Kat Lewin

Kat Lewin


1) Elements going into piece (sound and otherwise)

2) Transitions (get a feel for structure of piece)

3) Where do you get a sense of what the argument/POV of the piece is? Note specific places or phrases.

Former WASP starting plane – detailing experience. Taken in real-time.

Attention grab w/ plane noises, then reflection on her service

WASPS singing

WASP introducing herself and stats

Another WASP with stats

Series of WASPS introducing themselves just by name.

WASP reflecting on love for service [singing fades in over her]

Famous FDR speech snippet

WASPS reflect on how they were invited to service; many voices cut in.

WASP (informally) quotes letter sent to her.

News reel re: WASPS

Man reading his mother’s letter – negative reflection of the program.

Taps; another newsreel giving chronological narrative of their morning

Negative reflection by inter-cut WASPS about location

WASP discussing diversity of core – and adversity of wardrobe.

Nostalgic singing -- reville

General reflection of daily life.

“I thought this was a big mistake. Until we got started in the airplanes.” [indication of women’s competence]

Newsreel about the flying process

Women reflect on being taught to fly

Newsreel continues

Some girl forgot to fasten her seatbelt – more difficulty

“Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’ll never master this. … take me back to the farm.”

“Then you get over it. Funny thing, but you do.”

Newsreel: “Now the WASPS are ready to go to work and do a job…”

WASPS discuss what exactly they did – flying as targets, etc.

Swing-y music

Monotony of missions – technical terms.

“Women have been trained all their lives to do repetitive jobs. … If we got anything that was fun … that was enough to keep us stimulated.”

Began to get a little bored – “the older men didn’t think we could fly the airplanes. I don’t think they trusted us.”

”I would have gone into combat at any minute.”

Newsreels giving airplane specs

Discussing adding plane to inventory – engine fires – problem at training bases because men were reluctant to fly.

“Show the men it was so easy to fly that even a woman could fly it.”

Airplane starting noises

When you’re flying it feels so easy. “I had no problem at all.”

Roommate dying. Oosh, pathos. “I had to take her body home to New York state … I had to tell her parents.

38 women were killed – stats listed.

Wars aren’t very much fun

Made everyone want to do whatever they could to win the war and get it over with

You must understand that we all loved to fly, every single one of us.

Description of beauty and isolation of flying.

All of a sudden, the army said we didn’t need you any more

Quoted letter of dismissal to the WASPS

[after they read his sign off, he gives it again in his own voice]

General giving speech releasing WASPS – applause

Over applause, women reminiscing about ceremony.

Singing under more reminiscing.

“It was a day of celebrating, then we all packed up and went home”

”I knew I’d never, never get in those airplanes again”

Old woman singing song. “We ain’t gonna be here no longer.”

List jobs of successful women pilots, but most couldn’t get jobs.

“They all lost their jobs because the men came back”

“We went back to where we were supposed to be … We weren’t supposed to be doctors and engineers … We were ahead of our time.”

“If you have a daughter, teach her how to fly.”

Stats about how many women were entered in program.

”It doesn’t seem real.”

Back to original flight with WASP. She lands. “Back home again in one piece”

Dreaming about flying, missing it

[Singing under her speaking]

I don’t want to be a passenger. I prefer to remember it as it was.


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