Social Media Guide for New CoachesSocial media is a part of our Beachbody businesses because it is the easiest way to SHARE ourselves and share with others while providing value and hope in a sometimes very negative environment! Remember before you were introduced to Beachbody? Did you see a lot more negativity on your newsfeeds? I know I did! I think we forget after awhile of being surrounded by more positive people, that there are some people who’s newsfeeds are littered with negativity still! YOU might be their ONLY positive, funny and inspirational post they see that day! Don’t underestimate your impact you have!Over time you start to see what your followers love seeing and it’s easy to create posts you know they will engage with and share! They will also start messaging you out of the blue telling you that you have helped them and start asking about whatever you are doing! I promise I had crickets FOREVER when I was posting on my personal and like pages and then slowly, as I stayed consistent, people started engaging! I started tracking what I was doing, what worked and what didn’t work, so I could share this with our team. I try to get EMOTIONALLY involved with those who follow myself and my page and many have no CLUE I’m even a coach! They are just inspired! That's the someone's THEIR resource when they need tips and tricks! WHY would someone want to come to YOUR page daily to make sure they didn't miss something you posted?! The most important thing to remember is to BE CONSISTENT!!! No one wants a coach who’s here today and gone tomorrow! Creating a following and engagement on your page will take time, but those who stick it out, will be so glad they did! Now, let’s get started...YOU are your own brand. People will come to you for YOU. Your identity should not be a Beachbody Coach. You are YOU and YOU happen to help people by recommending Beachbody products! Be authentically YOU! Struggles and all! Be you, just share MORE of you!Social Media Strategy PostsValuable Content Posts(Here are different kinds of “valuable posts” you can make. Aim to post at least 1 valuable post per day. For example: Sharing an article about binge eating that you found helpful.)1 post/pic inviting your followers to a 5-Day Clean Eating/Detox Group, 21 Day Fix Challenge, or any challenge you are currently or planning to run. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND POSTING 2 CALLOUTS/INVITES PER WEEK!1 inspirational or funny status or picture: People love inspirational or funny posts to share. Create posts that make people think and feel better or laugh! Something that they would feel good about sharing with their friends or commenting on! Tip: How can you offer hope to people? What would the YOU before you started your health and fitness journey need to hear? What would you have wanted to hear when you were trying to start a journey. Put yourself in YOUR shoes before you started! Speak in your own voice. (check out for awesome quotes by topic).1 valuable resource post: Give advice on what you’re really good at! Share a link to an article, one that you’ve written, or something that would be of interest to your audience. Note: When sharing an article from another source, make sure to write a personal note. Don’t just hit “share”. When you click share, there will be an option to “Write Post” where you can share and write your thoughts or ask a question.1 random/strategic question to encourage engagement on your page. A perfect example would be, “Do you take naps? Do you feel like they energize you or make you even more tired?” A great site to use for ideas: Real Life PostsPost at least 1 “REAL LIFE” post per day (Status, Picture, and/or Video): Showcase YOU! This could be you at work, you as a mom, your struggles, your mistakes, you being goofy etc. These posts will be completely NON-Beachbody related.Lifestyle PostsPost at least 1 “LIFESTYLE” POST per day (Status, Picture, and/or Video): Lifestyle can be anything with you + your healthy lifestyle! These should include YOU! People want to see your face, your style, your humor! These can include you working out, eating a Fix approved recipe, drinking Shakeology, etc...but DO NOT mention a product or group in these post!! Let others ASK you what you are doing or become interested as they follow you! I recommend that 1 of these posts should be a video post, as video has done so well on Social Media! Try to share one, short (15 second - 90 second) video a day! Upload it DIRECTLY into Facebook, do not “share” from someone else’s page or share from Youtube...those videos get MUCH less views from Facebook followers! I’ve found that video does so well on Facebook, so try to make a plan to share at least 1 video per day!Another Posting-guide that some like to follow, is :Ideas for videos:Your workout clips (short and sweet, don’t make these too long or people don’t stay interested)A recipe with instructions on how to make it - show your personalityA personal thought A personal struggle you overcameA workout you made (search Pinterest for workouts and create your own!) Valuable tips and tricksPhone Apps to Use for Video: (Do not overcomplicate this...just make it and post it! We learn from our mistakes!)Pic, Play, Post (you can add pictures and video using this app! Each box can have a different exercise so you can share clips of your workouts) - there’s a free version and a paid for versioniMovie (for iphone) or Videoshow (for android)--You can add voiceover and create great videos using clips!) Phone Apps for Creating/Enhancing Pictures:Rhonna, WordSwag, Phonto, (I use these for adding words to pictures. be careful with too much wording on pics or posts as they are now seen as “memes” on Facebook and are shown less in the newsfeeds)PicStitch, Pixlr express, instacollage (I use these for adding several pics to one picture and as my before/after pic app)Overgram, PicLab HD, Snapspeed, AfterlightWebsites to use to create posts: - Tutorial: - Tutorial: Video Tutorials: How to Make an Ebook in Canva: to Make a Vision Board: the Background in PicMonkey: You Need a “Like” Page?We really do recommend that you start your own LIKE page, but you don’t have to do this until you are ready! You could start posting on your personal profile then start a Like page when you are ready for that step!If you create a “like” page, I recommend using YOUR name in the title so you are easy to find as you grow! So many times we try to create elaborate names, but remember YOU are your brand! For example, Brooke Dorsett - Fitness and Nutrition Here's a short video one of our upline coaches, Rochelle made about creating your Facebook Page step-by-step. Enjoy! can ONLY change the name of your like page TWICE! So, check with those on our team about your name! Do NOT use Beachbody in your name, your titles, your jobs etc. This is a RED flag to those who don’t know you well and they will automatically think they are going to be sold by you and your credibility and trust goes down significantly. Final ThoughtsRemember to ADD YOUR AUTHENTIC YOU to all your social media posts. Go ahead and modify any sample posts in this Sample Posts Document to make it fit you and your voice. Do not just copy and paste--modify it to make it fit you! If you are sharing ANY before and afters’ of yourself, PLEASE make sure you watermark your photos by adding your name or website! You would be shocked at how many people have had their before and after’s stolen from scammers of diet companies! Do not “steal” other people’s photos or use copyrighted materials as this is illegal and could result in issues down the road. Be smart!Do not post generic pics of Beachbody products. When posting pictures about the 21-Day Fix and the 21-Day Fix Extreme, for example, add yourself to the pictures! Be creative.Only about 10-15% of your posts should be related to Beachbody and/or coaching. So, for example, if you post 10 times per day on Facebook, only make 1 posts relating to the 21-Day Fix. You can make a second post relating to you or your challengers’ fitness journey: eating, workouts, challengers’ progress. * Making posts on your personal or Like Page WALL or Instagram or blog DOES NOT QUALIFY AS AN INVITE. Don’t neglect the WORK of actually Reaching out to people, connecting, building relationship/rapport and extending an invite to JOIN YOU in some form of a journey, be it: a free 5 day group, to your ongoing free group, or to do a program with shakeology in your challenge group. These invites we TRACK DAILY are PERSONAL INVITES. Directly To The Person.* Use HASHTAGS. If you haven’t caught on, hashtags are a big thing currently. But contrary to popular silliness, they aren’t just clever ways to make run on sentences, they are ways that people find information/inspiration pertaining to an area they hold interest. Ie hashtags like “moms who lift” or “fit mom” or how about “transformation Tuesday”… people looking for motivation from a fellow mom who’s gotten in shape, or a person who’s accomplished the transformation they’re hoping to make--- they will SEARCH that hashtag name, and if you’ve don’t your job right, they will scroll along your image! Great way to build a cold market aka create a circle of ppl you otherwise wouldn’t have known/had exposure to.Look into “Hootsuit”, “buffer”, “sproutsocial” or “postcron”. These are apps you can use to PRE PROGRAM the post you want to make at a certain time, so that they work is done ahead of time for a later time when you may be at your job or know you will be occupied with family obligations. That way you STILL STAY TRUE to the commitment you made to your coaching business. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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