
?Wanda Gamble:I was asleep and I hear this banging on my door, and I pop up and I'm going, "Oh, my God. Goodness. It's after 8:00 o'clock," and then I said, "Uh-uh (negative). You know what? They can handle it. This team knows how to run this meeting. I'm just going to go back to sleep, right?" And so then I hear this knocking, and I go downstairs, open the door to find Laura and her beautiful Mini-Me standing there with a box of gifts. And she says, "Wanda, you got to sign on." I go, "What?." "Because we're all waiting for you on the call," she said. "We want to just do a surprise for you during the BD weekly. I'm like, "Oh, my God." So, you talk about just a lovely thing. I mean, it almost brought me to tears.Male Announcer ...:You're listening to Further Together, the ORAU Podcast. Join your hosts, Michael and Jenna, as they discuss all things ORAU through interviews with our experts to provide innovative, scientific and technical solutions for our customers. They'll talk about ORAU's storied history, how we're impacting an ever changing world and our commitment to our community. Welcome to Further Together, the ORAU Podcast.Michael Holtz -...:Welcome to this episode of the Further Together Podcast. Jenna Harpenau and I are appropriately socially distanced. All of our guests-Jenna Harpenau ...:I miss your face.Michael Holtz -...:I miss your face, too... as are all of our guests because today, we're celebrating sharing, being inspired by all of those things that are happening while 95% of ORAU staff is teleworking.Jenna Harpenau ...:Uh-huh (affirmative).Michael Holtz -...:Jenna, how's teleworking going for you?Jenna Harpenau ...:It's actually not bad. It's been a different lifestyle. I mean I can roll out a bed and log onto my computer. So, it's going to be interesting when I actually have to look presentable and go into the office again. But it hasn't been too horrible. I think I miss the interaction with people the most because-Michael Holtz -...:Oh, I miss that.Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah, we love our team and we like to bounce ideas off of each other and I feel like we share our excitement and things and we kind of build off of each other.Michael Holtz -...:Right.Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah, that's what I miss the most probably. What about you?Michael Holtz -...:Yeah, it's going okay. Like you, I can wear T-shirts and shorts at home all day. Can't get away with that in the office. But I do, like you, miss being able to just walk down the row and pop in and say, "Hey Jen, I'm thinking about this. What do you think?" Or "Let's try this." Or even just standing over my cube wall to talk to Amanda about whatever is happening. So...Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah, it has been really cool to see, though. We are obviously on social media a lot. It's been pretty cool to see what all of our coworkers have been doing and how they have been managing while everyone has been at home, though. It's been kind of exciting and fun to see everyone's take on work at home and how they're getting through it-Michael Holtz -...:Certainly.Jenna Harpenau ...:...making the best of it.Michael Holtz -...:Which brings us to our first guest tonight. Angie Lester, welcome to the Further Together Podcast.Jenna Harpenau ...:Hi, Angie.Angie Lester - ...:Hi, Jenna. Hi, Michael.Michael Holtz -...:How's it going?Angie Lester - ...:It is just going and going.Michael Holtz -...:Excellent. So we've been seeing on social media and elsewhere fantastic reports of all the fun and exciting things that you've been doing during this work-from-home period. I think you've celebrated a graduation and maybe a birthday, some other things maybe that we've heard about.Angie Lester - ...:Yeah. So we were somewhat in a unique situation when all this fun started because we thought we were going to Disney World. We were in the car on the way there.Jenna Harpenau ...:Oh, you were? Really?Angie Lester - ...:Yes. On that Friday that kind of the world shut down, as I like to say. So we got there. We had an Airbnb. We couldn't really get out of it at that point, so we were trying to make the best of it. And my teenage son's girlfriend was with us, so she's kind of been exposed to us. So, she's kind of been around throughout because we figure it started that way, she is one of us now. We've had to figure out the way to navigate that because that's how it started.Angie Lester - ...:So, she happens to be a senior in high school. So, she goes to a local academy with my son, who happens to be in U.S. World Report as one of the best high schools, which happens to have a lot of technology, which is great. But that doesn't help at all in situations like this, when you're a senior, you want to have your senior prom, you want to have graduation. You want to have the traditional things like the Skip Day and the Parent Day and all these things that they do that are tradition. So, she's really missed out on those kind of things. And my son, who would not have been going to prom because he's a sophomore... They had their prom tickets and they were so excited because it was at the zoo. And it was going to be this tent and a few animals that visited and they had been just hyped about this.Angie Lester - ...:So, I decided to attempt to just create the Lester Zoo because it definitely feels like, yeah, we're mostly monkeys around here in a circus. But I attempted to make a zoo-type theme. So, I used my pop-up tent, which is not quite the caliber they would have had at the actual zoo, but we popped that up. I strung some nice little fairy lights and Amazon luckily came through in this case to have some fun little things that we could hang in the background with animals and just try to make something close to that experience with my Bluetooth speaker, as well as a playlist, and had them get all dressed up and ordered in steak from a local steak restaurant and made them a little candlelight dinner and tried to... I made my little homemade corsages at home, So they had a corsage and a boutonniere.Angie Lester - ...:And my daughter is in eighth grade and she was looking forward to her eighth grade formal, her first big dance, which we had bought a dress for. So we kind of threw those together and she was able to kind of get a... put on her fancy dress too and have a piece of that, as well. So, try to make something to come close. You don't have all your friends there, but it was... seemed to enjoy it and-Jenna Harpenau ...:I'm sure they did.Angie Lester - ...:...they didn't miss anything.Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah. That's something that they're going to remember for the rest of their life. I mean, I think we almost kind of take it for granted that we're living through something that will probably be in history books going forward.Michael Holtz -...:Absolutely.Jenna Harpenau ...:So, years later when people say, "Oh, do you remember the pandemic of 2020?" They'll say, "Oh, yeah. My mom threw me a super cool prom."Michael Holtz -...:My mom is the best.Jenna Harpenau ...:So, that's a really cool memory that you're making for them.Michael Holtz -...:Very cool. Anything else, Angie, that you've done, you've learned, you've...?Angie Lester - ...:I heard you guys touching a little bit on this work-from-home experience. So, we've done some fun things on some of our meetings with dress-up parties, and earlier today, we had a team meeting, and I tried to bring some optimism to the meeting in the sense that it gets a little tiring with all the negativity, but things are, hopefully, starting to open up a little this week. And so we've had some good news on a few business development ventures. So, I told them today was Wear Your Shades Day because our future's so bright, we have to wear shades.Michael Holtz -...:I love it.Angie Lester - ...:So everybody donned to their shades, attempted to see the screens, and just try to make it something fun. You tend to get just wrapped up in everything. So...Michael Holtz -...:I love it. Well Angie, thank you so much for taking the time to talk about prom at home. It's so amazing. And as Jenna said, I think your kids will remember that for a long, long time. That's a great thing.Angie Lester - ...:Well, I hope so. So, thank you guys for having me.Jenna Harpenau ...:Right.Michael Holtz -...:Absolutely.Jenna Harpenau ...:Hang in there.Michael Holtz -...:Glad to do it.Angie Lester - ...:You, too.Michael Holtz -...:Talk to you soon.Angie Lester - ...:Bye.Jenna Harpenau ...:Bye.Michael Holtz -...:So I don't have any idea what you want to talk about, so feel free to just, Casey Thomas, just open up and let us know.Casey Thomas - ...:Sure. So like I said, I've been here to represent EPO, and the fun thing that we've been doing is, we've actually celebrated two birthdays since we have been home teleworking. So, the first one was for Kelly Nist back in, I guess it was the end of March, I think, or maybe beginning of April. But we did a surprise birthday for her. So she didn't know it was coming, so all of us dressed up. We had on some crazy hats. We had some fun confetti backgrounds on Zoom so that we could have a birthday celebration. And the stars of our show... Kelly's a big dog lover, so we all had our pets in the show.Jenna Harpenau ...:Oh, how fun.Michael Holtz -...:That's wild, right?Casey Thomas - ...:Yeah. So it was fun. We did learn that singing Happy Birthday over Zoom does not go well. So...Michael Holtz -...:The timing gets a little off?Jenna Harpenau ...:Why not?Casey Thomas - ...:It was horrible. I have so much respect for all of the musicians who were...like the Hamilton cast and everyone who is doing all of these. Guys, it was terrible. I wish we'd recorded it. It was probably pretty funny. But so, needless to say, we didn't try to sing on the second birthday party, which was just Monday, in fact. It was Richard Valentine's birthday. So we did kind of the same thing with different backgrounds and fun hats and did not sing to him, which I'm sure he appreciated.Michael Holtz -...:You learned your lesson.Casey Thomas - ...:Yeah.Michael Holtz -...:Well, that's a great way to make Zoom meetings fun, for sure. So-Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah, I think having pets in Zoom meetings has been one of the highlights, too, is you get those impromptu pet noses or something during the Zoom meetings and that kind of... It's a fun little plus to having your video camera on.Casey Thomas - ...:I think so. I think it should be a requirement. We have... Every morning at 9:00 o'clock, we just do a quick 30-minute check-in, and about half the time, someone's pet makes an appearance. So, we're all dog lovers, so it's all dogs. But if we had cats, I'm sure they'd be in there, too. But I think it should be kind of a requirement these days that at least once a week you get to see everyone's pet.Michael Holtz -...:It's kind of like when they take dogs to the library at UT or something during finals week and it just kind of relaxes everybody even if you can't-Casey Thomas - ...:It does, but-Michael Holtz -...:If you can't pet the dog, at least you can see the dog.Casey Thomas - ...:Absolutely. And Eric Abelquist just got a new puppy. They got a French bulldog puppy. So yeah, she's cute. Her name is Daisy. So he had her up last week and she was biting him and chewing on his fingers. And it just gives you a whole new appreciation for the people you work with.Jenna Harpenau ...:Yes. Yeah.Michael Holtz -...:Right. Absolutely.Jenna Harpenau ...:I wonder how many people at ORAU adopted a new pet while we have been on quarantine. That would be interesting to find out, too, because I think we just talked to Angie Lester right before this and they just adopted a little puppy as well. So...Michael Holtz -...:And do you have a dog?Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah. Yeah. Melanie and our two cats. So...Michael Holtz -...:[inaudible 00:13:09]. Eric adopted.Jenna Harpenau ...:Oh, wow.Casey Thomas - ...:Yeah, that'd be a great feature. I'd love to hear that.Michael Holtz -...:Awesome. Well, Casey, thank you very, very much for-Casey Thomas - ...:Yeah, no problem.Michael Holtz -...:...your EPO stories. That's very fine and fabulous. We love it. Thank you very much for joining us.Casey Thomas - ...:No problem. I'll talk to you guys later.Michael Holtz -...:Okay.Jenna Harpenau ...:Bye.Casey Thomas - ...:Next week.Rebecca Cavende...:Hey, guys.Michael Holtz -...:Rebecca.Jenna Harpenau ...:Hey.Rebecca Cavende...:How's it going?Jenna Harpenau ...:Good. How are you doing?Michael Holtz -...:Good.Rebecca Cavende...:I'm doing all right.Michael Holtz -...:Rebecca, you sent me an email. I love this email. So, you've made the transition from work-from-home and school at home pretty well, and you have more time to focus on dirt bikes on gravel forest service roads. I love that. And now, you have a trail going around your house.Rebecca Cavende...:Yes, and actually my kids were on it earlier today before the rain starts hitting, so...Michael Holtz -...:That's awesome. So tell me how did this come about.Rebecca Cavende...:Okay. Well, my husband has been riding motorcycles, gosh, for maybe 10 years now. And I took a motorcycle course last year on Mother's Day weekend so I could just know how to ride a motorcycle in case I needed to know how to do that. So, I've been riding for about a year, but very sporadically. And my boys, who are eight and I have six-year-old twins, have always expressed interest in riding a motorcycle like Daddy or they want to ride Mommy's motorcycle.Rebecca Cavende...:So, we decided to scrounge Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace for used dirt bikes, all at the right sizes for all the different boys and for myself and for my husband, and were able to outfit everybody. This was just before we got the stay-at-home orders, so we had the bikes in the garage and we realized, well, we're not doing all these afterschool activities, our commute time is a lot shorter right now.Rebecca Cavende...:So, we had time in the evening to go to Windrock, which is a ATV and dirt biking, mountain biking park in Oliver Springs, just about 20 minutes away from Oak Ridge. And so, we played around in a parking lot for a little bit with the boys, teaching them how to use a dirt bike. And we took them on their first trail ride, which was called the Long Trail, which is really only about a mile long, in Windrock on one of the gravel roads. And now, they're requesting to go dirt biking pretty much anytime it's sunny outside.Rebecca Cavende...:And to avoid that because we can't always do it, they created a dirt bike trail around my house, which part of it actually was a little rocky path made out of stone. So, we have the rocky road and then we have the mulch and the hill that goes up onto the lawn. And so, they're actually on it right now. I can hear the motor going right now.Jenna Harpenau ...:Do you live in a city?Rebecca Cavende...:We live in Oak Ridge, and the neighbors so far have not yet complained.Michael Holtz -...:Bonus.Rebecca Cavende...:They don't ride for a long time. But yeah, they're out there on a pretty regular basis, and one of my twins, one of the six-year-olds, is the most excited about riding and wants to go on all the trails at Windrock, and they're a little too hard for a six-year-old right now. But it'll be interesting to see if he does... He said he wants to start dirt bike racing. So we'll see what that turns into.Rebecca Cavende...:But it's been, it's been a fun adventure. It's a great way to get outside and utilize the Forest Service roads that we have around here. There's another system called Royal Blue that we've taken the boys to, and we're out in nature.Rebecca Cavende...:I'm also a very big outdoors person. So this is my first time doing something, anything motorized, which typically outdoor enthusiasts kind of frown upon the motorized activities. So, usually we're canoeing or we're backpacking and we're hiking and we're camping.Rebecca Cavende...:So this is something new to me, but it's one way for our family to actually be able to do something together where we can all stay with each other. So, if we're going mountain biking, which do on a regular basis as well, we're always having to stop and wait for the younger kids because they're just not as fast as us. And dirt biking has allowed us to stay together as a family.Rebecca Cavende...:The physical aspect, as long as you can hold up your own bike and take care of it, really isn't an issue anymore. And so, my younger kids can keep up with my older son. So, it's been a great way for us to get outside, enjoy the spring air, and this is also kind of showing the boys how to take care of our environment as we're outside. It's just giving... It's just introducing them to being outside more. So, we really want to promote that in our family.Michael Holtz -...:Awesome. Well Rebecca, thank you for calling in and sharing that. I appreciate it.Rebecca Cavende...:Okay, well let me know if you need anything else.Michael Holtz -...:Okay. Thanks for that.Jenna Harpenau ...:Thank you.Rebecca Cavende...:All right. bye.Isaac Clark:Hello.Michael Holtz -...:Isaac, how are you?Isaac Clark:I'm doing well, Michael. How are you?Michael Holtz -...:I'm great, thanks. Tell us, how has the transition from working in an office to working from home gone? And I know you've sort of talked about this a little bit for a website, the piece on, Are Young Professionals Adapting to Work From Home? Talk about that and how that's gone for you.Isaac Clark:Well, all of the transitions went incredibly smooth for me personally. I work with a team that is based in Maryland anyway, from Oak Ridge, so I'm used to kind of the conference call approach and the Lync messaging as opposed to just walking over to my cube. So, the transitions had went swimmingly, I would say for me.Isaac Clark:One thing I did realize when I was thinking about what to actually kind of talk about on this podcast is maybe one reason it had went so well is because I don't have children. As a young professional, I'm not in that stage of life. So, I'm very privileged that it's been able to go so well and it's probably just based on my circumstances, okay.Michael Holtz -...:Really not a whole lot of difference, I mean...Isaac Clark:No, not a lot of change. The lack of commute time is fantastic, though. Dress code is a lot better. As far as workflow, no. I'm actually very surprised. I was afraid maybe I wouldn't be productive at home, but that's proven to not be the case so far, so that's awesome.Michael Holtz -...:That is awesome. Going back to the lack of commute time, have you been able to pick up a new hobby, learn any new skills, do anything like that?Isaac Clark:I've been... If sleeping in a little bit longer is a new skill, I've done that.Michael Holtz -...:Excellent.Isaac Clark:Probably for better or for worse. I would call myself somewhat of a home workout aficionado, now. I've had to transform various pieces of furniture into gym equipment. And that saves me a little bit of time.Michael Holtz -...:Chair pushups and...?Isaac Clark:Yeah, chair pushups, gallon jug curls. And it's kind of a struggle out here, but...Michael Holtz -...:I've had to do couple dozen of those myself. So, gallon jug curls are... They are what they are. You got to use what you can.Isaac Clark:Yeah, you do.Michael Holtz -...:But at least you're making use of the time that you have, and...Isaac Clark:Yeah, I am and I'm fortunate to still be able to work. I know that's definitely not the case for a lot of people. So, this is a time to be counting my blessings.Michael Holtz -...:It's like the Thanksgiving episode all over again, isn't it?Jenna Harpenau ...:Yeah.Isaac Clark:Yeah, it's a redefined Thanksgiving episode. Yeah, you're right.Michael Holtz -...:For sure. For sure. All right, sir. Well, thank you very much for calling.Jenna Harpenau ...:Thank you, Isaac.Isaac Clark:All right, thank you all.Michael Holtz -...:Talk to you soon.Isaac Clark:Bye.Michael Holtz -...:So, Amy, tell us about your work-from-home story.Amy Starkey:Okay. So, I probably started the week before other people did because I had heard about this thing coming and I do have some immunity issues, and I work from home on Wednesdays anyway. So, Thursday rolled around and talks were being floated about of the company being given that directive. So, I just went ahead and stayed home Thursday, as well.Amy Starkey:And anyway, a couple of weeks before that I had thought that I needed to get myself back in shape, and gym workouts kind of had caused me to plateau. And I had just sort of gotten the winter body, and summer bodies are made in the winter. So, I thought, it's time to work on my summer body. And thank heavens I did because I started into a metabolic eating plan where you eat very clean and healthy with very limited... Well, you don't have bad carbs. For 22 days, you don't work out, you just get steps in. So, I was doing... trying to get in 10,000 steps a day.Jenna Harpenau ...:Holy kite.Michael Holtz -...:Wow.Amy Starkey:I know. So the purpose of this particular plan for me was not only to help me get in shape, but also to reduce inflammation in my body because I do have some chronic issues with that, and the metabolism directly impacts immunity. And unbeknownst to me, I was going to really need some immunity boosting. So, actually studies and research have shown that carb cycling, where you eat carbs every so many days, as well as high interval intensity training, really improves your hormonal balance, which has a direct impact on your metabolism, which has a direct impact on your immunity, and anybody whose immunity-compromised needs to get those hormones balanced out, like insulin and cortisol and all those things. So, I officially began the program on March 10th, and it was amazing to me that I wasn't hungry except right before a meal. I didn't have cravings, and it took me six weeks to lose 10 pounds.Amy Starkey:So, during the time when we were working from home and everybody was talking about how their pants were getting tight and they were grazing all day and having a hard time staying out of the cabinet, for me, I was losing weight. And I feel like now my body has transitioned from becoming a sugar burner into a fat burner. And so I feel like not only am I ready for vacation, which probably won't happen this year, I could put on a bikini if I wanted to, but I'm not going to this year because we're not going anywhere.Amy Starkey:And secondly, I just feel like that my health is better and my immunity is better. So 15-minute high intensity interval workouts three or four days a week is actually better than going to a gym five or six days a week and really just pounding out a cardio workout or whatever. So, that's how work-from-home has helped me on a personal level.Jenna Harpenau ...:That's fantastic, Amy.Michael Holtz -...:That's incredible. Very nice.Amy Starkey:All right, then. I'm going to jump off here. I'm sure you've got other callers wanting to call in.Michael Holtz -...:All right. Thank you, Amy. I appreciate it.Amy Starkey:Thank you all so much for everything that you do, and I miss you all.Michael Holtz -...:Miss you, too.Wanda Gamble:Good morning.Michael Holtz -...:Hey.Wanda Gamble:How are you doing?Jenna Harpenau ...:Good. How are you?Wanda Gamble:Oh, we've been busy. I mean we try to talk on the phone.Michael Holtz -...:Yes, Love, and we're so happy.Wanda Gamble:We have been rolling.Jenna Harpenau ...:We heard something exciting happened to you.Michael Holtz -...:You had a surprise 60th birthday party with your team on Zoom with some special gifts dropped off at your house from Laura.Wanda Gamble:Absolutely.Michael Holtz -...:That's why we asked you to be here today.Wanda Gamble:Oh, great. And I did send you, I think, the pictures of the gifts, a link on Instagram, which actually had the video of those singing Happy Birthday and even showed them on the Zoom connection. Again, I'm one who marks big birthdays, not just mine and milestones of mine, but also of friends, family and colleagues because I think we should celebrate those things. And it's exciting to see, not just on my team, but a number of people even within my neighborhood celebrating those milestones even during the quarantine and maybe even more important to do it during the quarantine when we're distancing from each other. We're isolated from each other.Wanda Gamble:And what was really funny is that I had overslept that morning. This was last week, and why I was born at 5:26 a.m., and my mother, who's in her 80's, every day of my life, has called me at 5:26 a.m. on my time zone for decades.Michael Holtz -...:Really.Wanda Gamble:I mean I was stationed in Italy and this woman calculated the time for what the time would be in Montgomery, Alabama, that she needed to call so she could call me at 5:26 a.m. in Italy when I was in the Air Force.Michael Holtz -...:Wow.Wanda Gamble:So, I couldn't sleep that night before my birthday eve, and then on top of that, I finally fell asleep 3:00-something in the morning. My mom calls me at 5:26 a.m. and wakes me up, followed by my brother, one of my brothers, and I had just dozed off and I just overslept. So, we have an 8:00 o'clock standing call every week, you know, with Business Development. And we've always done video calls because I'm virtual.Wanda Gamble:I was asleep and I hear this banging on my door, and I pop up, and I'm going, "Oh, my God. Goodness. It's after 8:00 o'clock." And then I said, "Uh-uh (negative). You know what? They can handle it. This team knows how to run this meeting. I'm just going to go back to sleep, right? And so then, I hear this knocking, and I go downstairs, opened the door to find Laura and her beautiful Mini-Me standing there with a box of gifts. And she says, "Wanda, you got sign on." I go, "What?" "Because we're all waiting for you on the call," she said. "We want to just do a surprise for you during the BD weekly." I'm like, "Oh, my God." So, you can talk about just a lovely thing. I mean, it almost brought me to tears. I signed on and here she's in the background with two bottles of wine, toilet paper wrapped with a mask that had been bedazzled and some coronavirus-themed cupcakes.Michael Holtz -...:Nice.Wanda Gamble:And so, I pull up the video chat. She's standing behind me in my office here, and they all were singing Happy Birthday while she showcases the gifts because she was in charge of the gifts since she's local. So, it was just really a wonderful way to celebrate my 60th birthday, no small feat these days.Wanda Gamble:And to have them do that just meant so much because all my plans were canceled because they involve travel. In fact, I was actually going to go on a safari trip for 10 days to the Serengeti. And fortunately, it's been rescheduled for next March. But the girlfriends where we all kind of have known each other for decades, and we all turned 60 over the last few months and the next few months. And so, we were planning to go on this safari for my 60th birthday, so I was supposed to be out of town. And so, having to cancel that, and then on top of that, I live here with just me and Miss Simba, and my family being 800 miles away, it was so nice to be able to have them do that. It meant a lot.Michael Holtz -...:That's awesome. How much fun is that? Really?Wanda Gamble:Yes, thanks to the team and then to good friends and family, it hasn't been so isolating in this time of quarantine. So, just to keep that up, both with work and in our personal lives, as well, because it really does mean a lot, particularly for those of us who live by ourselves.Michael Holtz -...:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, thank you so much. Happy birthday from us.Wanda Gamble:Thank you.Michael Holtz -...:Thank you so much for sharing that story, Wanda. We appreciate it.Wanda Gamble:No worries. Thank you. Thanks for all you do.Male annouuncer...:Those were the voices of the Angie Lester, Casey Thomas, Rebecca Cavender, Isaac Clark, Amy Starkey and Wanda Gamble, sharing their work-from-home stories.Male Announcer ...:Thank you for listening to Further Together, the ORAU Podcast. To learn more about any of the topics discussed by our experts, visit . You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn at ORAU, and on Instagram at @orautogether. If you like Further Together, the ORAU Podcast, we would appreciate you giving us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Your reviews will help more people find the podcast. ................

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