up. He quit!

2. My favorite websites are Facebook, Cyworld and YouTube.

3. Let me give you some advice about my dad’s cooking. Don’t eat anything he makes!

4. The guitar and the piano are musical instruments.

5. People from Japan are called Japanese. People from Britain are called British.

6. Steve dreams of having a red race car when he gets older.

Dialogue: An Interview with Justin Bieber

Reporter I’m here with Justin Bieber, the successful musician. How are you, Justin?

Justin Bieber I’m good, thanks.

Reporter You’re 1. Canadian, right?

Justin Bieber Yes, I am, but I live in the 2. United States now.

Reporter You are a fairly new 3. musician. How did you become famous?

Justin Bieber Actually, I became famous through YouTube, a popular video website.

Reporter That’s interesting, and you’re only sixteen years old! What 4.musical instruments do you play?

Justin Bieber I play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet. I taught myself to play them.

Reporter Wow! What advice can you give to other kids who want to be 5. successful?

Justin Bieber Work hard, and don’t give up on your dreams.

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. He is a Canadian musician.

2. Four. OR He plays the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet.

Dialogue Practice: An Interview with Justin Bieber

A How are you, Daniel?

B I’m doing well, thanks.

A You’re a British actor, right?

B Yes, I am.

A How did you become famous?

B I became famous through the movie, Harry Potter.

A That’s interesting. What advice can you give other kids who want to be successful?

B Always try to do your best.

More Interview Questions

1. Who is a successful person that you know or like?

2. Why is he/she successful?

3. What do you admire about him/her? Why?

4. In what way do you want to be like him/her?

5. Where is he/she from?

6. What does he/she do?

7. How can you become successful?

8. What do you want to be successful at?

Lesson 4 Review

Game of Prepositions!

(Answers may vary.)

Grammar Focus: Irregular Past Tense


1. forgot / 4. Saw / 5. Got / 6. went


1. flew / 2. Taught / 3. was

Work with a buddy to answer the questions. Take turns asking and answering the questions.

(Sample answers)

1. What did you see on your way to school today?

I saw a lot of traffic. Maybe it was because the weather was really bad.

2. Where did you go after school yesterday?

I went to the park with my buddies. We went inline skating.

3. What did your parents teach you when you were little?

They taught me to be polite to other people.

4. What did you get as a present?

I got some video games and a new soccer ball.

5. What is the last thing you forgot?

Last week, for example, I forgot my homework. My teacher was really mad.

Speaking Practice: Guess That Missing Thing!

(Sample answers)

A Have you seen my calculator?

B No, I haven’t. Where did you look for it?

A Well, I looked in my drawer.

B Did you look under the chair?

A Sure, I already checked under the chair.

B Is it over there, on the cupboard?

A No, it isn’t on the cupboard.

B What about under the book?

A Oh, it’s under the book!

A Finally! I found it!

Roleplay Presentation

(Answers may vary.)

Unit 5: Popular Sports

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

How often do you play basketball? I play basketball once a week.

Do you (always) play hockey? No, I never play hockey.

Vocabulary Preview

1. Football players wear helmets and pads.

2. Katie doesn’t like broccoli. She rarely eats it.

3. Mike loves tennis. He frequently plays with his older brother after school.

4. Volleyball players hit a ball back and forth over a net.

5. In order to go surfing, you need good waves.

6. If you like to run, you should join the track team.

Dialogue: Girls vs. Boys

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. (She practices) three times a week.

2. The girls.

Dialogue Practice: Girls vs. Boys

A How often does the boys’ track team practice?

B We usually practice five times a week.

A Do you always practice at the track?

B No, often we practice at the gym.

A Do you know if there’s a girls’ team?

B Yes, there is. We frequently practice with them.

A Do you ever play games against them?

B Sure!

A Who usually wins?

B The boys!

Interview Questions

1. Are you on the hockey team?

2. How often do you practice?

3. Is practice difficult?

4. What do I need to be good at in order to play hockey?

5. Do you have a lot of games?

6. Where are the games?

7. Can I come watch your next game?

8. Do you think I could join the team?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Answers may vary.)

Grammar Focus: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

(Sample answers – objects must be in your classroom otherwise students must delete them from their list or get a “penalty.”)

An eraser, envelope, apple.

A lot of students, books, things, noise, desks.

A bottle of water, glue.

A box of tissues, toys, crayons, cards.

A pile of books, dictionaries.

A tube of paint, toothpaste.

A packet of stickers, cards.

A bag of books, homework, clothes.

More Partitives with Uncountable Nouns

(Sample answers)

a bowl of cereal / a bowl of rice / a bowl of soup / a bowl of porridge

a cup of hot chocolate / a cup of coffee / a cup of water / a cup of tea

a piece of cake / a piece of pie / a piece of chocolate / a piece of cheese

a glass of orange juice / a glass of milk / a glass of water / a glass of soda

Ask your buddy about what he/she ate.

1. What did your buddy eat for breakfast this morning?

She ate a bowl of cereal.

2. What did you/will your buddy eat for lunch today?

She ate noodles and vegetables. OR She will drink a glass of milk.

3. What does your buddy want to eat for dinner?

She wants to eat a pizza with a piece of chocolate cake.

Come Over to My House for Dinner

A Do you want to 1. come over to my house for dinner?

B Sure! That would be nice.

A Dinner time is usually at six o’clock, but if you come over earlier 2. we can go for a bike ride.

B OK, great!

A Oh, and dinner at my house is 3. always healthy. There is always

4. a big bowl of salad and plates of vegetables.

B Why is that?

A My dad competes in the Ironman races.

B I’ve 5. never heard of that. What’s an Ironman race?

A It’s a really long race of 6. running, swimming, and biking.

Match the questions and answers. Talk about them with a buddy.

1. – a. - f.

2. – c. - e.

3. – d. - b.

Interview About Athletes’ Food

(Sample answers)

1. How do you think professional athletes eat differently to us? I think they eat more food, especially foods with carbohydrates.

2. What do these athletes eat a lot of? They eat a lot of high-energy food such as meat and protein drinks.

3. Why do athletes eat differently? They need to have lots of energy and build lots of muscle.

4. What do these athletes never eat? I think they don’t eat junk food every day.

5. Do you like to eat healthy food? Yes, I do.

6. Would you want to be a professional athlete? I think it is too hard. You need to exercise all the time.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

1. Jill ate a bowl of cereal, two donuts, and a glass of milk.

2. Tom ate an apple, an orange, a sandwich, and a bottle of juice.

Vocabulary Preview

1. ”Match” is another word for “game.”

2. Snowboarding is a winter sport.

3. Our puppy is growing so fast! He gained two kilograms in three weeks.

4. At competitions, people try to be the best at something in order to win a prize.

5. If a person’s weight goes down, they lose weight.

6. Wrestling is a fighting sport where players try to hold someone on the ground.

Dialogue: On a Diet

Gina Hey, Max! How is wrestling?

Max It’s going really well. I won my last three matches.

Gina Congratulations!

Max Yeah, but now my coach wants me to lose four 1. kilograms.

Gina Why?

Max So I can 2. wrestle in a different weight group. I’d be really 3. strong.

Gina So, are you on a diet?

Max Yeah, I’m eating less and exercising more.

Gina What are you eating?

Max Lots of fruit and vegetables. I had a 4. bowl of fruit for breakfast this morning. And for lunch, I had a plate of broccoli with a little bit of chicken.

Gina Wow! You’re the only boy I know on a 5. diet!

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. He needs to lose weight.

2. Yes. He trains very hard and follows his coach’s advice.

Dialogue Practice: On a Diet

(Sample answers)

A Hey, (Buddy’s name)! How is snowboarding?

B It’s going great.

I won my last competition.

A Congratulations!

B Thanks, but now my coach wants me to gain a couple pounds.

A Why?

B Because I’d be faster.

A So, are you eating extra food?

B Yeah, I’m eating more and exercising less.

A What kind of things are you eating?

B A lot of meat and pasta. I had four donuts for breakfast this morning.

More Interview Questions

1. How can I become stronger?

2. Why do you want to be stronger?

3. What do you enjoy about hockey?

4. Are you hungry?

5. Do you want to eat healthy food or unhealthy food?

6. Is that restaurant over there expensive?

7. May I take your order?

8. Would you like anything to drink?

Lesson 4 Review

Game of Food!

(Answers may vary.)

Grammar Focus: Adverbs of Frequency

1. Ricky always (100%) brushes his teeth before bed.

2. Janet rarely (10%) listens to music.

3. We often (60%) eat our lunch outside in summer.

4. Our teacher usually (80%) gives us homework.

5. I never (0%) watch scary movies.

6. They sometimes (30%) play soccer after school.

Speaking Practice: How Often Quiz

(Answers may vary.)

Roleplay Presentation

(Answers may vary.)

Unit 6: Saving the World

Lesson 1 Dialogue & Practice


(Answers may vary.)

Vocabulary Preview

1. When my mom isn’t using her car, she stores it in our garage.

2. Coral reefs are only found in oceans.

3. My dad likes to read the newspaper before he goes to work in the morning.

4. Our school provides us with a free lunch every day.

5. To fill the balloon, you have to blow air into it.

6. The oceans are full of salt water, but most lakes are full of fresh water.

Dialogue: Wetlands

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. No, she is reading a magazine article (for science class).

2. (She is learning about) wetlands.

Dialogue Practice: Wetlands

(Answers may vary.)

Interview Questions

1. What are you doing?

2. What kind of book/test/homework is it?

3. Do you have to do that now?

4. Why don’t you come over to my house? We’re watching a movie.

5. Who are you watching a movie with?

6. What’s it about?

7. When do you have to return the movie?

8. Can I borrow it tomorrow?

Lesson 2 Extension & Detail


(Sample answer)

Wetlands are important because they make clean water.

Grammar Focus: Past Progressive

(Sample answer)

What were you doing when I called you last night? I was walking my dog.

What Were You Doing? Explain!

1. A What were you doing when you hurt yourself?

B I was dancing when I hurt myself. (Mark the boxes as follows: X O)

2. A What was he doing yesterday afternoon?

B He was riding his horse yesterday afternoon. (Mark the boxes as follows: X O)

3. A What was she doing when she heard the thunder?

B She was surfing when she heard the thunder. (Mark the boxes as follows: O X)

4. A What were they doing when you saw them?

B They were skiing when I saw them. (Mark the boxes as follows: O X)

5. A What were you doing when it started to rain?

B I was playing soccer when it started to rain. (Mark the boxes as follows: O X)

Ask you buddy these questions.

(Sample answers)

1. What was our teacher doing when you got here today?

She was watering the plants when we/I got here today.

2. What were you doing before you came to this class?

I was playing on the playground with my friends.

3. What were your parents doing yesterday?

When I got home from school, they were going out to play golf.

Where Were You When the Fire Alarm Went Off?

A Hey, (buddy’s name)! 1.Where were you when the fire alarm went off?

B I was sitting in science class when it went off.

A 2.What were you studying?

B Glaciers. We were learning about how big some of them are.

A 3.Did you know that there are glaciers in Africa?

B Yes, I thought it was too hot, but there are glaciers high in the mountains. How about you? Where were you when the fire alarm went off?

A I was in the gym.

B 4.Were you in PE?

A Yeah, I was. We were playing basketball.

Interview About a Car Accident

(Sample answers)

1. How close to the accident were you? I was about fifty meters away.

2. Where were you when the accident happened? I was walking home from school. I was on the street next to the park.

3. Did you see everything clearly? Yes, I saw everything very clearly.

4. Whose fault was it? I think it was the driver of the yellow car.

5. Was anyone driving too fast? Yes, the driver of the yellow car was driving too fast and didn’t stop.

6. Were the people wearing a seatbelt? Yes, luckily, they were wearing a seatbelt.

Lesson 3 Dialogue & Practice


(Sample answers)

I don’t use plastic bags, and I recycle all my paper.

Vocabulary Preview

1. After I exercise a lot, I’m usually very sweaty.

2. Please don’t knock on our door. Use the doorbell.

3. Our dog loves to play in the mud and get very dirty.

4. In order to save energy, you should turn things off when you’re not using them.

5. An air conditioner makes the air cooler.

6. Solar panels get their energy from the sun.

Dialogue: Helping Out

(Ding! Dong!)

John I’ll get it! … Hey, Nina!

Nina Hi, John! Wow! You’re all dirty! What were you doing when I rang the 1. doorbell?

John I was planting some trees in our 2. backyard.

Nina Can I help?

John That would be great!

Nina So, why are you planting all of these trees?

John I want to do my part to help save the 3. environment.

Nina That’s cool! Trees help clean the air.

John Exactly! Plus, I love gardening. Next weekend I’m going to plant a bunch of 4. flowers.

Nina Ooo! Can I help with that, too?

John Yeah, of course!

Comprehension Check

(Sample answers)

1. (The Ding! Dong! noise is from) the doorbell.

2. (They are going to) plant a bunch of flowers.

Dialogue Practice: Helping Out

(Sample answers)

(Ding! Dong!)

A I’ll get it! Hey, (name)!

B Hi, (name)! You’re all dirty!

What were you doing when I rang the doorbell?

A I was cleaning our air conditioner.

B Can I help?

A That would be awesome!

B So, why are you doing that?

A Because I want to do my part to help save the environment.

B That’s cool! Clean air conditioners use less energy.

A Exactly! Plus, I love helping my dad.

More Interview Questions

1. What were you doing when the snow storm started?

2. Did you get home OK?

3. When did you make it home?

4. Where did you stay?

5. Was it scary?

6. Did you see any of the news reports?

7. Are you worried about global warming?

8. How do you help save the environment?

Lesson 4 Review

Saving the World!

(Answers may vary.)

Grammar Focus: Interjections and Exclamations

(Sample answers)

1. A I got a kitten. 2. A She hurt her leg.

B Awesome! B Ouch!

3. A Let’s play tennis. 4. A He lost his new watch.

B Good idea! B Oh, no!

5. A We went to the amusement park. 6. A They are buying us all ice cream cones.

B Cool! B Wow!

Match the exclamations, and roleplay with your buddy.

How – b. smelly! – h. Yes, I think it’s those old shoes over there.

How – c. smart! – f. I wouldn’t have ever thought of that.

What – a. a terrible movie! – g. I know! I didn’t like it, either.

What – d. a beautiful day! – e. Let’s have a picnic in the park.

Speaking Practice: What Can You Do?

(Sample answers)

Picture 1 – A boy is throwing out some trash. He is trying to put the bag into the trash can. The trash can is next to a river. The trash can is full, so some of the trash falls out. Some trash falls into the river. Trash is floating down the river. Another girl is watching, and she thinks this is terrible.

Picture 2 – The girl has an idea. She puts new recycling boxes next to the river. She is sorting her trash. She separates the paper and the plastic.

Picture 3 – At home, the boy is watching TV. He is watching a documentary program on TV about the environment. There is a coral reef. It looks bad. There is trash floating in the water. The animals are dying in the water. He feels bad.

Roleplay Presentation

(Answers may vary.)


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