PDF What did you like best about this class? First Section

CUNY QCC Student Evaluation of Faculty G. Michael Guy MA 303 Fall 2009

What did you like best about this class? First Section:

A good class, good atmosphere and we learn something new all the time. I like the fact that he was able to answer questions when needed. What I liked best about this class was the big project we did. I can enjoy this class. Study is very comfortable. The class gives me chance to know how to teach students in fun ways. I like how prof guy made the class interesting and enjoyable. He really explains all the materials in full

details. Fun class and projects that were like evaluation that helps me really know if I want to be a teacher. Prof guy keeps it simple and very understandable. Doesn't make things complicated straight to the

point great prof. The class went over material that we need to know for what we teach in the future. Overall this class was okay. I learn better ways to do problems. I believes its help in becoming a teacher to teach students that

way. Didn't go off the subject, thought exactly what was on the exams. I learned how to use Excel. This class is very relaxing. A refresh my memory of many things I learned in

high school that I forgot. What I like best is that ... gave me an opportunity to come to class on time and learn something new.

Although I don't like math that much. One of the best math professors at QCC!! I liked best was help was always available for me whether it

was during class outside of class or online. The professor taught material well, and he had a very sarcastic sense of humor, but we took it personal

at times.

Second Section:

Prof Guy is well-organized, good explanations of material, assignments and exams are closely related to the course content.

I learned what was needed to improve my knowledge on how to teach math to younger children. I like his jokes. This class taught me how to teach children the basics. I had to relearn what I already know. But overall

the class was okay. I like that he was funny and made me feel comfortable and most importantly all lessons were well

planned and organized. I had to retake this class and I have learned so much more than I did than with the other teacher. The professor's dedication to the subject. I learned a lot, the class was taught well in Interesting.

CUNY QCC Student Evaluation of Faculty G. Michael Guy MA 303 Fall 2009 He makes it less interesting even though it's things you already know. Although he doesn't check homework, it does appear on the quizzes. Very informative however the professor can get lazy and not help the students during class lectures and lab. Leaves the students confused. It bought me back to basics thinking, things I totally forgot about. What I like best about this class is that the instructor starts and finishes class on time. The professor was cool about everything. I honestly really enjoyed everything about the course, for the first time I understand material, guys great professor, and straightforward an affair crater. What I like best about the glasses the teacher is organized and very clear in presenting the work. But I like the most about this class was the way this instructor gave the class. Guy is one of the best profs I have ever had in QCC.

Would you or would you not recommend this instructor to a friend? Why?

First Section:

Yes. Do the work, being class and you'll do fine. Yes, because he is easy to understand. I would recommend this instructor to a friend because he can be funny and serious at the same time. Great

teacher and is understanding. I'm not sure. Because my English is not well to talking. But Prof. is very funny and nice. I would recommend this professor to a friend because he is really good at explaining things. Yes, because he is extremely helpful. If you are willing to help yourself you will help you. It is a very nice

professor. B. Wilson. Yes I'll recommend this instructor because he is very strict but fair he knows his work and is always willing to

help. Yes. It's a fun and enjoyable class and not boring or super complex as other math courses. Professor guy was

really great to have as a professor. He kept it real and made mad fun. If they have trouble at math because he is very clear but if you're good at math it be too boring. Very good

instructor... also to sarcastic and can come off as disrespectful and arrogant. I would recommend. He is a good professor. But he makes a big deal about lateness. When we are a couple of

minutes late for class, he marked as absent for the whole day. Which is very strange. Yes a duty not that bad to understand. I think it will be a good experience especially lesson plans. The professor

is sarcastic at times. He gets his work done; as long as you do your homework.*Pay attention in class -- good luck ? (so, sure..) super

sarcastic (kinda in a mean way) yes and no, the professor is too strict with attendance. This is an easy class. Yes and no because if they can make it to class on time is not worth going in class he is a greater teacher than

they would get their money worth, but they have to work hard, and also for the grade they want. It's a fun class not easy and not hard but you have to work hard. Yes definitely. Only professor I had to understand what they were teaching and explained well. Also spoke clear English unlike other professors you can't understand! Finally a math teacher that is good!

CUNY QCC Student Evaluation of Faculty G. Michael Guy MA 303 Fall 2009 I would because he is pretty fair except for his late and attendance policy. I didn't think that if you're more than five minutes late you are considered absent was fair AT ALL!

Second Section:

Yes. The material is well explained. The assignments and exams are too much for time period. Sarcastic attitude at times. Not very flexible. Willing to help however makes it very uncomfortable with his comments when students ask for help.

Maybe. It all depends on my made after the semester is over. I advised that he change his absent policy a lateness is not! an absent. Maybe 2 late= absent. But 10 minutes that way too much.

Yes I would because he is funny professor I ever seen. Yes, I would recommend this instructor to a friend because even though the professor was a smart ass he did

teach us things, and we did learn. I just didn't like his attendance policy. Five minutes when class starts or your marked absent! there were days when I was one minute late and I was marked absent. I don't think that it's fair! Yes because he makes class fun and his weblog is very useful. I would recommend this instructor again because I believe I did learn and enjoy the class. Yes, because it is clear what is expected of you, and the professor made it easy to understand the material. I would, he is a good professor. Yes because these helpful, funny and you do leave with something. But you do have to put work and to get a good grade. I would recommend this professor to a friend because the class is okay. Not easy and not too hard. Annoying! His jokes are not funny very offensive to students! Yes, I would recommend, but warned him about his dark humor. I didn't care about the lateness policy. I would recommend this instructor to a friend because he explains the material thoroughly. I would recommend to a friend because he is a great professor. I hate the attendance thing he did in class. Other than that he was a great teacher. I actually recommend my professor to several friends because he is the first math professor that truly helps make the math easier to understand, and he really listens to the students and takes advice if necessary. I would recommend this instructor to a friend because he is fair and you get graded on what you know. You earn everything in this class. At times are not sure if he is joking around with your telling you how he feels. Then covers it up as a joke. Way too self-conscious at times. Have confidence you're doing an awesome job. I strongly recommend this instructor to a friend because I know that the person will learn and understand very well the class, also the objectives of the course. GM G. you are a great prof!!!


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